
Monday 4 July 2011

The Battle of Faux-Illy, 15mm Franco-Prussian Wargame Part 1.

The Rejects (Surjit, Postie, Smithy, Lee, Richard, Dave and myself) gathered on Saturday at Richards in Faversham for a fictional take on part of the Battle of Sedan during the Franco-Prussian War, 1st September 1870.

The French Imperial Army, after a week of marching to and fro with the aim of relieving the siege of Metz, has been caught by the Prussians and forced to offer battle.For much of the day the Prussian army has been slowly gaining the advantage and has been enveloping the increasingly desperate French.

As the afternoon draws on into evening, the Prussians have almost completed surrounding the French and need only take the heights of Faux-Illy to dominate with their superior artillery.

The French, for their part, are set the task of stopping the envelopment and provide a conduit through which their army can escape during the night. The situation for the French is critical. However, the Prussian infantry have advanced ahead of their artillery. Can the Prussians afford to await their arrival? Night will arrive soon and time is of the essence.

Victory Conditions:
French: Keep a conduit through the centre, must hold the hill.
Prussian: Capture the hill and place artillery on it, and push the French into the big woods in the centre.

French Army: Commanded by Surjit and Postie.
French forces consist of a makeshift under strength division comprising 9 infantry battalions (1 chasseur a pied, zouaves, guard grenadiers and line infantry), 2 batteries of 4 pdr artillery, 2 mitralleuse batteries and two regiments of cuirassier and two of dragoons. (298 figures)

There is the chance of reserves but they will be Garde Mobile.

Prussian Army (East Wing): Lee and Smithy.
Bavarian Brigade comprising of 6 battalions of line infantry and one battalion of Jagers.
Prussian Brigade comprising of 7 battalions of line infantry.
Two to three 4 pdr artillery batteries (depending on how well you did with your question)

Prussian Army (West Wing): Dave and The Lurker.
Northern Brigade comprising 7 battalions of line infantry, 1 chevauxleger regt and a dragoon regt.

Southern Brigade comprising 7 battalions of line infantry and 2 regts of lancers and one of cuirassiers.
Two to three batteries of 4 pdr artillery again depending on how we answered our military history questions.

There may be reserves but will be line infantry. (620 figures)

The rules used are  They Died for Glory and the table was 8ft by 4ft. (Above words from Richard)

An explanation of the war can be found here Franco-Prussian War

The table at the beginning before the French were allowed to redeploy.

My Prussian forces, no redeployment allowed.

The hill mentioned in the brief is on the left of the picture and the woods are in the centre. 

Instructions received by all Prussian players.

Northern and Southern Prussian Brigades and the unholy of all that's wrong (warm cream soda).

The genial host and umpire Richard, a gentleman among us and flattery gets you nowhere.

The redeployment of the French.

Prussian forces on the East wing. (Smithy)

Bavarian forces on the East wing. (Lee)

French cuirassiers and dragoons await.

The French forces await the Prussians.

The Prussian Northern Brigade. (Dave)

Tomorrow the armies clash.

Happy 4th of July to our American friends.



  1. This made me smile. Honestly.

  2. Hey, I'm the first one to comment. Neato. Looks like you had a great time. Good pictures. The only thing you're missing is a few sleestaks.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It was a great game and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I've posted my Battle Report for this game (complete with pictures) this monring if anyone is interested.

  5. And flattery gets you nowhere. . . :-)
    Great bunch of friends and a great game!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If only the real Franco-Prussian War had been fought so congenially. Maybe it was the lack of cream soda. ;)

  8. Looks like a very enjoyable game. Very nice photos too.

  9. Super looking game and commentary!


  10. Very cool -- looking forward to the rest.

  11. The terraina and figures look great!

  12. Great looking game there Angry.

  13. @P.Davis: About 7 hours but could go longer.

  14. I know next to nothing about the Franco-Prussian War. I wish we could have learned world history in school with miniatures.

  15. They Died For Glory are a great set of period specific rules.

  16. Some great photos Fran, not sure about the warm cream soda though, Yuk!! I bet Smithy brought that?
    Gutted I couldn't be there, but duty calls and all that......

  17. really cool game, i used to play this alot.
    sold all my gears though.
    +1 and following!!

  18. Very good article. It is an interesting period to game.

  19. Nothing like an AAR teaser in the morning.

    I look forward to seeing the fight.

  20. Really looking forward to the next part! This looks awesome!

  21. Great looking game and forces; terrain looks great too. Dean

  22. just wanted to wish you a happy 4th! :)

  23. I'm with Banacek, if we used miniatures in school I bet I'd have learned so much about history. Hell, I want to get some miniatures and learn about history even now that I'm far, far, FAR out of school.

  24. No wonder the Prussians are slow. They are only 15mm!

  25. Looks super fun, glad to see the pictures.

  26. I love cream soda, but warm cream would turn my stomach. let the battle begin

  27. cream soda? What the hell is that? Another evil British invention? ^^

    Anyway, thanks to Lee, I'm now going to read this report.

  28. Looks like a pretty good time.

  29. lol. It was so funny reading the captions and feeling the tension rising for the epic battle between French and Prussian forces...then getting s nice little 4th of July shout out at the end. haha.

  30. Isn't the next episode not up yet? Looks great to me ;-)


  31. Seems like an expensive hobby :)

  32. thats pretty awesome. so like do u guys bet on these games too?

  33. Excellent post. Must have been a fun time.

  34. hey buddy I dont know if you got my last invite or not, but I would like to interview you for my next interview segment. please email me at so we can get it started. :)

  35. You're into this too? I stumbled upon a bunch of awesome blogs that had these as well. Some were insane collections, actually caught my interests too. Seems really neat to participate in.

  36. Looks like an interesting scenario, especially with a forced deployment for the Prussians.

  37. Looks a good game and, best of all, played to TDFG, which I thought I was the only one who liked! bring on part 2>


  38. A very exciting game and informative post about Franco-Prussian War.

  39. Ahh, can't wait to see who wins

  40. Ha, Happy Whisk thought she was first but meanwhile somebody else hit it.

    I, will be the last.
