
Thursday 12 May 2011

Blogger Problems?

Blogger giving anybody else arseache, it wouldn't let me comment on blogs until recently and if it did it was with the blog title Bigmanfran, so if somebody with the handle Bigmanfran but with my ugly mush has commented it was me or if signed The Angry Lurker that was me, it seems to be sorted now but it's given me arseache as I have now given up on posting what I was meant to but that's maybe why I'm not called The Happy Lurker:P

A new sign for my department at work.

.........and a picture for the boys.......or girls.


  1. I couldnt post either for an hour or so, kept redirecting me to some help page (in bloody german too!)

    Seems to be sorted now though...

    nice pic, cheers :)

  2. A good notice. Working together can be a great work out.

    Yep, it was down for a bit. Getting info was not a dream. I hope there's some improvement in reporting mechanisms.

  3. Yeah Blogger went down at like 1-2AM EST so probably what it was. Nice pic btw haha

  4. It was messing about all this morning, cleared up about an hour ago...and what´s strange, me using a german provider, it kept directing me to a site in bloody english :-D ;-D

  5. It still is strange...look at Porky´s name....?? Emails1..?? And Mork6969 yust came up under his real name as well.

  6. If anyone else is still commenting under the wrong profile name, just go to the dashboard, select 'edit profile' and change the name displayed.

  7. yeah blogger was playing up for me this morning but it seems fine now. And those boobies just made my day lol

  8. yep had also problems, but it;s ok now

  9. Yup, same problem here. At one point it even told me I didn't have a blog, which induced a mild sense of panic.

    But app it was a "routine maintenance" issue. Thanks for the notice guys!

    Don't know who the woman is Fran, but I was really drawn in by how red her lipstick was

  10. Blogger was seriously acting up, first a service is unavailable see issue page, then the cryptic can not perform requested action with a code, then a blogless control panel, and finially a can not find server error on my browser. a swerious profane chant and esoterc mojo and it lurched back to life. I love the sign/ Ummmmm I had to look at her picture again yes she does have a great shade of red lipstick... However now I have an overwhelming hunger for melons for some reason.

  11. I've had problems with my blog all morning but as others have said, it was all the fault of Blogger doing maintenance service.

    Nice photo, Fran! As a member of the FBI (Federation of Boobs Inspectors) I volunteer to inspect the young lassie's awesome shoulder boulders. It'd be strictly business, of course... ahem!

  12. Yep, same story as everyone else re: Blogger. Nice poster and nice photo, btw.

  13. I think it was going through maintenance but everything is going fine now. :)

  14. Yeah, I thought I got hacked or something but it was just Google 'doing maintenance'

  15. Blogger was doing some screwy things on me yesterday but everything seems to be ok now.

  16. Blogger was doing some behind the scenes maintenance which I thought it said would last an hour, but it seemed to take much longer. But normal service has resumed for the moment ;)

    Oh, and nice... picture!

  17. I had no problems, but then again, I'm not usually posting, since I don't have much time.

  18. Fran- I have been having problems off and on for the past week with my Blogger Dashboard. My reading list will vanish and say I am not following any other blogs, when I go back and open my dashboard or refresh the page about 10 minutes later everything's back, then a couple hours later it does it again. I am going to attribute it to Google doing some updates to Blogger.

  19. Yeah im pretty sure it was going through maintenance

  20. What were you saying? I got distracted by the boobs.

  21. that last pic is yum yum!

  22. Working fine for me.

  23. It went doolally for me this morning but I just left it alone and come back later. Works fine now.

  24. yo the same thing happened to me when i wanted to comment this guy:

    I had to log in with my google account and was weird..

  25. I lost everone I was following on the dashboard...I have to go a different route to comment . I usually use Firefox , it wont let me comment on anything so i have to go to Safari to comment...a real pain in the ass.
    love that sign.

  26. A bunch of people didn't like the down time. Something about 'read only mode' made a lot of people upset. Meh.

  27. Same issues earlier this morning but now it won't let me Sign-Out!


  28. It always gives me a headache lol.

  29. I did see the "bigmanfran" and was like hmm who's this. But you signed it as TheAngryLurker ^_^

  30. No problems here - hadn't noticed the 'bigmanfran' either.

  31. havent encountered this yet

  32. I had the same lack of being able to post problem--but your second pic has cheered me up.

  33. Quite a number of problems over the last couple of weeks - followers section appeared empty for a while. Then when I went to design mode I was seeing server request errors - sometimes the design page loaded if you refreshed the page. Still get odd error codes where certain sections should be on the dashboard and stats pages.

  34. I was fine but I didn't get on until 11am EST

  35. I was having problems with my blog last night, but it seems like everything is working fine now! Btw that picture is win!

  36. I still have some trouble: this morning no way to leave a comment nor go to my control panel to write something... But now I can, except it's not my alias but my real name (not that I care)

  37. No problems my end, except I keep losing numbers on my posts in my top 10 most viewed. One's lost over 200 in one night!!!!
    I hope you include YOURSELF in that 'orrible poster. As your the main culprit of all our woe's you miserable git!!

  38. yeah lurker. ive experianced this as well. it has its problems. but it clears up after a few days. and i love that pic!

  39. I'll look out for bigmanfran but haven't seen. haha. sounds like a drag queen name.

  40. I've been busy with Miss Wiggy and kind of cleaning, so I haven't been on the notice any problems. But I did want to say howdy.


  41. Funniest thing about it was it gave an error code, and I could click on 'search to find answers to this problem' which lead to a page with a long string of people just commenting 'yes i have this too, don't know why, how or how to fix it- I hate it' etc.

    But the best is how many people had clicked 'yes I find this helpful'. Really? How is that helpful? I guess Misery just loves company.

  42. Had some problems with the update of the blogs I follow, but that's fixed now.

    Nice pictures Fran :-) I think I can use that first one at the office ;-) And that second one at home. I've got a lot of dishes to do :-D


  43. i haven't had any issues at all, but then again i've only just gotten on today

  44. Oh dear, you've lost all 47 comments, he he!!

  45. Yes I had problems too..some kind of site maintainance or some such.

  46. Yeah i also had the same problem not being able to comment oh and THOSE ARE SOME HUGE MAGUMBOS! me likes them

  47. Drooooool.... Oh, I'm sorry, was I staring ma'am?

    I've been hearing about this blackout all over the place now.. good thing I'm lazy as shit and haven't posted recently, lol.

  48. Yea does anyone know what was up with blogger these past few days??

  49. Yeah bloggers been so annoying!! ;D

  50. Yep, Fran caused a server overload with his second picture... they had to roll back blogger three days just to get it to breathe again.

    I have to admit seeing 'Big man Fran' did make me think I'd clicked on some adult dating site by mistake though.

  51. Well worth coming back too for a second time and the red lipstick is still very red!

  52. blogger is just helping you be more angry :D also nice pictures

  53. Yeah, its just a thing. Everyone's blog just about has been affected.

  54. I have to admit I'm a bit stressed about losing a few hours worth of edits and content... they said they'd get the missing posts back, but I have this feeling...

  55. Haven't had any problems like that yet. And a great picture! hehe

  56. I'd love half an hour on those bad boys!

  57. Nice picture with excellent highlighting, are you moving your painting to 280mm now...
