
Friday 8 July 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Honest Review 42: Sucker Punch 2011 (3 STARS))

A young girl is institutionalized by her abusive stepfather in an asylum for the mentally insane. Retreating to an alternative reality as a coping strategy, she envisions a plan which will help her and others to escape from the abusive regime at the mental facility.

This is a 2 STAR movie except for 3 scenes which I will briefly describe
1. An encounter with several 30ft demon samurai in a snow covered castle, did I mention the RPG and chain gun.
2. WW1 trench fighting with german clockwork and steam reanimated zombies, Zeppelins and aircraft.
3. A scene with orcs in a castle and empire knights besieging said castle but the fire breathing dragon chasing a WW2 B-25 bomber is quite entertaining.

The girls are quite proficent with their modern firearms, close combat weapons and walkers/helicopters and the CGI is quite good.

The movie overall is grim and sad but when the main character does her dance as a lady of negotiable virtue for real world people in the asylum (the place is really bloody grim) they transfer to the alternate world and this mimics in fantastic detail what they are doing in the real world. The ending is quite easy to see coming and does nothing for your impression of the movie.

 When she travels to the alternate worlds  it's not too bad a ride, she is accompanied by 4 fellow inmates who want to escape also I would watch the movie again but just for the above scenes.

Some of the girls aren't too hard on the eyes and Scott Glenn tags along aswell with the team.


  1. Sizing of text has gone a bit wrong but I have deleted the post text by mistake, having a normal Friday.

  2. Part with Great World' trench and zombie was great! In overall bit sad movie, I agree with You here but I enjoy it.

  3. Just watched "The sword of Doom" that you recommanded last time. It was pretty good. a really nice find.
    I don't really fancy this one however, just seem to be too much in it: dragons, WW1 planes, robots, samourais, hot girls, psy hospital...

  4. I pretty much liked the movie. Giant samurais with chainguns, german zombie trenchfight, dragons, half naked girls. The movie had all a man can dream of. The only thing I would criticize is that was just too much girly crying.

    Spoiler Warning!

    Gotta say that I pretty much liked the end. The real end not just her end...bus stop...

  5. I liked this one. Something interesting I discovered watching the blu-ray director's commentary: the sword Scott Glenn's character gives her in the samurai temple is etched with pictograms outlining the entire plot of the movie! Whatever else one can say about Snyder the man has an I for detail.

  6. Interesting. I really dig Scott Glenn ever since I saw The Right Stuff so that's a plus. I think your review sums up what I thought exactly: most of the best scenes can be seen from the trailer.

  7. Last week saw the moments with flashbacks are very good ...=)

  8. I saw this one, wasn't what I expected it to be, i was a bit disappointed

  9. Sounds like a bit of fun, a 30 foot Demon Samurai?????

  10. it certainly was a visual feast, like all Snyder's movies!

  11. This is a movie I think I'd put on as background noise while I did other things.

  12. Some good fight scenes for sure, but on the whole this film is a mess. I came out of the cinema very disappointed at having wasted good money on it.

  13. It had potential to be an awesome movie but I was a little disappointed...

  14. Just saw this and expected zero from it, so I was surprised when I found myself liking it...REALLY loved the soundtrack!

  15. Sounds ok and the review is good. I may plan to watch this , thank you

  16. I thought the text was wonky but I wasn't sure if maybe I was just tired.

  17. The scenes you described (WWI, 30 ft samurai) sound really cool, but overall I think Zack Synder is loosing it. He's always been a great visual director, but I question his judgment when he writes about sexually abused girls creating a fantasy world in which they are warrior strippers?

    But if you think the film is good enough just for the visuals then I'll definitely give it a try.

  18. cameron diaz looks shorter in this film :D

  19. oh boy, it seems everyone and their mother wants zombies in their movies today, but the WWI trench warfare sounds entertaining; given the sad ending and the fact that it revolves around some people going against a powerful regime, it might have been hilarious if they named the movie "Bay of Swines" (ala Castro and the Bay of Pigs ) :D

  20. I want to watch this film if only to see the WWi trnch stuff and listen to the of the most original looking action films to come out in a long while

  21. I have been meaning to see this for awhile now your review reminded me.

  22. This movie is a lot deeper than it gets credit for. It sticks with you after you watch it and you you keep thinking about what it all meant.

  23. I already had this on the list, but after hearing about the steam reanimated zombies I'm gonna have to bump it up over Just Go With It. I'm all in.

  24. The scenes alone are worth are worth watching it. The story itself is really sad and depressive.

  25. It basically the spice girls w/ weapons, right?

  26. I plan on seeing this movie for my favorite/Female Obsession asians alone: Vanessa Hudgens and Jamie Chung. Scott Glenn is always awesome too though.

  27. It was an interesting popcorn movie, but not one to be taken seriously.

    I'm glad I waited until it was in the cheap theatres...

  28. havent seen this, might watch it

  29. I'll check it out at some point.


  30. I was debating whether or not to see this. I'm glad to have a better sense of what to expect (or not) out of the film. A very useful review.

  31. For me this is a film best enjoyed on mute

  32. pie tases s o good rite now

  33. i enjoyed the movie, a bit bizarre but thats expected.

  34. I wish they would have actually shown her dance at least ONCE.

  35. when this movie first came out in the theater, I saw the previews and was floored by the CGI effects. I never have seen the movie because I didn't think I'd care to see a movie which seems to be based on that girl's fantasy but you've persuaded me to give it a chance. I'll probably rent it.

  36. Everything in this film outside how sensual are the girls and the overwhelmed special effects were really ridiculous. I hope Snyder wouldn't ruin Superman story.

  37. Good but something got lost somewhere along the way.

  38. I waited to be able to download it...

    The film was a bit garbled, too many layers, but I quite enjoyed it none-the-less! My favourite part was probably the Weird WWI sequence :)

    Scott Glenn is bloody brilliant - seen Buffalo Soldiers? He's fantastic in that. Great film!

  39. this strikes me as the kind of movie where all the other patients in the mental asylum just so happen to be young, gorgeous, busty and pliable young women. just like the loonie bins of real life!

    sounds AWESOME.

  40. i didnt think this looked worth the 1.00 redbox rental. hope you all enjoyed it. and thanks for the nice words on my blog, always appreciate it :)

  41. Thanks for the review Angry and to all you folks for the comments... I will now be buying it come pay day...

  42. I have waited till I can see it for a buck or less. A friend wrote a review of this which I will share The Lettered Curmudgeon Reviews: Sucker Punch

  43. good lord, sounds amazing!! Will have to look out for this one.

  44. I haven't seen it yet

  45. I'll never understand why people blindly hated this movie. I can think of at least 30 movies just this year that were worse.

    Glad you somewhat enjoyed it though.
