
Sunday, 13 March 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Review 29: Devil (3 STARS)

Didn't have a great vibe before sitting down to watch this movie but ended up pleasantly surprised by been entertained and the movie fulfilling the 3 STAR rule, you've all heard about 5 people trapped in a lift in a building and I thought that was the whole 80mins but no there is other stuff happening outside of the elevator, they are been monitored after security (my profession) call the police after CCTV viewing of the elevator requires them to do so. No real stars in this but that doesn't matter as everything is quite quick paced and hurtles towards a conclusion that the people trapped in the lift were meant to be there, at the very least you can place a wager with family or friends at the beginning to see who is the devil is. Don't want to give too much away but it's worth a watch late at night and may make you think twice about taking the elevator.

As usual the rating guide is at the bottom of the blog.


  1. thx for review :p I must watch this movie :)

  2. gonna see it i like horror flicks

  3. I remember when this movie first came out and I wanted to watch it. I'm not quite sure why I haven't yet. I may watch it tonight actually. Thanks for reminding me =]

  4. I don't want to develop a phobia of elevators, thanks all the same.

  5. It´s a psychological one then? No monsters?
    Ive heard about it but Me like ones with monsters and creepy undead things.

  6. Sounds like a good premise, bu the devil's always in how the thing gets developed. I'll keep an eye out for a chance to see it.

  7. I like this kind of movie, will check it out

  8. I got kicked out of this movie just when it was just starting to get good! Dammit, now I have to rent it! ;)

  9. @THUNDERCAT832:What did you get kicked out of the movie for?

  10. That looks like an interesting movie!

  11. A simple premise. Maybe the execution can turn it into something though. A devil in an elevator huh.

  12. haha I think it would be awesome if they would put that poster in elevators!

  13. sounds interesting, i could check it out

  14. is the devil the old lady?

  15. Not seen it yet, you'lkl have to lend it me Fran??

  16. I have to admit I thought that 5 people in an elevator seemed not to be worth 80 minutes of film, but I was surprised by how good this film actually was. Three stars seems fair, I might have gone as far as four given they did a lot with an elevator.

  17. Hmm... The Thing/Phonebooth mixed together with Drag me to Hell, it sounds like.

    Gonna check this out :)

  18. I never saw the movie but i had guess correctly after watching the trailer who the devil was...its soo obvious...

  19. might give this a watch - cheers

  20. sounds interesting! The poster looks so good as well. I hope it's better than Buried (a guy trapped in a coffin for 90 minutes. Shit film)

  21. I have heard alot of good things about this movie, I might just check it out myself. Seems like a twisted version of Waiting for Gedoux(sp)...

  22. may watch this thanks

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