
Friday 17 June 2011

Things that may make a Wargamer cry 1.

Walking up the garden last night from the Man Cave with a fair amount of resin to wash, had a problem with a gate and and possibly some duck, turkey and chicken faeces and a broom and the result is that British forces during Operation Sealion will be sorely lacking in armour and transport (should be able to salvage one or two pieces), not the first time for me (a mate of mine dropped a box of painted conquistador cavalry, never had the heart to replace them) or other wagamers I believe but still a kick in the crackers.

The moral, keep your eyes out for poultry shit and have yourselves a good weekend.


  1. How did we ever win the war?

  2. Ouch, thats damn unfortunate :(

  3. Just one word. Sh**! A nice weekend nevertheless.

  4. @ Daniel;
    can only get better from now..

  5. Well, that's a bit of bad luck. I Hope your able to recover most of it.


  6. Ouch!
    I'm moving to a new apartment these days and hope reading this doesn't give me any bad karma ;)

  7. Convert them to something mutated for Weird Wars of Pulp and use bodyparts from the poultry responsible to make the conversion! ;-)

  8. Ooh! It hurts even watching the pictures. X(

  9. sorry about that...and i will!

  10. Dude - some very manly (and not gay) gamer love from my Man Cave to yours in this darkest of hours.

  11. I'd be upset, how much work went into those?

  12. Two times fun for the same price? What are you complaining about? :-D

    Watch out next time and I really hope you can fix everything again ;-)


  13. I will be angry too if that happen to me. Have a great weekend anyway.

  14. Ducking 'ell mate what the duck happened here?, did you give the poultry responsible a swift kick up the kibosh.
    The only good ducks are the ones in my oven!!

  15. Chickens are made for eating! Only!
    Have a nice weekend you too Fran!

  16. Oh the horror! Yet another gaming gravity fueled gaming tragedy. I hope you can fix most of them.

  17. sounds like its time to invite the neighbors to some turducken. :D

  18. "keep your eyes out for poultry shit."

    Wish words in any context.

  19. I tried to think of some witty comment to make about chicken shit, but I guess I am just not in the zone today.

  20. Francis I'm feeling with you. I know how hard real life can hit you outside your mancave.
    Fortunately those damages don't look like they are unrepairable. You could cover the track damages with sideskirts for example.

  21. If it were me, I'd be feeding my cat some fowl... Sorry it happened, I've been there twice, myself.

  22. Sorry to see that, but ive seen your other models and im sure its nothing you of all people couldnt fix

  23. I dropped one of my Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard from the gaming table last nigh and I swear, the sounds of his wings breaking off did actually physically hurt me. I can totally understand your pain!

  24. Ouch. Resin just doesn't bounch as well as plastic.

  25. Noooooo!! Sorry dude. Been there done than. I feel you pain. :(

  26. Yikes, that sucks. Hope the weekend is better.

  27. AAAAaargh!!! I think I gonna faint!!
    Something similar happened to me some years ago.. Terrible experience....
    sorry pal...

  28. That's not good. Chin up and have a good weekend.

  29. Don't worry, you don't need armour, just a nice hot cup of tea. Brew up.

  30. Yeah, sorry to see this chief.

  31. It looks like it's all there, plus an extra twig. It would be interesting to see how to fix something like that, since it has happened to others here. We would all understand, having heard what happened. I've got a few broken tanks around somewhere I think.

    I have noticed there are two or three books on sale about the 'what if' for Operation Sea Lion, so the topic of what if Hitler invaded Britain instead of Russia is fascinating to the public.

    And now we see a metaphor for what would have happened: The British would have a slim and fairly hopeless-looking chance at first, would have had some disaster caused by chicken shit, and then, and only then, we would see what they are made of.

    After all the Germans would have a hard time supplying across the English channel, and ask Stalingrad about air transport. It's not easy for them either.

  32. I'm all in tears after this heartbreaking and touching post :)
    Joking side, I can't imagine how horrible it is when something like that happens :(

  33. Dang birds!! Hope you have a good weekend though! :D

  34. It happens to me very often (though not on such a big scale), but never due to poultry or any other animal. Unless you count also my cousins as animals.
    I have a box full of models that had this kind of experience, somewhere at home. Next week I'll find some time to repair a couple of them, just out of solidarity with your efforts.

