
Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Games Workshop WH40K Stormraven Gunship Bodging and Comparison Pictures

....bodging a sensor/targetting array to the gunship.

Finally made my Valentines day gift ( I like making kits), this one had a few areas where things didn't fit exactly as they shoud and required bodging (angry scratchbuilding) like cutting pieces to fit but maybe it was just me. I finished it after a couple of hours over a few days and I must say it's a lovely bit of kit and will fit in well with what I want it for but I have never gotten to grips with the top mounted firing point (it just looks out of place to me) so I decided I would change it by putting something else there, hence the bodging and I must admit I like it and I moved some guns to under the wings (madness I know).

The new piece is made from 2 sensor pieces from the company Old Crow Models, a GW piece that I have no idea what it's from (was in my bits box) and something from an office board (???) but it was in the bits box. I then did some size and comparison pictures for others who might like to own this model (in it's original state probably, hope it helps and bodging is king!

The piece replaced is seen here, the cockpit with the gatling guns. 

Front view with new attachment.

Side view.

Front view of bodged piece.

Side view.

Rear view.

With some 28mm Lead Adventure, Copplestone and Hasslefree Miniatures.

Front view with the addition of a 28mm Four A Miniature.

28mm Antenocitis Warthog and Pig Iron APC.

Another view with the Pig Iron APC.

28mm Pig Iron Miniatures and Antencitis Warthog.

A closer view with the 28mm Pig Iron Miniatures.

28mm Old Crow Gunship.

With anothe GW product the beautiful Valkyrie for scale.


  1. Nice job on that conversion. I think your change looks much more streamlined and aerodynamic than the original GW look. Also more realistic.

  2. The original version looks like something out of Advance Wars.. Surprising for GW. (I do love Advance Wars though)

  3. You are starting to get quite a little collection of sci fi vehicles. Looks good. And, I learned a new word!

  4. looks a real mean machine - very cool mod

  5. That's pretty cool. I like how you moved the parts around and made it the way you wanted.

  6. Great mod! I love the look. I particularly enjoy the predator at the front.

  7. Top marks for skill... and no reflection on what you've done, but it has to be the ugliest model I've ever seen. The GW guy who came up with that needs a bloody good hiding. The Valkyrie on the other hand really looks 'future' and quite sexy to me.

  8. yeah, i get my 15 mins quite often. and cam crew is always missing it. dont get why i keep bringing em lol. those airplanes look badass. u should stick one of those battery powered helicopter things in one and make it actually fly. they cant be that heavy can they?

  9. @Jim Hale: It does have a flying dump truck look to it but also robust.

  10. Lurker everytime I check out your site I am amazed by the work (and space) you dedicate to your mods (i hope I am using that word correctly). Fantastic work!

  11. Thanks for the scale comparison. I've yet to build mine, so I was wondering how it would compare. A friend built his, but I haven't had a chance to inspect it with other vehicles for scale!

  12. I really like what you've done on top. I'm generally a fan of the model, but I think the turret and intake are the weak points. The overall effect is dragonfly-like and you can imagine it being very manoeuvrable.

  13. You can't mess with the gatling guns! Blasphemy! Just kidding, it looks damn fine.

  14. I echo Porky's opinion; you've tackled the only weak spot on a great model and done it well.

    I haven't got mine yet, too much else stalled on the production line, but this has given me some idea of the more streamline look I'm going to apply to that JCB cab turret.

  15. Great job. I don't have the patience to paint.

  16. The one on the right I could see as a dragon fly but this one, no, it's more like a hippo. Maybe a dog, but I think hippopotamus.

  17. That Predator is rockstar. Excellent painting, sir.

    Dude, you're a Hurt fan? The American ones, not the Polish, right? They're one of my favorites.

  18. Great stuff there, I can't wait to see some of the battle scenes you set up with these.
