
Wednesday 29 June 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Honest Review 41: Hanna (2011) (2 STARS).

Hanna (Ronan) is a teenage girl. Uniquely, she has the strength, the stamina, and the smarts of a soldier; these come from being raised by her father (Bana), an ex-CIA man, in the wilds of Finland. Living a life unlike any other teenager, her upbringing and training have been one and the same, all geared to making her the perfect assassin. The turning point in her adolescence is a sharp one; sent into the world by her father on a mission, Hanna journeys stealthily across Europe while eluding agents dispatched after her by a ruthless intelligence operative with secrets of her own (Ms. Blanchett). As she nears her ultimate target, Hanna faces startling revelations about her existence and unexpected questions about her humanity.

The reviews for this movie have been on the whole quite good so when I got the chance to see it I did and found the good reviews to be a pack of lies or I really don't understand movies but I do know what I like and this wasn't it.

It's a story of revenge and a girl with certain ruthless skills emergence into a world she knows nothing of other than what she has read or been told, the movie focuses a lot on scenery, colours, music and interaction with people she meets and broaden her childlike knowledge of the world, humanity and technology (and doesn't fight, destroy or kill). The camera work gets on your tits a bit with 360 degree revolving and upside down shots, stylised stuttered fighting at times, dodgy characters and acting, the music steps up a beat every time something is about to happen (provided by The Chemical Brothers who I usually like). Don't get me wrong it has some good moments and it's a movie about revenge (which is always a winner with me) and genetics but it's a bit too up it's own arse for me and quite terrible performances from Bana and Blanchett but Ronan plays Hanna quite well.

Not enough action, too much interaction and the movie left me cold and just not bothered. 


  1. I forgot this movie even came out. It looked kind of interesting based on the trailers though. I would have guessed that the movie was a bit off mark though. It's to bad, it seemed to have potential.

  2. Bad movie, but nice review, thank you!

  3. I'm going to have to dissent on this one. I thought Hanna was quite good--easily better than all the superhero pablum I saw this Spring.

  4. I'll take your word on it and give it a pass.


  5. @Trey: Nothing wrong with dissent but you're wrong.

  6. I actually liked this one and would give it around a 7/10. But you are right about Blanchett, she was terrible especially her accent.

  7. Hanna, bana,,,what´s kate Blanchets name in the film.?..danna? The all singing and dancing anna family!! :-D
    I´ll watch it if I come across it in the vid rental shop but I´m not going to chase after it.

  8. Thanks for the heads up on this one. It lasted at the theaters all of about 5 minutes here in the States which is never a good thing. Maybe Ill catch on Netflix or something later on down the road.

  9. i saw this, i would have liked it more if not for the abrupt ending. :|

  10. I'll take your advice and pass on this one. Movies with the camera issues you mention tend to bother me (to the point of ruining it for me).

  11. @Jay: The ending was a bit of a surprise and didn't help.

  12. Although Cate Blanchet is my number one actress of all times, and I also love me soem Eric Bana, I decided not to watch this film because as a psychologist and a professor I do not support films in which children are portrayed as assassins or action heroes.

  13. oh yeah, I completely forgot about this movie. lol. Either way, good review of it! :)

  14. Yeah, you liked it a bit less than me. But I wouldn't watch it again, nice review.

  15. I have never even heard of this Movie but now I want to go see it.Is it as entertaining as Kim Kardashians sex tape? I fucking hope so!

  16. Another movie I will catch on netflix.

  17. Think I might pass on this one...

  18. amazing movie

  19. I hate the actress. Won't watch it. She's the same girl of "the way back" right?

  20. I've been curious about this one so I'm glad you reviewed it. I'm going to watch it with low expectations.

  21. I was never interested in this movie anyway.

  22. I remember there being lots of positive hype for this movie...I also remember not caring to see it. haha

  23. I didn't even realise it had been released. I like the review thought. Actually rather informatice. Thanks.

  24. Good review I am not really drawn to it.

  25. I'm kind of interested in seeing how it focuses on scenery and colors and such, but I probably won't go out of my way to track this down.

  26. Sounds like a subpar specialist Or point of no return.

  27. I loved the trailer to this movie....the movie itself missed a bit but the story line is still rad. That girl could kick some serious ass.

    "the camera work gets on your tits a bit...."

    :) I liked that sentence in your review

  28. Never heard of it, this is one I won't ask to borrow by the sound of it!!

  29. Now I know to avoid it. But honestly, I hadn't heard of it before. I thought Eric Bana and Blanchette were still sorta big.

  30. I have heard nothing but blah about this movie. Going to avoid it.

  31. to me a girl, as the main character in an action movie is kinda a downer to start with :D

  32. I never wanted to see this movie in the first place. You confirmed most of what I suspected about it. Great review.

  33. Glad that I didn't watch this one.

  34. Nice review Angry :) I always said I wouldnt see this one.

  35. Does Bana turn in the Hulk at all? That would be a twist.

  36. I loved this movie. From the music to the great acting, I thought it was really well done. The plot was contrived, but I thought the performances was more than enough to carry it.

  37. I saw the commercials and had a bad feeling about it. Most of the reviews I read had the same opinion you did. I hate artsy fartsy camera work as much as I hate gratuitous slow motion scenes or just about every 3d pretentious pile of dog droppings. Meh! We have already been subjected to movies like Aeon Flux, Electra,grrrrrrrr stop me before I have a brain fart. Welcome to the wondrous world of cinematic conceptual constipation. They should have hired that tired hack Michael Bay to bow the movie up before it hit the theater. fark I need a drink!

  38. It sounds like a cool plot, but your review makes it sound kind of skipable. And you bring up a great point about modern camera work too, I hate that "circle" the actor crap...just makes me dizzy as opposed to endearing me to the story.

  39. I just...I just can't with this movie.
    I'd rather read the labels of soup cans.

    Also, thanks for acknowledging my actual name. You have been an excellent blogger, a generous donator, and an attentive reader. Kudos. Did I mention that you paint miniatures in a so-so fashion? :D

  40. Haven't watched this one yet but I'll hopefully give it a watch someday.

  41. argh, that's too bad, i kinda wanted to see it.

    and by kinda, i mean if it happened to be on tv and i was bed ridden for some reason, then i would watch it.

  42. thanks for the heads up lurker.

  43. I really did love this movie :(

    and tonight, I watched sucker punch too, another great female action movie!! I LOVE THEM

  44. I had high hopes for this one which have now been a bit tempered by your review heh.

    I've heard mixed reactions to it, but I can't pass up a promising action film!

  45. Also heard about this movie but the reviews were poor so I stayed away. Seems like it was a good decision.

  46. very enjoyable and surprising movie.
    a good choice for sure

  47. I'm sorry to hear a bland review of this one, I'd looked forward to seeing this. Eh, guess I'll wait for it free on cable or Netflix.
