
Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Bring and Buy Bargain and Dadi&Piombo No.44 Magazine.

.......a bring and buy gem and a magazine article from a fellow blogger and my retirement fund.

Picked up this beauty at Cavalier 2011 for £12.00 and this is my second only purchase from a bring and buy stand ever (the other one was a book years ago), chain link fencing for my zombie/modern gaming (will probably paint the base grey), it is shown on a 2ft by ft gaming tile with a couple of 28mm figures for scale, delighted with the purchase and the versatility of the item.

Received my free signed copy of Italian wargames magazine Dadi&Piombo No.44 (Dice and Lead) from Bryan Scott a.k.a Vampifan over at, in it is a great article he did for the magazine on 28mm zombies (now that I've read it for myself) he compares the sizes of 32 zombie figure manufacturers plus rules, movies and book recommendations, there is other great stuff in the magazine including zombie gaming rules, samurai article........but here's where it gets to my retirement fund, I expect big things fro Bryan and when he rises to become a publishing great I will have this signed copy and sell it to retire to somewhere hot for my old age with Pamela Anderson. So drop over to Vampifan and read the full article if you have not already done so.

The magazine in question.
The article and the all important signature.

I have purchased this magazine before at shows and while it is italian it does have a english translation by the side of the italian text.


  1. I confess I never knew there was so much in the way of minatures for modern games. Following your blog has been an education. :)

  2. That fencing is great, nice buy. I think I might be taking some time to study and shamelessly copy it. I plan on buying a copy of the magazine too.

  3. What a bargain! I'm afraid I just whimp-out when I see crouds four deep at the Bring and Buy. I can't be bothered to fight my way to the front. Besides I always feel guilty that when I do barge in because I'm taking up the space of two people... maybe three.

  4. What a great bargin. Very well made.

  5. WOW thats awesome, im inspired. i used to make warhammer 40k models paint them and what not you've inspired me to start again!

  6. I have a large seashell collection, which I keep scattered on beaches all over the world. Perhaps you've seen it?

  7. The way you're going in fame terms, Pamela Anderson might be making plans to retire with you. Great fences. Will visit Vampifan now.

  8. That looks actually pretty cool.

  9. Great catch on that fence!

  10. That fence looks great. Was that scratchbuilt by the seller? Or is it produced by a company?

  11. @Luckyjoe: I believe I benefited from the skill of a scratchbuilder.

  12. Looks pretty cool. I know my son would enjoy that a lot.

  13. Hi, Fran. I'm so glad you received your free magazine and that you like it. The overwhelming response from my followers was for signed copies, hence my autograph appearing in your copy.
    Thanks for the kind words, as well. It is very much appreciated.
    Ha, when I become a publishing great! Only in my dreams!

  14. That's awesome man. Always love to get a good deal on something.

  15. the barbed wire looks really detailed! what a great buy!

  16. The bared fence looks awesome and grats on the signed magazine :D!

  17. You can do better than Pamela Anderson!

  18. Huh, that looks kinds of neat. Never seen a miniature fence for this kind of stuff before.

  19. Do you have a shot, or blog entry showing ALL your stuff?

    Just curious, because whenever I visit your blog, it makes me pine for some gaming; which I have a hard time finding players.

    Oh yeah, when you retire to an island, do you really still want it to be Pamela Anderson? She's kind of uh...old news? Is that the polite way to say it?

  20. lol the first picture reminds me of a counterstrke map i used to play :D

  21. Will be a lot of work until its finished

  22. wow that really is nice dude :)

  23. i remember childhood. i've spend so many days playing with miniature indians and cowboys :D

  24. You never know what you'll find at bring n buy

  25. Im constantly impressed by you

  26. I know yours Mrs knows about your pamela fetish, but does she know that you plan to run off with her, I guess not as your still breathing!!!

  27. My buddy's are into this stuff, I'm too poor, other hobbies to spend the dough on anyway :P

    Follwing and supporting though :P

  28. A "predator" figure? Awesome. Fun sounding hobby tho.

  29. duuude this game looks pretty sweet tho

  30. I see you in the last picture ... love the fence. Very cool stuff, Lurker. And just so you know ... while I was at the shop last night, Tim brought home a bag of chips/crisps. Not me. Ha!

  31. dude, is that a predator i see on pic 3??

  32. Wow. It's very detailed. Good job.

  33. Really nice! I love all your work.

  34. @Ray Rousell: She's quite ok with it as long as Pamela asks me.

  35. That fencing is rad. Can't wait to see your full setup.

  36. It's not often you can find a deal THAT good! The puny humans will be running from those undead in style now!

  37. the layout reminds me of a game I played recently where you have to infect humans. Nothing really great in this comment, but you did trigger a memory of a game I had fun playing. That's an A+ in my book.

  38. that looks awesome haha, i want to try it

  39. I know a guy 78 years old, still not retired, who says his retirement plan is to live in a cave, in Mexico, with two women, who both get along fine with the situation.

    He was practicing his Spanish for it, but still not retired.

  40. i need a fench like that around my ice hockey pond. including the lahey and randy guards.
