
Wednesday 3 August 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Honest Review 46: SALT 2010 (3 STARS)

Evelyn Salt (Anjelina Jolie) is a CIA agent and highly respected by all, including her boss, Ted Winter (Liev Schreiber). Out of the blue, a Russian spy walks into their offices and offers a vital piece of information: the President of Russia will be assassinated during his forthcoming visit to New York City to attend the funeral of the recently deceased U.S. Vice President. The name of the assassin: Evelyn Salt. Concerned about the safety of her husband, who she cannot contact, she goes on the run. Winter refuses to accept that she is a mole or a double agent but her actions begin to raise doubts. Just who is Evelyn Salt and what is she planning?

I like Angelina Jolie for a couple of reasons, well enough about that but never really that much as an actress but she was in some OK movies (Tomb Raider, Mr & Mrs Smith, Wanted, Gone in 60 seconds etc..) but this isn't too bad. It's a movie about Russian sleeper agents being activated and an attempt to start WW3 by Russian radicals and Evelyn Salt (Jolie) being accused by a defector as being a sleeper agent, it's a quick (set over a couple of days after the accusation) action movie in the style of a Bourne movie, there's a lot of coloured herring being thrown about and who is who and what?

I spotted the real herring part of the way through but that's because I'm a cynical shit but the movie entertained, Jolie's looks are not relevant as the movie is fast paced (a little unrealistic at times and the ending is good but predictable). Reminded me of the story from Charles Bronson's cold war movie "Telefon". A movie where there is no focus on her looks (she looked slightly frumpy if that's possible ) just the acting and action.

So anyway the story is interesting, the action is good enough and you feel non cheated out of your time at the end.


  1. I enjoyed it and I think you've given it a fair review. She does come across as more 'real' than many of her movies have portrayed her, which I actually liked.

  2. I'll agree with your opinion, but I'll add she looked extremely thin almost as if she could barely stand up let alone be some kind of hyper killer. It would have been more believable if she had looked like how she did in Tomb Raider in which she looked athletic, healthy and fit.


  3. I liked this movie a lot when I saw it at the cinema. I liked the DVD even more as it came with three versions of the film. All three have about 95% of the screenplay in common, but the differences are very notable.

  4. I haven't seen it, but sounds like I should check it out.

  5. The movie had great action , and I'd do her !

  6. nice review, Lurk. I'm not a fan of action films so I probably won't watch it, but the film did have its audience.

  7. I haven't seen Salt but then again I will gladly see anything with Angelina Jolie. lol.

  8. Yeah I had serious reservationas about this as I'm not A Jolie fan whatsoever. But she was something of a revelation here and played the action heroine damn well.
    Like you say by the end you haven't been robbed of any of your time. A good no brainer watch for a cold weekend when stuck inside.

  9. still havent seen it, it reminds me of that assassins movie she is in though, and ive been trying to get with that girl that i asked that for so long

  10. i don't know why, but i just HATE angelina jolie.

    i think she is much overated! =p

  11. Loved the movie, great review

  12. Haven't seen it but thanks for the review. Did see Captain America. Didn't think it was a great movie.

    And all that fricking singing. By gosh.

    Glad I saw it, but I have no need to see it again. But I probably will see the next one, just in case the writing gets better.

    About time for me to get to work. Looking forward to your dice post. Hugs from me and Wig.

  13. it was better than i expected. i agree on the 3 star rating. +followed!

  14. I agree with T paper! It was indeed.

  15. I didn´t really like it...some good(if unbelievable) action scenes but not what I had ben led to believe...woth a one off look.

  16. I hadn't seen it, but I think this will convince me to.

  17. Never watched this film, mostly because the ads around hollywood were so gimmicky, i cringed every time i saw the bus ad.

  18. I enjoyed the movie and the plot was good enough to keep me interested... on the other hand Angelina is my "the one" (sorry Angry Lurker)

  19. I think your review pretty much nails it. It was entertaining enough that I looked past most of the flaws and got over my hate of Liev Schreiber.

  20. 3 stars does it justice, was expecting more from it but it failed to deliver

  21. ...needs more sugar... 3 stars...

  22. Havent you noticed? She would always be the CIA or Spy and yet do all bad things?
    Salt- I hated that movie, stereotyped and I need break from Angelina.

  23. I really enjoyed this movie. I went in and didn't expect much and I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not a big Jolie fan, but she did great. This was the first film I saw that I thought could be a contender for the Jason Bourne franchise.

  24. It was not a bad movie, I need to see it again to really pass judgement.

  25. Jolie used to be so gorgeous! She's still attractive but just...different now =/

  26. I have yet to see this, but its on the list. Might bump it up to tonight's movie!

  27. I normally wont give her a chance but what the hell, im gonna check it out.
