
Friday 12 August 2011

Things that may make a Wargamer cry 2.

Have you ever bought something that you don't know why as it was the wrong scale and the wrong price, have been picking up some of the 20mm/1:72 scale Plastic Soldier Company 20mm Russian stuff for future wandering around the Soviet Union but still came home with this?


.....instead of this?

It's sad when the mind goes, anybody else do this sort of thing?


  1. I once did the opposite – bought a box of GW Space Marines only to discover when I got home that they were Epic Space Marines and tiny.

  2. It seems that 'colour code' they use on boxes didn't work out for You then?

  3. looks close enough...for untrained eyes like mine. :|

  4. It's like a wife, if you don't read the small print that comes with it; your screwed ;)

  5. Bad luck (bad eyesight too?) :)

  6. just return it! ...btw like your blog keep up the good work check my blog out hven have time! follow

  7. I spoke to the guy who runs the Plastic Soldier Co at the Attack convention - I'm sure he'd exchange them for you if you contact him

  8. Should have gone to Specsavers..

  9. Yes I have. I would say we all have at some point , just not everyone has the balls to admit to it. Better luck next time Fran.

  10. Not being a wargamer I had to strain my early morning brain to figure this one out...but I got it! However, I may have expended my mental load for the rest of the day. ;)

  11. Bought it at a show, will try and exchange later on this year.

  12. What is the moral then? Not to buy blue color box?

  13. Been there done that, probably do it again in the future

  14. Eh, nah, I dont typically buy the wrong thing by accident. Its more like I see something that is the wrong scale or wrong item and I think 'ill buy that and start painting THAT scale!'. Its more intentional - so, which is worse?

  15. Ach it happens. Try ebay on the miniatures page if you don't want to wait. Someone who lives miles from a game store will take it off your hands.

  16. I can back up The Dark Templar's comment about GW's 40K and Epic. I don't remember ever actually buying the wrong scale, but it was very easy to get confused back when they were both popular and sold side by side. The fact Chaos has factions in Warhammer, 40K and Epic also meant a bit of extra thinking, especially in the old days.

  17. for the red for a sinking feeling

  18. At least your mind didn't have far to go.

  19. I wouldn't notice the difference :)
    I think I have some soldier figures down in my cellar from back when I was a kid, but they are probably in horrid condition.

  20. Man, I hate when that happens. I haven't done it with wargaming stuff, but I've done it with other things.

  21. and I thought you guys never cried. lol.

  22. I never would have noticed the difference. I'm just a grab n' go type of guy. Definitely not one of my strong points.

  23. This is only excuse you need to start a need project in a new scale. I once grabbed a pack of Minifigs British Light Dragoons while my mind told me they were Russian Dragoons. I was even sober at the time. Still have them.

  24. Never done it, no never, honestly...

  25. nah...havent bought action figures in atleast 15 years or so now.

  26. The "28" and "1/72" really should be in much larger print - especially since the box art is identical. And I did once get a box of multiple 1:35 scale Samurai (plastic), when I though I was buying one large Samurai - the box showed only one Samurai taking up the whole artwork. Oh well, I made do, and put the little guys together. Best, Dean

  27. With reference to your Operation Sealionfigures- Stupid boy Pike!

  28. Bad Luck... or a sign?

    Come to the 28mm side of wargaming... :P

  29. I've caught myself putting the dog leashes in the refrigerator...mental whack attack

  30. Bad luck that, Hope you have luck in exchanging it.


  31. welp sir, you won the Take a Guess Challenge once again! Congrats.

  32. Oh Fran now I see it. You missed the black box. The one with the 15mm figures: :-D

    For your information he's a member at Benno's, so maybe you can fix something with him ;-)

    I had this once with a box of Italeri. I thought I was buying the French staff but it was the Allied one, British and Prussian :-(


  33. I did stuff like this all the time in my days in the hobby shop. You think it is bad buying one package of the wrong thing for yourself? Imagine the pain of ordering a case of the wrong thing for the shop. Bad memories, there.

  34. You aren't alone mate - I did it with a platoon of 3 King Tiger tanks! My buddy appreciated the donation to his FOW army in the end :-)

  35. It almost happened to me in June when I was going through a new hobby shop and I caught it in the nick of time.

    It's because they have them stacked next to each other on the shelves, and this place is absurdly overstocked with stacks up the floor and every available inch stuffed, piles of models fall to the floor when you try to see the rows behind the front.

    Not complaining though.

    I got both the winter uniform and summer uniform Russians in 1/72 from Pegasus on the same trip.

  36. Was Ray there pestering you while you bought it? Because if so ...

  37. I make purchases like this any time I get enough money to do something without foresight.

  38. This is the kind of hobby I'd really like to have some day. When I have more free time.

  39. I do it all the time, no depth perception and that bifocal blind spot gets me all the time.

  40. Recently. I ordered the wrong rulebook. I was so excited over the latest release of Over the Top that I click on the wrong buy it now button.

  41. Yeah, I bought a box of Revell german engineers on ebay, which I thought were 1/72 but turned up being 1/35.

    But it's just not us customers who confuses stuff. I ordered the same box of PSC russians in 1/72 from Maelstrom Games, and they sent me a box of 15mm figures. They replaced it with the correct box without any hassle, and I got to keep the first box as well.

  42. I constantly buy crap I later wonder what's it used for. It's a nasty habit and does a number on your wallet.

  43. I have also bought duplicates of stuff that i don't need without realising until far too late when both boxes are open and very little done with them. :\

  44. Yep, just done something similar. Because I am a modelling noob I didn't fully understand the difference between 20mm and 1/72 and the fact that 20mm is actually 1.76! I just bought a lovely set of Finnish field gunners in 20mm for my 1/72 field howitzer set as this set was a bit light on crew. Of course they didn't match. Lesson learned.
