
Friday 27 May 2011


Yesterday got away from me, an area manager and a site manager down to visit site for seven and a half hours, tested my patience and small talk skills.

 I visited a blog that lost it's Google adsense recently and the owner said if it didn't come back the blog would no longer be posting because it wasn't worth it, I don't place any adds on my blog but that's just me, I don't have a problem with it on other blogs, I blog for enjoyment, relaxation and a mild form of anger therapy. This brings me to my point of blog following, I always comment on anybody who comments on my blog or visit them again if they haven't posted recently, I then visit my favourite blogs regardless of whether they visit me or not and then I hit my blogroll which is made up of over 300 favourites,visitors and commenter's blogs. And finally my point, please read or comment on peoples blogs if you follow them or try to read and follow more, I do and it's opened the world up to myself who hasn't seen a lot of it and even made a few new friends and that's saying something. Rant over.

Appreciate the 92 comments on my last post (3 or 4 where mine but damn!).

Like to mention a few blogs that deserve more followers or readers; Good miniature blog.   Good non smoking blog. Good Italian miniature blog. Good German miniature blog (run by Oli). Good miniature blog, very good. Good Italian miniature blog.

If I've forgotten you or not already mentioned you before let me know, do this a lot so you'll probably get mentioned anyway and I don't charge anything.

Please make sure when you follow a blog that there's a link to your blog as some of my followers I have never been able to follow their blogs back (not everybody has a blog I know).

Got a game this weekend with the Rejects (will post pictures next week), it's also a 3 day weekend here and you people who read or comment have yourselves a damn good weekend.


  1. i am not there.. sad face :)

  2. Some great blogs, will definatly check em all out ;D

  3. Cool - I'm sort of the same... Most blogs interest me at least a little bit, and so I follow more than I can ever hope to keep up with, but I try to, all the same. :D

    I haven't collected miniatures for a looooong time now, but reading your blog and seeing your collection reminds me of those days :D Awesome.

  4. Well said that man.

    There are some very good blogs out there and its quite refreshing to see other people's take on the hobby and what they get a buz from.

  5. great post, nice to see you're supporting other blogs too. will definitely check them out. and im guessing you've just made 600 followers? :P congrats dude.

  6. Good stuff - approach and choices both. The last blog is missing a link by the way.

  7. Great post Fran, I couldn't agree more, 90 comments on your last post, Holy $h!t!!!

  8. Well said. It's when you start actively following other blogs - commenting and discussing - that things really opens up!

    God knows I could be better at it though. Haha!

  9. I'm checking out all the blogs you mentioned. And although I have adsense, it's not a definitive thing for me, if people click on it, they do. But I am way way more passionate about educating about the Universe. I definitely think I've been helping the blogging community, just as much as I have enjoyed your history lessons. They beat my ruddy tank, airplane, and space shuttle models.

  10. "tested my patience and small talk skills" -- I feel your pain! Will definitely check out the blogs you recommend.

  11. I agree completely. For me, comments--knowing that somebody's paying attention--make a difference between me posting or not when work, life, or just laziness make it easier not to.

    You're one of the most diligent in this regard, and you deserve some newly minted blog award for it. :)

    Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  12. First of all thanks for the mentioning Francis. I am honoured.

    I am more the lurker guy. I follow quite a few blogs but I very seldom comment any posts. Sometimes it's because I don't exactly know how to express myself in english but mostly I just don't know what to say. But you're right, blogging is also about feedback and I think I should lurk less and comment more.

    The most annoying things about area managers at my working place is the mixture of english/german stuff they are saying. They are replacing about every 4th german word with the englisch version and think they sound smart.

  13. thanks for the links, I trust you and I'll check them out !
    Have a good weekend

  14. visiting those blogs now. :)

  15. Great post. Having only just started out in this blogging thingy I am still finding my way.Your comments have certainly helped me so far.

  16. ahhh yeah, you're the best. thanks for all the awesome.

  17. I really respect your decision to not have ads on your blog. Anyway, I hope you make the most of your long weekend!

  18. I agree that comments are a good thing. It is one of the communication modes that is missing on a static site. It gives an opportunity for discussion of the topic posted. I try to post, though I am not as diligent as you. In m defense being on a dial up connection makes my surfing all the blogs I would like to read very time consuming. I do like our morning comment exchange on my blog.

