
Wednesday 6 July 2011

"Falling Skies" aired last night on FXUK but.......... it any good, it began last night on FXUK, you know me I like a bit of alien action and a good sci-fi series and a lot of series have ended for me lately like Game of Thrones, The Mentalist etc......Camelot was awful and I only watched two episodes before I gave up. So this series has arrived and I thought I would give it a try, aired in the USA last month I believe.


The chaotic aftermath of an alien attack has left most of the world completely incapacitated. In the six months since the initial invasion, the few survivors have banded together outside major cities to begin the difficult task of fighting back. Each day is a test of survival as citizen soldiers work to protect the people in their care while also engaging in an insurgency campaign against the occupying alien force.

The first episode is not too bad, roving bands of humans trying to survive against an alien enemy that seems to want children only (attaches harnesses to their backs), the aliens look terrible without their armour and not much better with it but it's the first episode and things can hopefully only get better, their is some action and the majority of characters are quite likeable with stars like Noah Wyle, Will Patton and in the first episode at least my man from Vietnam Dale Dye, I will give it the obligatory couple of episodes but any thoughts especially from any american visitors who are usually ahead in most series. 

........but at least FXUK advertised that The Walking Dead Season 2 was coming soon but so is Christmas.


  1. The wife and I gave it a shot - she kinda likes 'alien invasion' stories and I'm a sucker for anything sci-fi/fantasy. But Falling Skies was just dull and unengaging.

    And the prolonged scene of the 'cute kid' skateboarding before the admiring crowd of survivors was the final straw.

    The aliens were quite neat, but their 'chicken walkers' were lame and there was really nothing to inspire show loyalty.

    Has now been ritually removed from the Sky+ box.

  2. If you click the bottom pic there is a fantastic closeup.

  3. sounds interesting enough...

  4. Stick with it Angry...I thought the first episode started good, got boring in the middle, and ended on a high note (with the exception of the kid on the skateboard :) ). We have seen the first 3 episodes here in the States, and I think they have gotten better and better.

    Its still kinda campy, but isnt getting to see Moon Bloodgood week after week worth it???

  5. Ohh.. zombies not a good thing to see in the morning.

  6. I find it quite catching but no clue where this is going. I do like series around that kind of theme but it's going to be a battle against the cheesyness and over-dramatisation. We might get happily surprised (trying to stay positive).

  7. I've only seen the first two episodes, but it was a pleasant suprise--not in the sense of "wow!" but more in like "huh, I had no expectations of this being good at all, and now I'm likely going to watch the whole season."

  8. So far I am not that impressed. It's kind of boring - and if I have to hear about how he was a history teacher one more time!!! UGH! I have it set on my DVR, so I will probably continue to watch, but so far Mr. Speilberg has really let me down. It really looked good too...

  9. I'll have to see if I can find this on catch-up. Not enough decent sci-fi on tv at the moment.

  10. I'm also not sure whether to watch FALLING SKIES or not? I'm planning on watching DOWNTOWN ABBEY this summer, but I reckon that's not your cup of tea, Lurk :))

  11. Im in the US and have seen all the released episodes so far and have enjoyed it. If you want to over analyis it there is always stuff you can find wrong. But the premise is interesting, but I am a sucker for the post-apoc/survivalist genre. There is the human drama that is building with the characters but as long as that does not take over the show it should be entertaining at the least.

  12. Still holding my breath for the Walking dead! :)

  13. I recorded it, it does look good though.

  14. Probably will check it out and looking forward to the walking dead!


  15. I wondered about Falling Skies...I'll have to check it out :) and I lovvve The Walking Dead!

  16. Even after all this time, Noah still looks like he did back when he was on ER.

    Haven't seen either yet.

    Hope you're having a groovy day. All is well and healing with my face. And Miss Wiggy is on her way to getting pictures taken with her new blankets.

    I'll just be careful the next time she goes into puppy-spaz mode. Maybe leave the blanket on the floor until she's done.

  17. I have been debating on watching that show.

  18. It's ok so far. I actually think the episodes are getting better. I like Noah W.... Even the prisoner guy.

  19. I went into Falling Skies with low expectations and, after seeing all 3 episodes, I like it. It's not TWD, but it beats The Marriage Ref. They're not trying to re-invent the wheel with over the top scenarios and I appreciate that. The acting is good and I really like Pope. His red velvet cupcakes are amazing.

  20. I've never even heard of this series. It's nice to hear that Captain Dye is still getting work, though.

  21. i saw it and think i'll enjoy it

  22. I watched all the episodes out and its ok so far but has yet to really wow me.

  23. minus the "wanting only children" part, yfw when you replace every "alien(s)" with the word zombie(s), you'd have "walking dead;" :/ same stuff, different day, but I have seen walking dead and read a bit from the comic it came from and I do like it, might check out the "Falling Skies"

  24. I've also been wishy-washy on whether to check out "Falling Skies" but I still can't wait for the 2nd season of "The Walking Dead"

  25. I hear it's pretty lackluster.

  26. Wow that's so cool!

  27. Sounds great, I think I'll try the Walking Dead Series

  28. hey this would be great on zoombie guys blog! ;) not my style but great post :)

  29. I didn't like the first episode and gave up. You should post another review after you see a few more episodes. I'm curious if it gets any better.

  30. This looks lame. I'm waiting for Breaking Bad to start up.

  31. I'm 4 eps in - it's not very good but not camelot terrible so I'll keep watching.

  32. i also just finished game of thrones. not too sure what to do with my life in the meantime.

  33. I have Falling Skies saved on my dvr, but it's somewhat slow moving. I'm trying to get into it though.

    I can't wait for the return of the Walking Dead.

  34. I saw an ad for the show a few days ago, but didn't end up watching it.

  35. read an ok review for this in Entertainment Weekly the other day. That magazine blows (free trail subscription stuff) but a good review is still a good review.

  36. I've watched the episodes so far (3?) and while it isn't the best riveting sci-fi, it's a far cry from the worst.

    As is usually the case with these kinds of shows it's the 'side thoughts' that I appreciate most- the things you think of, talk about with friends who are watching it, more so than the actual story line, that I find the most interesting.

    I'm putting it higher than the V remake, and far above shows like The Event or (i forget the name) the show several years ago about the aliens that invaded that came out of the water & replaced people a'la Bodysnatchers... but it's no BSG.

    A few episodes in you'll get more info on the aliens, which is good, so hang in there.

    And I'd love some 15mm minis of the mechs.

  37. I haven't decided if this one is worth watching yet cause of all the mixed reviews, but like you mentioned, Game of Thrones ended and Breaking Bad hasn't begun yet. What's a guy to do!?

  38. Hadn't heard of it so I will likely check it out.

  39. OK, update. I finally watched my DVR and I am in love with the show. It does get better. It just takes about three episodes. The aliens are more prominent and it makes the show more interesting. Of course now that I am committed to the show, it will get canceled.

  40. season 2 of falling sky confirmed
