
Monday 25 July 2011

......and the winner is......

......and the answers were.......

1. Dirty Harry
2. The Three Musketeers
3. The Return of the Pink Panther
4. Dr.No
5. Wizard of Oz

Decent amount of entries but only 4 had it completely right, with a lot only one off or two off  (only one entry got none right but shall remain nameless), I should have asked people to put their blog addresses down as I don't know many peoples real names.

Will probably do another one in a few weeks, I have notified the winners (Francis Ryan) and (Simon from, good blog, go visit ).

There was a draw of names from the socks but I forgot to bring my camera to work to show proof, one of the guys did the drawing ( not Ray because he would cheat, he can't help it).

Thanks for the blog birthday comments yesterday, much appreciated, the sudan game was great on Saturday and I will put pictures up this week.


  1. Still can't believe it.!!!! thank you.

    Your blog is the biz.

    Let see you get 300,000 hits next :o)

  2. wizard of oz.....

    ..... :|

  3. Congrats to the winners. Those were tough!

  4. I didn't know there was a quiz, but looking back at the clues, I can say without doubt I wouldn't have got them all - not even even half probably. Well done to anyone who did. Cool prize too.

  5. Fun quiz! Congrats to the winners!

  6. Congrats to the winners and can't wait for the pictures from the sudan game.

  7. I'm thinkin I was the "zero right" guy.....I put down The Three Amigos instead of The Three Musketeers.....ahhh...I'm an idiot!!

  8. I'm kinda glad we didn't get to see your sock and names being pulled out of it, we are not fans of sock clips :PPPP

  9. You feelin lucky punk? lol. Love the dirty harry movies.:D

  10. I'd have only had one. Never would have thought of Clint Eastwood and Prince Harry in the same sentence before.

    But I couldn't find Ray's vision test either, until the second attempt. Did better than him though when I did find it.

  11. Drawing from socks? Not all were winners, but everyone was smelly!

  12. I didn't enter the compo, of course I would have won if I did. The main reason because I've got all the answers!!!!!! Well done winners!!!

  13. Aw crap! I missed your birthday. Happy belated birthday, anyway!

  14. You know, the blog... not YOUR birthday.

  15. Congrats to the winners, and a happy belated birthday to you, mate! Cheers!


  16. I failed so hard it wasn't even funny! Oh wells, next time.

  17. congratulations to the winners :D

  18. Congrats to the winners. Although, I gotta say Lurker. I'm surprised you didn't have some boobie girl holding up a winner's sign.

  19. Darn it, i missed it! I've been very busy lately. Anyway Happy One Year Blogday! :D

  20. Yeah, never would've got any of those. Darn.

  21. Man, all five of these made my brain hurt, and now that I see actual answers I feel like a complete tool.

  22. awh man, so u mean i didnt win.

  23. Duh, they seem easy now. Only guessed two right the other day.

  24. gah, had 4 out of 5... :( But GJ to the winners

  25. Congratulations to the winners! I forgot to submit an entry, but I will next time.
