
Sunday 19 June 2016

15mm Modern Russian MVD "Vityaz" or Men in Black wearing balaclavas.....

.....from Armies Armies!

Now these are listed as sci-fi on the website but they were the cool looking figures wearing balaclavas and could be loosely based on this unit from the MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs). 

A little boring painting in black but they didn't turn out too bad, they'll need vehicles though.....

Could be used as Spetsnaz, maybe "Alfa" or any of the Russian elites?

Nice figures, little flash, love the vehicle riders and have some more who will get a more traditional camouflage colour (with 15mm you take what you can get)........

Vitayz (Knight) was formed in 1991, it was assigned specifically to counter terrorism duties, but was trained to deal with civil unrest, prison rebellions and mutinies 

Some real Russian Men in Black.........

Wednesday 8 June 2016

15mm Modern Iveco LMV 4WD from.....

......Evil Bear Wargames. 

It's listed on the site as a British Army "Panther".

The Russians have them and this is my attempt until someone produces a 15mm Tigr, these are about the best resin models I have ever bought, crisp and great detail (the wing mirror was broken when it arrived but after much swearing I finally glued it back in place), came in a metal tin with a tea bag.There will probably be no more 15mm models from the company due to poor sales and they will focus on the 28mm business for the time being..............

...........but could be used for several other nationalities.

I have put a figure comparison shot to show scale in case they're your thing.......

Some blurb.........

Iveco LMV (Light Multirole Vehicle) is a 4WD tactical vehicle developed by Iveco, and in service with several countries. After its adoption by the Italian Army under the name VTLM Lince (Lynx)(Veicolo-Tattico-Leggero-Multiruolo), it won the FCLV (Future Command and Liaison Vehicle) competition of the British Army as the Panther and has been adopted by the armies of Belgium, Albania, Norway, Russia and Spain. The Italian Army took vehicles to both Afghanistan and Lebanon. In Afghanistan Lince vehicles have saved passengers' lives in several attacks with IEDs.

Similar but different.........

The figures are 15mm Eureka and Oddzial Osmy.

Belgian I believe......

Need some modern 15mm Russian stars......