    I do have ad sense and Amazon ads on my blog, but I don't spend my time trying to run the blog as a business. I am an unemployed pensioner in waiting and a couple dollars to keep the lights on could always help.

    Sorry for the length of my comment, you know I never say something in five words when I can write a hundred.

    Have a great extended weekend. and may your dice be hot.


  19. you are such a nice person!!

  20. You speak wisely, Fran. I couldn't agree with you more.

  21. I agree with what you said and I do all those things myself. Follow to be followed, read to be read and comment to be commented is the prime directive of the blogosphere.

    Thanks for mentioning me in the post :) Although I'm not sure I'm one of those who need more readers since I have 2,000 visitors every day and around 10,000 to 15,000 every week :)

  22. My blog is add free and will always stay add free. Like you I blog for my own enjoyment and fun.
    I always try to read the blogs that I follow. Of-course there is always a change that I miss one and also important there is always a change that the blogger post a message about a subject that I am not interested in. But I always try to read all the new posts.
    About writing comments. I used to do that lot more in the past but when you hardly get any response or comments back (this doesn't count for the few who do give comments on a more regular basis) the fun of giving comments slowly declines and you start wondering why you write comments at all.

  23. Awww... I'm not on the list. lol. Over 90 comments?! Dang! thats a whole lot!! :D

  24. Thanks a lot for the mention, :D

    And yes, these are very wise words.

  25. @DEZMOND: A few more won't hurt.

    @Zombie: You're huge already.

    @Hein: Keep going, you have a good blog, will mention your's next post.

  26. I haven't added adsense to my blog as I do not know if it would cheapen the experience for the readers. And really the blog is for my own enjoyment and since I only post once a week I doubt I could make any kind of money.

    I agree the commenting is a great forum of encourgement. I also like it when a blog owner gets involved in his own comments talking back and answering questions.

  27. My blog is add free - its about me, my content, and what anyone else wants to contribute. Nothing else.

    You havent mentioned me above, but you always comment on my posts, and I very much appreciate it. I always try to reciprocate. Its about community, encouragement, the sharing of ideas and mutual appreciation. You have had a great deal of success Fran, I congratulate you on it - its very much deserved and I hope it will continue.

  28. Those are some great blogs you mentioned there! Its sad that people stop blogging because they cant get money.

    Oh and BTW, My friend gave me that XBOX for free. Wouldn't you accept a free XBOX? Thats what I thought...LOL

  29. Very kind of you Angry to highlight my blog and I really do appreciate you mentioning it!:-))
    No question the massive following you have is well deserved as you try and comment as much as you can on other folks blogs which is no easy task with your blog roll. You walk the walk and talk the talk as the saying goes.;-)
    As to the rest of your post I totally agree and blog to be apart of the community.


  30. @Kicking Rocks: I'd still have to think about it, that controller is just wrong:)

  31. Great post, I agree with You. Greetings from Scotland :)

  32. Great list of blogs, of which I'm not following a few. Time to remedy that.

    Oh, and add me to the mix, just because I'm a whore like that.

  33. No problem from a fellow blog whore.

  34. Forgot to ask is your game this weekend another on that fantastic Samurai table?


  35. That's why you have a shitload of followers mate... you're a nice guy and you have principles too... not counting that the blog itself is always worth reading!

    People blog for various reasons, some of them seem determined to make some money out of it, others, like myself, just do it for fun or vanity... each to their own.

  36. It looks like I might be losing adsense too but I don't really care. I just like writing about and learning about the films on my blog and connecting with others and learning about their interests, as well.

  37. @Christopher: No idea Postie wouldn't tell us.

  38. thanks for the suggestions for blogs.

  39. I will have to check them out when I get time this weekend.

  40. Thank you for following my blog! It makes me want to take my panties off and tilt my hat to you. Or would you rather have me down on my knees while I thank you? Just let me know :)

  41. i started blogging for money, but as nobody seemed to click my ads i started to do it for fun. i dont post everyday, it takes time for me, but i try to comment back and all that. would love to be in that list, but...

  42. All honesty, I originally joined for Ad-sense. Now the money is kind of just a little bonus. I didn't think I would like doing this at first, but I met a lot of cool people through it which is pretty awesome. That guy is a punk for not wanting to post just because his account got banned.

