
Monday 25 April 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Review 35: Monsters.(3 STARS)

Six years ago NASA discovered the possibility of alien life within our solar system. A probe was launched to collect samples, but crashed upon re-entry over Central America. Soon after, new life form began to appear and half of Mexico was quarantined as an INFECTED ZONE. Today, the American and Mexican military still struggle to contain "the creatures"...... Our story begins when a US journalist agrees to escort a shaken tourist through the infected zone in Mexico to the safety of the US border.

Watched this and don't know what to think other than it appears to be a road/jungle/river movie with a love story blossoming and a lot of really large aliens thrown in, now I was expecting a lot of pitched battles and military interventions but there is a lot of hardware on show constantly, jets, helicopters, tanks etc... but very little action actually seen apart from jets constantly buzzing across the screen, explosions from bombing missions (which is probably the main reason the aliens attack) and the calls of the alien creatures.

This movie is more about the relationship between the 2 main stars, ice cold and a little hostile at the beginning but develops into something more as the movie progresses, it's a low budget movie but doesn't really look it, the aliens when you see them are quite well done, the movie doesn't explain much about them, you are left a lot to form your own conclusions, which to me are the armies of Mexico and the US trying to contain the creatures in the infected zone but not having a lot of luck, this is no District 9 but it was worth a watch.
Two points to be made, this movie was said to have one of the best sex scenes ever, I didn't realise they meant alien sex (best alien sex scene my arse, have they not seen Species) and the end and the beginning of the movies are mixed up, you won't mind having watched this movie but I think it's the type of movie you would only watch once.


  1. Thank you for the review. Looks like a....if a nothing else is on type of movie.


  2. I'll watch it when it comes on TV but It's not a film I'd want to buy.

  3. I too liked this movie. But, as you said, worth watching, once...

  4. like you, i was looking for more epic battles instead of the love story plot line.

    such a misleading title. :|

  5. I constantly expected something to happen in this movie and nothing did, it wasn't a terrible movie, but I won't watch it again.

  6. Sounds like a movie to watch if it's on the telly and there is nothing else on but not one to rush out to buy. Thanks for helping keeping my pennies in my pocket Fran

  7. Good review. I thought about renting this this past weekend, but decided not to rent anything at the past minute. Maybe I'll check it out this coming weekend.

  8. Great review man! I've gotta watch this at some point!

  9. Thanks Lurker, was looking at this one to rent also.

  10. Interesting review, and it's got me intrigued. I hadn't heard of it - no surprise there - but I'll keep an eye out. I'm a bit of a fan of simpler, weirder, less easily defined movies, and this does seem like one.

  11. i like these types of movies!!!!

  12. Thanks Angry. I was wondering about this one.

  13. Thanks for the review mate... I was quite interested in the concept, now I'm not so sure. You've been spot on with your reviews of stuff I've already seen, so odds are you're right this time too... looks like a rental rather than a buy then.

  14. Hmmmm.. I thought it was going to be a zombie movie, but instead its Aliens!! interesting!

  15. Sounds intriguing to me. I'd watch it once. hehe

  16. I've never even heard of this movie. I'm intrigued though. I might give it a go.

  17. I heard they made some sort of intelligent life computer programme for the CGI aliens, so that they would react to events around the hell that workes I don´t know.
    Don´t sound as good as I thought it would be.

  18. Dunno if it sounds like something I'd wanna watch, but I think I'll give it a peek.

  19. This was one of those films that was advertised one way, but something completely different when you watched it. It took me a while to get over that because I kept excpecting something to happen that never did. Once that feeling went away I was able to enjoy the movie and focus on how the two main characters are feeling with everything as they make their way to the border. The ending was nice.

  20. im ready for this to happen in real life, come at me zombies

  21. looks cool wanna check it out thanx

  22. "best alien sex scene my arse,"

    Was that a description or a request?

  23. I tried googling that sex scene with no success ;_;

  24. I was curious about this. Thanks for sparing me having to watch it. The sex scene, though... you can't talk about it like that and expect me NOT to look it up.

    Oh, and best alien sex scene is reserved for Splice. Look it up and you'll see why.

  25. I immediately drew the same connection about this one that you did, comparing it to District 9 but not as good. Solid post.

  26. Thanks for warning. I hate grossy sticky aliens and these movies always are made as payback for mocking some good movies or not appreciating good movies I think..

  27. Thanks for the great review - I enjoyed District 9 but it didn't compare with the first Alien so I'm wary of comparisons between other sci-fi movies as they are such an eclectic mix. For example - Battle of Los Angeles for instance - great CGI but annoying jiggling camera and crap storyline that doesn't come close to Cloverfield.

    Just discovered your blog - excellent mix of stuff that also fascinates me. Just to show my appreciation I've nominated you for a blog award thingy. Its a chain-mail pay-it-forward type of thing which you may not want to indulge but your excellent blog is nonetheless a worthy recipient!


  28. Something like this needs to happen in real life, so life can be an adventure :D

  29. looks cool. Might have a look at it.

  30. Nice review, might check it out some time!

  31. Great review! I think I'm absolutely agree with your opinion on this film. I also thought this is the type of movie you would only watch once.

  32. great review, thanks for the post

  33. Yeah the marketing for this movie is really misleading, still it's really impressive for such a low budget production. Made for under $500,000

  34. I saw this on netflix the other day but they said I would probably rate it what you did: 3 stars. I was disappointed, because I usually don't like anything netflix says I'll rate under 3.5

  35. have never even heard of this movie.

  36. Another one I've not seen ....yet!

  37. Doesn't look like something I would watch

  38. Never heard of this before....the general consensus seems that its a let down so, I guess I'll pass here.

  39. this is quite interesting! First time i've heard about this!

  40. mmm alien sex, i have to see that, lol

  41. Not bad a lil slow but not bad
