
Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 48: I Am Number Four (3 STARS).

While I was off I caught up with a lot of movies like Xmen: First Class, Thor and this one I am Number Four.....

Aliens and their guardians are hiding on Earth from intergalactic bounty hunters, they can only be killed in numerical order and Number Four is next on the list. This is his story.

This barely made the 3 Stars but did because of the Mogadorians and their beasts (the bad guys who are really over the top but damn good to watch). Number Four has been hiding for years with his over protective guardian (played by the brilliant Timothy Olyphant from Hitman, Justified etc...). The movie starts with the death of Number Three and then continues with teen angst and moody teenager bullshit as Number Four rebels against his life and lack of information about his former homeworld, his developing powers (very useful), love, high school and over protective guardians.

The CGI is good, the Mogadorians are great, the action isn't too bad when it happens and is worth a watch but really very little else to recommend other than watching it once with a big bowl of buttered popcorn and also beware of cute dogs but not of Number Six.


  1. The only good thing about this film in my opinion is Teresa Palmer who is completely hawt and did a great job as the badass chick.

  2. I'll check it out on the film channels later.


  3. Sounds good for a evening's entertainment. Thanks for the review.

  4. It was okay... which is about all I can say. Fair review though. I tend to find that when something gets a lot of hype it generally needs it to sell.

    I've seen better films that I've previously never heard of.

  5. they gave away too much in the trailer...

  6. I'll add it to the Netflicks queue. Three stars is good enough for me.

  7. I'm new to your site & am getting acquainted. I looked at the trailer, the visuals do look good. I see by your bio you read Prachett. Discworld series was great. Also, have you seen Ronin and Dreams by Kurosawa? I love all of his work.
    Thank you,

  8. Cill Chainnigh, wins the hurling.

  9. "teen angst and moody teenager bullshit "

    he he he :)

  10. Oh gosh, it has the blue and orange color scheme on the movie poster. you had to know it was going to be kinda sucky. lol.

  11. It's funny I'm becoming less about the CG and more about the plots these days. Might have to skip this one.

  12. I don't even think I've heard of this, but it sounds decent enough to watch.

  13. I am curios about this one as well

  14. I am going to look for this to watch

  15. Not much attracted by the film after your review

  16. I skipped this one. As I've said, "I Am Number Four" looks like Number Two.

  17. I really don't even remember this film being out in theaters. Confused I am. haha.

    so you doing an X-Men/Thor review soon?

  18. Ack. I can't read your post because I don't read reviews before seeing movies but wanted to pop in.

    Not much new. Still love prep. Still hate salad bar. Hope your holiday was well.

  19. ill give this movie a go.....I've been hesitant hitting that on demand button. but if you give it 3 stars, I'm in

  20. will give it a try, havent seen it

  21. i don't know, i'm not a big fan of this idea for a movie

  22. I have it coming next on Netflix, but only because Thor isn't available yet. Plus it has to be better than another episode of Hell's Kitchen.

  23. Even if it only barely made your three-star rating, still sounds like it might be worth a watch -- thanks for the review.

  24. sounds a bit like critters with the alien bounty hunters, i might check it out

  25. how do you find these movies? Bookmarking it for sure.

  26. i think if it happens to come on cable one day while i am flipping through the channels and there is nothing else on, perhaps i will watch it...