  43. I originally made my blog because my friend started one and wanted to see what blogging was about! I'm enjoying the journey so far and it gives me the chance to expose bands/musicians to fellow bloggers!

  44. Hey Fran, Many thanks for mentioning me!!
    I must say I've started to follow a good number of my favourite blogs "trusting" the fact that your already followed them... ;)

  45. Wise words, I post for enjoyment and to share my passion for the hobby with the people.

  46. I love that you comment on my blog * huge grin*

  47. I just wish many of you miniature gaming enthusiasts lived much closer to me. :) The internet brings the world closer, but not close enough...or sometimes too close!

  48. Adds on my blog...F**K that!!! It´s for fun, to see what everyone else is up to not for money making..and apparently you don´t get much anyway by having to prostitute yourself and your art/fun/whatever to the likes of Mcdickh**d etc.
    Keep it the way it is mate.:-D

  49. I always comment back, I enjoy reading blogs, I learn, and see things I may never have seen or learned.

  50. Thanks for a great post and all the excellent links cheers.

  51. I do have adsense on my blog. I don't think the appearance of, or lack thereof, ads really matters on a blog. What matters is the blogger, and the content they put forward. I work really hard on my blog posts, and I would like more people to read. If they click the ads, or if they don't, I'm fine.
    I wasn't in your post, but it's up to you. I'd love the traffic.

  52. nice thanks for share... and by the way funny pic

  53. You sir, are a champion of good bloggers.

  54. Yeah, I noticed that about you. When you put it down that you're following somebody's blog, you actually come through and comment. Your motto is a good one... If you say you're following... THEN FOLLOW. And to be honest, the best way to show your support is to at least leave a little bit of a comment. I know you always do and I respect you for that..

  55. Well said Fran!!

    I always have a look at the Blogs that I follow - I may not always comment but that doesn't mean I'm not interested in what has been posted.

    But if someone has taken the time to comment on one of my posts I will always look to comment on theirs

  56. In the marketing and advertising world they have to use money to try to put on what the blogs mentioned here have received for free: the best advertising is the word-of-mouth testimonial.

  57. Enjoyable post as usual Mr Angry. I've followed numerous blogs after you recommendations. Thanks again. Regarding Adsense I think I'm going to switch them off my site. Think I've 'earned' a grand total of 17p in total i.e 1p per 1000 views, so I don't think I'll be able to retire on the proceeds any time soon.


  58. Well i do use Adsense but yeah as the lurker says, its relaxing and you might learn new things and maybe gain a friend or two.

  59. I know I can usually rely on you for a comment on my postings, and I admit I should comment more myself. Thanks you really are a star.

    I’ve disabled the spam (chopped pork and ham) guard on my blog – that part that makes you enter a security word before you can comment – as I found it didn’t always load properly when I tried to comment on some other blogs so you couldn’t complete the comment, and this generally turned me off commenting as it became something like a 20 minute exercise just to comment on one blog. I guessed this was putting people off commenting on mine.

    Don’t think I can ever boast double figures for comments on any of mine, so please kneel down and be knighted Sir Blogger.

  60. We used to use adsense, just for kicks and grins to see if it would make anything. When it did, google pulled it--look it up. It happens all the time. Most people think adsense is just a scam. I'm inclined to follow that line of thinking.

    Anyways, did that stop us from blogging? Hell no. We blog because we love blogging, and we read other peoples' blogs because we love reading them. I don't know who in their right mind thinks they're going to start a blog and become a millionaire.

  61. Why would someone quit their blog just cus they lost their Adsense?? That's pathetic. Oh well, just filters the real bloggers from the ones just in it for the money ^_^

  62. Damn Lurker, nice work. You're Solid.

  63. This comment has been removed by the author.

  64. Hey Boogerbutt. I'm glad to have found your blog and consider you a new friend. It's been fun chatting with you.

    As for ads on blogs, I have not joined/left blogs that have too many, or that have too many popups. Great if they want to make money, but I don't usually stick around if it's going to be constant ads, popups and my protection going off every five seconds.

    That said, today was a pretty good day. We hit the bookshop, casino and out to eat. Not too shabby for our real first day off together. Tim won 70 bucks. Me, I can ever get myself to put money in the slots. Instead I just break out in a rash.

