
Sunday 5 June 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Honest Review 38: Battle:LA (3 STARS)

Los Angeles and other cities around the world are being bombarded by meteors that seem to be slowing down once they hit the earth's atmosphere. The earth is suddenly being invaded by space aliens that have landed off the shore of LA, and who begin killing everybody along the beach. The military is ordered into action. Marine Staff Sergeant Nantz (Aaron Eckhart), who was about to retire, is reassigned to a new platoon. The platoon, flown by chopper to the forward operating base at Santa Monica Airport, is being led by a new 2nd Lt. Martinez (Ramon Rodriguez). They are sent on a mission to rescue some civilians who are trapped at the police station within alien territory. They only have 3 hours to complete their mission and get out before the Air Force bombs that zone.

Finally got to see this a little while ago even after some mediocre reviews because it ticked my boxes of US marines and ruthless alien invaders, how could it go wrong? Well they did try at times with guilt ridden sergeants, new officers with doubts, new guys in the squad, guy in the squad with a grudge, etc........
Sneaky aliens invade earth to steal our water which they use for fuel, they kill prisoners, follow tactics and look out for fellow alien squad members and tough as shit to kill,our squad of heroes are sent out to rescue some civilians, goes pear shaped and in the ensuing mayhem lose people, discover themselves and start the fightback and earths salvation.
This movie is a bit of nonsense, good action, good aliens and well worth a watch, good performance from our hero Nantz (Aaron Eckhart). Quick review as I have visitors and I don't mean aliens although aliens would take the edge off. 


  1. I actualy really liked this movie. The interplay between the marines was believable (though not as believable as the by-play in the movie Dog Soldiers, which was spot on). There was only one cringeworthy moment in the whole film and, while generally patriotic in tone, it didn't delve into the realms of being jingoistic. There's nothing wrong with a love for one's country after all, even in Hollywood can lay it on a little thick sometimes.
    All in all a cracking film, made all the better for me by the fairly realistic section and squad level tactics. The best military sci-fi movie since Aliens.

  2. I've been looking forward to seeing this, so thanks for the review!

  3. Hi

    Its the Saving Private Ryan/Black Hawk Down of Alien Invasion movies :-)

  4. A bit too CGI heavy for me, though I may watch it one day with a bunch of drunk friends.

  5. For me it was bit boring, fell asleep near the end :)

  6. only 3 stars huh? still seems like it could be an OK movie, if i got the time i might give it a watch. Thanks !

  7. I saw this a couple of months ago and enjoyed it far more than I was anticipating after reading a lot of negative reviews. This only goes to prove that the only critic worth listening to is yourself.
    By that I mean you, the viewer, and not Fran... unless you are Fran reading this!

  8. Sounds ok, a 'sunday afternoon' movie perhaps.

  9. It does seem a very honest review. I hope the visitors don't read the blog though.

  10. I really do not fancy this movie at all, despite your general positive review. Thanks!

  11. great read BTW. goes great with my COFFEE :)

  12. Sounds great fun...

  13. That's a typical "I'm bored on Sunday" movie

  14. havent seen it yet but i am planing to!

  15. I'll have to check this movie out. It's one of the few sci-fi movies I didn't get to see around that time when it first came out.

    So far, the last couple months, I've seen:

    Out of four stars...

    The Hangover 2- 2 stars

    The new Pirates of the Caribbean movie- 3 stars

    X Men: First Class- 4 stars

  16. OK, I will watch it. You got me.

  17. I watched it and enjoyed it. No the greatest movie ever by any means, but a fun watch.

  18. it's a nice movie. not great but i'll buy blue ray for sure

  19. Sounds like a bit of mindless fun--which is nice to have at times.

  20. I do not see movies very often but now I want to go and see this one

  21. to be honest, here in Europe, we always like watching films in which USA gets ruined or destroyed /naughtydevilishsmile/

  22. I didn't get to see it. Now I'm starting to think I should give it a watch at least.

  23. Well, I'll have to be a bit of a wet blanket and say I really didn't like the movie. I was hoping for the aforementioned "Black Hawk Down with aliens", I was expecting something a lot more Michael Bay-esqe but what I got in the end was just a big mess. And a boring one at that!

    An accomplished film maker like Ridley Scott can do the whole shaky-cam, confused, bullets-flying-everywhere thing and still convey what's actually going on to the viewers. Whatshisname who directed this doesn't have that touch and I thought most of the fighting scenes were just a jumbled mix of cuts, giving the viewer no clear idea about who's where and what they're trying to do.

    Also, it irked me that the aliens weren't actually alien. You could have made them into invading Russkies and the movie wouldn't have been much difference.

    I could go on, but I think you know my feelings on Battle LA by now. Hehe!

    Ok. Rant over! :)

  24. Stayed away because I heard bad things about it.

  25. Might watch someday.

  26. Nice review -- you always give me new ideas for things to watch.

  27. doesn't sound too bad. Might check this out some time, if circumstances are right.

  28. i also saw this movie and enjoyed it. there where a few gaps in the sory here and there, but that is not what the show was about, it was about kicking some alien butt.

  29. I never saw it, but I'll check it out when its on DVD!

  30. I actually thought it was pretty decent despite the one terrible "YOU'RE THE BEST MARINEEEEEEE," or whatever he said to him, scene

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I am not a fan of the shaky cam. It reminds me too much of watching that steaming pile of troll dung, Cloverfield. Five minutes in to that stinker and I hated every character and wanted them all to die die die! unfortunately it 90 bloody minutes for my wish to come true. THe only movie I have seen which is circa 2000 that handled that sort of jerkiness was District 9, which I thought was among the best Sci-Fi I had seen in a decade. I check out Battle LA when my local library gets it, it is a free one week loan.

  33. two face is in this? looks interesting

  34. haha im with Ed. BUUUT to many bad reviews and in all sincerity im not to thrilled on watching this, from the start looked like a mediocre film and everyone else is giving it the "NOT A BAD MOVIE IF YOU GOT NOTHING ELSE TO DO" so im guessing i will pass until i got nothing else to do.

  35. I liked it lil slow in the middle but not bad.

  36. Ok so go in with low expectations and be happy ;)

  37. i've got a feeling that this movie will spawn many sequels....

  38. You know ... I still haven't seen Paul. For crying out loud.

  39. I hope you don't mind me saying. But this movie sucked ass. The entire movie could have been done in 10 minutes. But no, the entire thing was dragged out. /rant


  40. Nice review! I also think this film is quite entertaining though of course not one of a very good invasion films.

  41. I liked it cuz it was non stop action the entire way through!

  42. meh, not really into pointless military films anymore

  43. Awesome review, cant wait to check this out ;D

  44. I have to admit I'm on the fence about this one. It feels a little too close to Independance Day so I'm not sure If I'm going to watch this or not

  45. Saving Private Ryan/Black Hawk Down it wasnt. my review here

  46. a pretty much agree. nothing special

  47. it was a good B movie, which is fine with me. :)

  48. ha, glad you liked it! Yeah, nothing revolutionary about this flick, just damn good action.