  35. oh god, this was painful to look at since i can totally relate.

  36. Hope you can salvage them in some way, the broken ones could still be used for terrain pieces.

  37. Damn, painful to see damaged minis. I hope they are repairable after the shock wears off.

  38. Hey, you have my condolences! And I have faith you can make this gaming pieces mess right in some way. Good luck!

  39. I feel sorry man!

    Cheer up for the weekend!

  40. If I suffered a set-back even half that size I would weep like a baby. Truly a wargamer's darkest hour and the best words of encouragement can only come from the great orator himself:

    "The best of all we had to give had gone to the British Expeditionary Force and . . . they were a very well and finely equipped Army. They had the first-fruits of all that our industry had to give, and that is gone. . . . [But] an effort the like of which has never been seen in our records is now being made. Work is proceeding everywhere, night and day . . . . There is no reason why we should not in a few months overtake the sudden and serious loss that has come upon us, without retarding the development of our general program. . . . We have to reconstitute and build up the British . . . Force once again." – Winston Churchill, June 1940

  41. Its tough forgiving a friend that breaks something you really like.

  42. He needs to stop being a dick and should replace them =/! Hope you have a good weekend

  43. Oh hell mate that is not a pretty sight. Hopefully u can salvage something and anything that is wrecked well do just that and turn it into a wrecked vehicle. Always handy for an objective piece or a bit of scenery.

    That's sound advice about the poultry crap.

  44. Dang birds messing things up. Why do they hate the troops?

  45. That sucks. I will eat a bucket of poultry today for lunch to make up for it.

  46. I just had chicken salad for breakfast and you know what ...? It was goood too.

    In my yard, it's watch out for puppy poop.

  47. Bad luck mate. been there and done it. Can make a grown man cry

  48. Really does suck.
    Not sure why 'it could have been worse' statements are supposed to make someone feel better... like if someone's wife leaves them do you say 'look on the bright side, she's not leaving you for your brother" ? But in this case, imagine if this had happened right after they were painted. But still, gut wrenching event is as bad as it is, even if you can imagine something worse.

    You will have some amazing wreck markers & terrain in your future, and when people are impressed with them you can say "of course- I spare no expense for quality" like you planned it all along ;)

  49. oh much did that lot cost?

  50. It is salvagable mate. Though you may have to do minor conversions.

    But I am sure you are the man for that! So chin up, and get the glue and gun! Glue for the army...gun for the poultry!!!

  51. That sucks, dude. Why dont you just go ahead and eat them and show them who's boss?

  52. Looks like you fast forwarded to a point after the battle. This could be a new genre of painting, skip the paint, skip the game, go right to the damage.

    Has to be a silver lining here somewhere.

  53. We enjoyed a fine chicken dinner this evening. thought you might like to know.

  54. while the term "Chicken $hit Outfit" is thrown around a lot in the United States Marine Corps in reference to less than worthy adversaries. I'm really sorry the term took on such a real angle for you. How long you think it will take you to put them back into shape?

    And it could be worse... Imagine a three-year-old child loose in your man cave for about 5 min.

  55. While that is a complete pain in the arse, at least they werent painted when you dropped them I suppose.

    Cold comfort I know.

    Have you ever spray varnished a load of stuff that you have spent weeks prepping and painting, only for the varnish to go cloudy? That also irritates at a high level.

  56. Like Iowa said, this looks like the after-effects of a horrendous battle.
    I believe through your powers though, something quite amazing will happen...

  57. Everything can be made right with superglue and sheer bloody mindedness. Remember:

    "illegitimus nil carborundum"

    Never let the bastards grind you down.


  58. O_o'

    Oh my... I'm very sorry, but take this as an opportunity to make some conversions.
    Or at least to make some room for other projects ;)

  59. I don't have many chickens roaming around the house but I will keep a look out.

  60. I'm crying just looking at that picture.

  61. Man that sucks.

  62. Lost £10 worth of Games Wkshop figures20 years ago. Still brings a tear to my eye this very day.

  63. Oh DAMN! :( It sucks when all that time and effort is wasted!

  64. ... a chicken pooped on your stuff? that's rough

  65. Ouch, lucky you. They were unpainted...Nevertheless it sucks. Hope you can repair them

  66. Yep i can feel with you. Keep it Up!

  67. looks good. how much to have my blogspot advertised on your tanks
