
Thursday 19 May 2011

SS-GB by Len Deighton, What If? Operation Sealion Ideas.

Currently painting some more 20mm WW2 British home guard and British dismounted tank crew for the game along with making some plastic Pegasus Hobbies German Pz 38(T) light tanks (one of the easiest kits to put together I've ever come across but still with good detail).

Have just finished reading SS-GB by Len Deighton and I must say it was really an enjoyable read detailing a murder investigation in German occupied Britain during the second world war, most people have probably read this book or heard about it at some stage, it doesn't say much about the invasion itself but there is ongoing fighting in the north and resistance elsewhere but German law prevails with British residents still in their positions especially in the police and a murder investigation sets the ball rolling in a quite intriguing plot involving the SS versus the German army, traitors, resistance, scientists, exhumation of Karl Marx, the king of England, Americans etc........ A more detailed and revealing summary can be found here but the book is better even than Fatherland by Robert Harris.

Do us a favour and have a read of this bloggers blog , a damn good blog with good information and a lot of work goes into it and deserves more readers and followers, maybe not a topic everyone is familiar with but that's what blogging is about.

Good book, well worth a read.

Currently reading this which is supposed to detail actual accounts of the botched invasion of Great Britain, defences put in place etc........

Currently reading this aswell and watching the TV series which is great, I have only quibble which is the amount of nudity (good and bad) in the TV series is not in the book so far!!!!


  1. hmz i think ill read the len deighton book.. i am a fan of ww2

  2. The Martin series is fantastic of which I've been reading for years. Problem is I've been waiting years for his next book!!!!!


  3. the book is really good towards the end, you wont be dissapointed!

  4. ASoIaF is my favorite fantasy series. But six years between books is way too long, I really hope the old guy can finish it sooner.

    The show so far is pretty awesome, the cast are all very good especially Dinklage, and some of the sets look just how I pictured them. The only problem is some scenes don't have the grand scale that I imagined, but I guess that's the best you can do on a TV budget.

  5. SS-GB sounds very interesting.

  6. After your review of Fatherland I directly bought the book and I pretty much enjoy reading it. Already looked for SS-GB but it's hard to find in German(y). Maybe I just order it in English via Amazon. Thanks for the recommendation Francis!

  7. Yeah this book gets really good xD

  8. I'm really glad you enjoyed it after I recommended it!

  9. ive been watching game of thrones, really enjoying it

  10. Looks like a good read, I like historical fiction. I even slogged through Turtledoves World War, Colonization and Home world arc. adds SS-GB to my list of must reads.

    Thanks for your kind words and support Fran, you are a prince among men.


  11. The whole series of GRR Martin (so far) is a great read. I think you will enjoy it. The next book is due out July 11th (at least here in the States).

  12. Very interesting books right there! nice pick.

    Visit my blog here

  13. i'll check out that other blog. :D

  14. That does look like a really good read!

  15. Sounds like a good idea, go for it man ;D

  16. How much nudity do you need in your books? You need to tell me what "bad nudity" is too.

  17. GAME OF THRONES has been really great so far, which cannot be said for other two historical shows that we can watch currently CAMELOT and THE BORGIAS.
    I do love me some nudity in shows, that's why we loved SPARTACUS so much :) and I feel sorry for people who watched the censored version of the show.

  18. I always meant to read SS-GB, but never got around to it. I have liked the other WW2 related stuff of his that I've read over the years since I was introduced to his writing when I picked up Winter at a train station as I was embarking on a transcontinental rail trip right after it came out in paperback and I needed something to read.

  19. Rorschach: Bad (Male),Good (female).

  20. they all sound like good reads. I wish I had the time

  21. The book does sound interesting.

    Are you going to put a supernatural, sci-fi zombie twist on the what ifs? If so, Doctor Who's good for that kind of crossover. The Virgin New Adventures had a quartet of books with the title Timewyrm, and Exodus had a plot you might like:

    I'll go look at that blog now.

  22. Porky: I don't know but I did fold yesterday and buy some 20mm WW2 German zombies!

  23. I may have to check out a couple of those.

  24. That pic of Addy ...didn´t know that he´d been on holiday in London...:-D
    Good shout for Will´s Blog..he certainly deserves a lot more recognition IMHO, bloody good WWI planes ref site.

  25. A lot of history puts me out of my element especially in a book. Fantasy is up my alley tho, and I plan to give A Game of Thrones a go sooner or later.

  26. Anything involving World War II has my interest.

  27. I'll be checking that other blog out then.

  28. i'd imagine painting a lit'l Hitler stache on one of your small figures would be difficult, require a real delicate touch.

  29. WW2 German zombies are everywhere these days - they're a new standard. You can see why.

  30. well, hey, nudity tends to be better in video form that in word form :D

  31. How do you find time to do all this stuff?

  32. I continue to be impressed with how many of the dodgy "there's no way they'll do that, even on cable" moments from the books manage to appear in the series.

  33. I been wanting to read a good book lately and I heard good things about a game of thrones so might check that out!

  34. I adore GoT. Avidly watching the TV show and I hope to read the books when my girlfriend gets done

  35. game of thrones looks really good!

  36. Just watched episode 5 of Game of Thrones, and I gotta say I'm hooked. I'm grateful to the people who torrent the HD version of these episodes within an hour of the actual airing time! lol

  37. is that legolas looking majestic?

  38. I'm reading SS-GB at the moment, 20p at a boot fair 2 weeks ago!!

  39. Thanky for the blog tip link.. I Thing ill be spending a lot of time there!

  40. Only recently heard of GoT - Must give it a bit more consideration

  41. Nice selections! I think Game of Thrones is the most interesting one.

  42. Thanks for the link to the WW1 Aviation blog. Excellent stuff.

    Haven't read any of the books that you mention though. I find between painting figs, playing wargames, blogging, work and family my reading time is very much diminished :-(

  43. Sounds like a good read. I'm not a big fan of fantasy books, I generally stick to my sci-fi and regular science books. Some history stuff is interesting though.