    Well ... time to do the dishes. Grrrr.

  65. So i just logged into my blog and I check my stats, I had the biggest 1 day traffic I have ever seen, and I think my encounter with a wardrobe malfunction this morning must be why but then I see referring sites with an angry lurker at the top ;) Thanks man ;)

  66. I'll say the same thing as BigMike. Thanks a lot! But your blog is really worth it and I discovered many other interesting blogs I didn't know... Still discovering some in fact, while dricking my morning coffee.

  67. its cool man, everyone misses a day now and then

  68. this time we´ll break the 100 replies mark^^

  69. Some awesome blogs! Gonna have to check em out!

  70. I miss having adsense on my blog a bit. Haven't got any other ads working right now. But I would like to keep up the blogging. Good post.

  71. 3 monkeys of gandhi ji.....

  72. Being innocent and naive, I thought blogging was just something people did for recreation and maybe for the chance to say "Hey, look what I did." Comments are good for the ego if nothing else and they certainly make the world seem a smaller place - you're not just a voice in the wilderness. Blogs like this are a good example of the 'community' effect.

    I couldn't give a monkey's whether the blogs I follow have adverts or not because I ignore them anyway. However, if the authors want to make a little money, fine. I shan't 'go commercial' or whatever the idiom is, because that'd make it a task to be done rather than something to do when I have something to show off or to say. Nope, I'll continue to spout utter crap and post out of focus photos until they kick me off line or the Alzheimer's catches up with me. Would anyone spot the difference though?


  73. Hooray for A.L.!
    I've noticed you are an extremely decent blogger alright.

    And yes, blogging does open some interesting doors which otherwise one would be ignorant to - e.g. miniatures, vampires and ehm - necrophilia?

    Thanks for all your input at ABWars - your enthusiasm there, and in the blogworld in general is much appreciated. /gush.

  74. Totally agree on your philosophy. If I'm following a blog I always try to add comments

  75. i saw a similar post yesterday i believe.. i allway try to comment and be active with everybody.

  76. WOW! I have been ranting on about this for so long now. I read a lot of blogs, but am ashamed to say that I don't always leave a comment.
    I'm going to read some of the ones that you mentioned because I know that hardly anyone comments on mine any more. 8-(
    Some bloggers are put off by the lack of comments that they give up and that is so unfair.
    I am totally with you on your philosophy and your newest follower.

  77. Good point Lurker, the active following and commenting is what makes this blogging community work!

    Always appreciate your comments on my little blog! Could use some more so hook me up buddy ;-)

  78. nice list. and good points on the adsense aspect

  79. I have ads running on my blog (gotta pay for those prizes!) but I don't see them at all thanks to Firefox.
    Some people start their blogs for the AdSense, so if that disappears, then why bother? But people such as yourself (and I like to think 'me too') along with dozens of others just enjoy being part of the blogosphere.

    (A blog for non-smokers? Interesting.)

    I know that because of the amount of time I spend on my blog I have a hard time visiting other people's blogs; you get around Angry Lurker, and for that you should be commended.

  80. i wondered y u didnt hve any ads. i lost my adsense too,they didnt give any reason and tht made me quite angry..
    And excellent points

  81. I've run ads since day one, not because my blog is about making money, but because I think I do provide something of value with my writing, and if someday I were to make a few dollars from providing free content to people... I'd be a-okay with that.

  82. hahaha i love the hear/see/speak no evil monkeys.

  83. Angry,
    That was a damn fine post. Blogging has really added a new dimension to the hobby for me. Partly becuase it helps me add a little order to the chaos, but mainly because it's let me get in touch with some really great hobbyists - like yourself, for example. I really appreciate all the posts you've placed no my blog, and also all the hard work you do on everyone else's posts. You're a true gentleman, Sir!

  84. Very good point. Blogging, especially reports with pics takes time and effort, and its nice to get a reward with a good comment. Plus I have found, the more you comment on others blogs they more they are likely to look you up and comment on yours, so 'what comes around goes around' as they say...
    Keep on blogging, but don't forget to lift the paintbrush too!

  85. artikelnya sangat bagus, terima kasih telah membagi informasi tersebut

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