
Monday 8 August 2011

1809 Napoleonic Battle Report Part 1.

....or the day the Dutch blogger MiniMike turned up for a 15mm Napoleonic game with Posties Rejects and survived.

The invitation to come and game with the Rejects is open to all, we just need a little notice as we're old.

Mike follows myself and Rays blogs and he blogged that he was coming to the UK (Broadstairs, an hour away by car) for a holiday with family and friends and Ray invited him to a game that Postie organised and I catered for (we still don't know what Ray did) and what follows is a little batrep and a lot of pictures of the day.

It's 1809 and the Austrian empire is on the ropes after several major defeats at the hands of Napoleon and a French (Lurker) and Saxon Army (Dutch Mike) has been commanded to finish off the remnants of the Austrian army (Surjit and Ray), the game was set up and deployed before we turned up, dicing for reinforcements along the way. Both sides were of similar size and similarly deployed and battle commenced. Would have had more detail but Ray took the sheets with the details of the battle and units and has lost them and mislaid his camera, Ray will be eventually doing a batrep on his blog tomorrow from the Austrian side.

The Rejects with Mike at the far right, not a lot of Rejects as the richer ones were on holiday.

Initial set up, French and Saxons on the left.

My line regiments move forward, the white marker denote first fire (a +1 to your firing dice, only allowed once).

The Austrians and Surjits arms await.

Contractual Postie shot with evilness and maniacal laughter present.

Tried to be a bit windswept.

Artillery had to roll for ammunition as they had not been resupplied, so a 1 got you 2 shots and no cannister for the game or a 6 got you 10 shots and 2 cannister (I didn't get anything near a bleeding six).

Postie the git made me roll 3 times until I got a 6 for this wood and this number and then it turned out to be nothing (I was expecting militia and deployed accordingly).

Austrian elite cavalry try it on with my column, they would eventually break, disperse and the attached general would be shot from his horse.

Saxon cavalry and elite Austrian cavalry clash.

If a general was attached to or within 2 inches of a unit that took casualties, you rolled a D20 to see if the general was a casualty (usually a 1 or a 2) we took 4 Austrian generals out of their saddles.

Things are not going well for the Saxon cavalry.

In fact going really badly.

Classic French deployment, 2 columns protected by a line unit for the assault.

Saxon reinforcements getting lanced.

4 Saxon columns attacking.

Nothing better than a bit of artillery, more ammunition would have helped.

The blue marker shows captured colours from that Austrian cavalry unit.

Doing a bit of birds eye, the Saxons (Mike) were an aggressive lot and should have paid a far higher price but Mike was a lucky guy with the dice at the right times.

French birds eye view.

We stopped for lunch, it's called "Marry Me" pasta.


  1. Nice one, great looking board.

  2. Mmmmmmmm Pasta!!!!!!! dribble, dribble
    The sheets and camera are hopefully still locked in Posties shed, if not the Mrs is gonna kill me about the camera and my next post is gonna be crap!!

  3. I was just thinking, hey where's the food and there in the last photo you showed us. Looks like a great day.

    Cool beaners.

  4. Great game guys. No pasta at our games but I think we are having pies at Wednesday nights game. Not too sure about the painting of the figures in the first photo or the fig's themselves. What brand are they??? Great stuff Rejects and Mike.

  5. Spectacular looking table guys. How big is it?

    Looks like fun.

  6. Ohhh Nice set up, your a friendly lot now aren't you ? talking in strays like that :)

  7. Great report - a bad day to be an Austrian General, but I guess the junior officers enjoyed the promotions!

  8. Very nice, a great game.
    But now this Marry Me pasta.. who proposed to who? And were they Rejected?

  9. @Rodger: Those ones in the first picture are unknown and OOP.
    @Arthur: I get proposals when people eat it.

  10. @Shoebox: 14 ft by 8ft I believe.

  11. Great photos, excellent terrain, and fine minis.

  12. Looks like a good time (and good pasta) was had.

  13. this looks great! but i am really jealous of the pasta

  14. Nice report, Lovely gaming table. Pasta rules

  15. sounds like a fun bunch of fellas :)

  16. Looks like you fulfilled the main criteria of wargaming - having fun!

  17. Great lookin game. Its cool to see different gaming being brought together with our blogs.

  18. Great looking table. Lots of room for maneuvering the troops. Here in central Canada you really can't set up a game table out in the shed. You'd only be able to use it three months of the year. Looks like a fun day.

  19. @Robert: I feel your cold from here brother.

  20. Well I hope Ray can find the camera before the Mrs finds out and kills him.

    It seems Postie has a lot of surprises all the time built into his scenarios.

  21. Another great report. Good blend of rules details and cool pics, and some good jokes as well. Looking forward to Ray's.

  22. Great pictures. I love the maniacal laughter. If I were to engage in these battles, I think there would be a lot of maniacal laughter and steepled fingers.

  23. All of your games always look like an amazingly fun time! :)

  24. Looks fun to me.

    Especially if you add pints to the battle.

  25. Looks a good game. Nice to invite Mike too.

    I used to have some Saxon cavalry who behaved just like those in the game with monotonous regularity. They got flirted and the unpainted brethren got a free transfer 'darn sarf'.

  26. I want that game room! Glad to see the French and Kaiserliks having a row. :)

  27. That looks like a great straight up battle.

  28. How much is admission in this group? And does Marry Me pasta have Nacho cheese in it or beer?

  29. Seems you had a lot of fun. But odd to see a group of Britishand a Dutch eating pasta... you should have taken the continental alien to one of you greasy spoon lairs, to taste the real British cooking!!!

  30. damn, you're taller than a tree. also gj postie on rocking that epic shirt.

  31. @bart...he´s standing on a box........:-D
    PS...Ray´s not wearing any socks!?

  32. that marry me paste looks like a beef stroganoff, i love a creamy pasta sauce.

  33. I just realized. There's
    only four plates there.
    Was Ray not allowed to eat?

  34. That is brilliant, I follow Mike's blog too so when I heard he was meeting up with you guys it was score one for the big fuzzy, friendly world or war-games. Good on the rejects.

  35. Nice looking board and report. I would be nice to meet and game with folks from the blogs and so I envy you guys the chance.


  36. The miniatures look so cute , you could make a movie out of this.
    And that pasta is interesting

  37. Great game, and great lunch! :D

    If you ever come to Rome give a voice, I wish you to taste some italian Pasta ;)

  38. I want to join one of your games! :D

  39. Sorry, my eyes jumped right down to the pasta.

  40. Nice battle board.... but wouldn't it be more fun to recreate some weather related aspects. I recommend tying the garden hose to the ceiling fan and turning er on.... even more authentic!

  41. Yes, I survided! I was really lucky there when I passed the "Marry Me" morale check as the pasta was superb. Would have been embarrassing to see pictures of me on my knees in front of a couple of hungry wargamers. Thanks again guys, I had a fantastic day. Lots of laughts and a exciting game. This is what a day of gaming should be; great fun!! Cheers, Michael

  42. Great looking game! Thanks for the report.


  43. Great game, I'm sorry I missed it.

    Laughed when you described absent players on holiday as being 'rich'. If I were rich I would have holidayed in a nice warm foreign local... instead I had 8 days of wind and rain in North Yorkshire.

  44. Great looking table and nice to hear about the game with a visitor too.
