
Sunday 27 March 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Review 31: Let Me In.(3 STARS)

A bullied young boy befriends a young female vampire who lives in secrecy with her guardian.

Have not seen the original movie that this is based on but have been led to believe that they are very nearly like for like, it's about a young boy (Owen) living in an apartment block with his mother who is going through a nasty divorce with his father when a young girl (Abby) moves into the apartment next door with her father and a strange friendship develops, for the young boy has a terrible time at school from bullying and the young girl who looks 14 is really not and is a vampire and her "father" who is not really her father but more a blood supplier from unsuspecting locals, her father dies in a botched blood supply attempt and the young girls friendship with owen gets more serious with Owen, she convinces him to stand up to his bullies and this leads to Owen fighting back with terrible consequences at the end of the movie, there is a cop investigating all the murders and believes satanists are at work but to me this is a vampire love story and the last one I remember was Bram Stokers Dracula with Keanu Reeves and Anthony Hopkins.

This is a good vampire horror love story movie, their blossoming friendship and his coming to terms with what she is and his reactions are what make the movie, there is gore but nothing excessive, I only knew two of the main characters, Abby played by Chloe Moertz who was in Kick-Ass and Elias Koteas who plays the cop very well (he was in Shutter Island, The Thin Red Line, Shooter...) but it's got a great ending (you know I like revenge) and a happy sort of how will that work ending but maybe I'm just getting soppy in my old age.

Great performances from everybody involved, my review guide to the 3 STARS are at the bottom of the blog page.


  1. The original movie is so fantastic that I'm really dragging my feet to watch this one. Your review will help though.

  2. thanks, i might see this US remake. :D

  3. Good review. I liked this film, though I did feel it was a bit unneccessary, given the quality and accessibility of the original. It is interesting that some of the characters come off a little differently just because of slightly different performances from the actors, rather than script differences.

  4. It sounds a cool film...I love decent vampire movies that aren't full of sullen looking vamps who can't keep eye contact

  5. The movie is quite good, although the Swedish version is better. If you get the chance to read the novel that the films are based on then do so. The novel is one of the best vampire novels I've ever read and is far superior to both films, although understandably, there a lot of scenes in the book that just couldn't be screened.

  6. I wouldn't mind seeing this. As long as it's not like those twilight movies. hehe

  7. Sounds interesting. I'll probably check it out when it comes on the film channels.


  8. I think 3 stars is perfect score

  9. I liked the detail how Owen isn't actually a friend of Abby like he thinks he is, but her victim. And how Abby systematically turns him into her "slave parent" and so continues this neverending cycle.

  10. I watched this movie the other week and was quite impressed really. Was a really sweet movie <3

    Great review!

  11. Echo the comments about the original being a little better than the remake (no surprise there,) but today I learned about the novel. Gotta add that to the reading list.

  12. Pretty good review and ironically I rented this movie last night. I fell asleep watching it and plan on finishing it today.

  13. So you're saying that during this movie you were
    The Less angry Lurker? 8^)
    Sounds like one we'll have to look for.

  14. A good movie, strong acting from these kids especially, but the original is far superior in almost every aspect.

    I did a review/rant for Let Me In a while back:

    I've calmed down since then though. haha

  15. Hooray for new Hammer movies! I saw the original Let the Right One In and really enjoyed it so I'll have to give this one a go too.

  16. Pretty kool movie..Are they going shoot this in ford too?

  17. Sound like a cool movie, i remember one where there where vampires and a guy gets bit, and is left in a field in a car, and the car is going in circles in the field, and the dude needs sunglasses to be outside cuz hes starting to transform into a vampire. Dont remember the name or anything else of this movie but i remember it was great.

  18. Yes sir 3 stars sounds about right it's a good film.

  19. i saw the orginal few days ago, you reviewed the remake?

  20. Sounds good, I'll have to look into it :D
    Nice blog.

    + if you'd like to check me back :D

  21. I've seen the original and even that was only a 3 star movie for me too.

  22. This movie was better than I thought it would be, but still weird. I wasn't sure if I liked the ending, but I suppose it fits the movie.

  23. I never seen the original but this looks pretty good. I'll have to see the original first and then this one to see the difference :D

  24. Not seen this one yet, I'll look out for it.

  25. The original was great, not a fan of remakes though

  26. I'm sorry for this long period of no-show on the blog but I had some health problems,'m sorry again

  27. I recommend the original version “Let The Right One In”

  28. Ohh... i had no idea that there is a remake existing. I have seen the original and i loved it, it is a wonderful movie with a special athmosphere. But i think i will watch this remake also, i am curious now :)

  29. I haven't decided whether to see this one or not. I loved the original and I have a terrible habit of getting my hopes up for films. BUT! a Hammer film!
