
Tuesday 2 August 2011

The Rejects and a Tiger at Salute 2012?

The Rejects met Paul Darnell at Salute this year and myself and Ray had been following his blogs for a while, had a chat with him at the show, took some pictures and went our separate ways but we would meet again seemingly, Paul runs two blogs Battles in Miniature and Hadrian's Wall Live , he is a prolific model maker (very good and can turn his eye to any piece of terrain you could want) and has several publications to his name, more information on those blogs (go visit).

Anyway his latest post on his Battles in Miniature blog is about a WW2 game he will be hosting at Salute 2012 and the rejects will be assisting on the day (now I hope Paul knows what he's getting himself into because we're gits when we game and Ray has terrible social skills).

It's a 1:1 late war WW2 skirmish at a radar station......anyway go over to his blog and read the post.

This is one of his old WW2 layouts from issue 3 of one of his model books.

The Rejects at Salute 2012 and participating and not being asked to leave hopefully (I'm talking to you Ray), could get in free aswell (£12.00 extra to spend on figures).


  1. Looks like this will be an interesting game to take part in.

  2. Good on the Rejects. Have fun you guys.

  3. Should be a fun day :)

  4. The set-up is so very realistic, I'm sure it's going to be an epic battle

  5. That's a great picture. The depth of field in it almost makes it look real.

  6. Its the first I've heard about this, man I must stay of the booze!

  7. Sounds like a fun undertaking!

  8. I thought that was a real battle scene at first! Dang thats an awesome layout!

  9. Now if you can keep Ray out of trouble long enough, he will have a chance to shine on the staff at UK Salute to build up his self-esteem.

    After all last week he was demonstrating the entire host of the Iliad, painted according to the List of Ships from Book VIII IIRC, but yet called himself sad, at the same time. The thing was awesome.

    Now we have only 364 days to prepare him for the Olympics, where he will be the UK ambassador to the world, as he already is for many thousands of us readers.

    Maybe some uniform shirts would be in order, like those other staffers had last year.

  10. Bloody Cheeky Git!!!!
    I think we're gonna have a great time!
    Thanks for the kind words Mekelnborg!! and I've still got the Trojans to post yet!!
    T-shirts are a great idea, but Fran's will be expensive, have you seen the size of them bellies of his, he may just have to wear a cloak!!

  11. Thanks Ray, the pot has just upset the kettle!

  12. Very nice shot - gives a lot of feeling - Tigers are scary! Dean

  13. that's a very realistic layout!

  14. These models are just amazing. Speaking of WWII, I just saw a documentary/reenactment of the destruction of the Casino Monastery in Italy. Now that was a battle.

  15. what an awesome scenario!!! :O

  16. The Rejects at Salute 2012 eh, worth the entry fee alone! Will definitely have to come and say hello.

  17. I"m gonna have to look up the meaning of "gits" is sounds a lit'l bit sassy.

  18. I've enjoyed Pauls projects on the blogs. Have a good time and yes indeed he really knows how to make quality terrain!


  19. Here you are Todd:

    git [gɪt]
    In Brit slang
    1. a contemptible person, often a fool
    2. a bastard
    Fits the Lurker perfectly, and he'll probably agree on No2!! he he!!

  20. The background is amazing. Love the little rocks!

  21. Love the little buildings, well crafted.

  22. Fantastic - looking forward to seeing you there!


  23. Paul makes some great scenery, one of my favourite dio makers.

  24. Looking forward to the game, but everyone will have to undergo a Health & Safety Risk Assessment, before it, as you just can't be too careful these days?

  25. I wisk I could make at Salute next year... my last show was 1999 (the past century!!)

  26. That's very cool. Good luck on getting those benefits, but we all know the gaming on terrain like that is what it's all about. It'll be a real privilege.

  27. famtastic look !!!!Should be a fun day!!!!

  28. I'm pretty sure the Rejects need to come pick me up on the way to Salute. Its not out of the way much...

  29. oh man at first i thought this was a post about gi joes and i got excited and then i found out it wasnt and i still stayed excited :D

  30. That's an amazingly realistic setup he has. I think the secret is having an outdoors looking backdrop.

  31. Awesome. I'll likley drop in and say hello.
