
Friday 29 July 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Honest Review 45: Ironclad 2011 (3 STARS)

It is the year 1215 and the rebel barons of England have forced their despised King John to put his royal seal to the Magna Carta, a noble, seminal document that upheld the rights of free-men. Yet within months of pledging himself to the great charter, the King reneged on his word and assembled a mercenary army on the south coast of England with the intention of bringing the barons and the country back under his tyrannical rule. Barring his way stood the mighty Rochester castle, a place that would become the symbol of the rebel's momentous struggle for justice and freedom.

Didn't know much about this movie so I looked up the period of time in England's history and this is set in the time of the First Barons War, it's a little inaccurate but more about numbers, some names and the Danes I believe? 

It all comes down to the siege of Rochester Castle between King John (Paul Giamatti, giving it all and scene stealing like a despot) and his Danes led by Vladimir Kulich (13th Warrior Buliwyf) and James Purefoy's knight templar and small (very small) band of mercenaries and castle defenders. The action scenes are quite good and bloody, Purefoy's character is moody and a little unlikeable , the movie is a little long, predictable and grim, really grim but definitely worth a watch for the action, Paul Giamatti and the burning pigs use in siege warfare.

The movie had a lot of problems getting made, it's budget was slashed and all the cast apart from Purefoy and Giamatti changed, it was filmed in Wales in 2009. Rochester Castle is only down the road from me, it was partially destroyed during the first siege and repaired, it would be beseiged again in 1264 during the Second Barons War.


  1. quite fancied the look of this, thanks for the review.

  2. I think I might have to check this out!

  3. Tempted to watch this film, but I'm a bit of a History purist when it comes to films portraying real events. The Hollywood phrase 'based on real events' sends a shudder down my spine

  4. Apologies for the quality of post but I somehow deleted most of it, had a tantrum and just about got this much.

  5. Thanks Lurker, I've been wondering about this one. I usually like Giamatti and Purefoy and I will probably watch it for the action.

  6. I really want to see this film, thanks for the review. I'm not to fussed about the historical accuracy as long as their are plenty of decent fight scenes.

  7. Sounds pretty good to me. Thanks Lurker.

  8. Nice one, I've been meaning to watch this blighted too - thanks for the heads-up!

  9. Three people recommended this fillum to me just last night.

    I have informed Amazon of my desire to purchase the same.

  10. Nice review! Haven't seen this one yet anyway.

  11. Interesting. I hadn't heard of this one. I'll have to check it out.

  12. I'm looking fwd to seeing it, thanks mate

  13. IRONCLAD - what my wife's knickers are when I am in trouble....

  14. too bad this flick had almost no marketing in USA this summer :( I'm planning of watching it this weekend at home!

  15. Sounds alright to me, thanks for your thoughts

    ...and lol @ sausage fingers :)

  16. Have never seen that movie but it sure does look awesome. :)

  17. I've never heard of it, but I do like Paul Giamatti. Don't ask me why, but I do. He's such a good actor, even if he's a gooey little round guy.

  18. Nice one..thanks for that..withput your post I wouldn´t have heard about this one...1300`s film? right up my street :-D

  19. that's cool that you live right down the road from rochester castle.

  20. It might be a good use of the camera to go over there and get us a pic of the castle itself or a follow on post sometime. How far away is it?

    Magna Carta is pretty important and I wonder if the marketing and budget stuff has to do with Them not wanting us to think about this, in a generation when the King Johns of the world are doing much the same as they ever did.

  21. I haven't seen Giamatti in ages. Nice to know he's still making movies.

    Oh, and the poster made me laugh. Want to be overly dramatic? Use. Lots. Of Punctuation.

  22. Another one I'll have to lend from you Mr Lurker!!
    @Mekelnborg - Rochester only around 8 miles from where we are, takes all of 10 minutes to get there!!

  23. This one sounds right up my alley. I'll definitely put it on my list of films to see.

  24. Yeah, I debated seeing this one. I posted the trailer a month or so ago. I'm curious why they slashed the budget and cast like they did. With the proper budget, I'm sure it would have been better.

  25. Saw the castle on wikipedicle thing, looks ok still, be spiffy after a coat of paint and planks to keep the draft out...

  26. Heard this was supposed to be required watching for everyone who was disappointed with Robin Hood, i'll have to give it a watch.

  27. I'm watching this simply for the siege warfare. Plain and simple.
    The cast for this is...weird.

  28. I will watch this one for sure.


  29. Sounds like an interesting movie, will look out for it.

  30. Im gonna check this one out. nice look. thx

  31. Good post, I like this movie. Supported!

  32. I really didn't like this movie, turned it off halfway through, just not for me.

  33. Will put it in the 'to watch' list.
