
Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Painted Games Workshop Ogres and some of my favourite figures ever.......

....and also show Posties Rejects in plastic painted form on tour (I'm the good looking one on the right and Ray is the ugly git with the closed helmet!)

These are some of my favourite figures ever made and come from the monster that is Games Workshop who do good stuff if a little expensive but quality costs. I like fantasy and sword and shield epics and these were for a project that still sits on the back burner but there are also painted GW chaos infantry, Wargames Foundry orcs and even skeletons sitting in boxes but some day they will surface for a game.

There's not a lot of love for fantasy gaming among the Rejects but Ray actually putting a game on is also fantasy so I don't see a problem, sometimes it's the figures that inspire the period you play.


  1. Nice looking bunch! not the one you want to pop in to on a sunday walk;)

    Best regards dalauppror

  2. You got me off to a T, the likeness is uncanny!

  3. Really nice detail on th0se.

  4. Very cool, Lurker. I didn't realize you did fantasy minis as well as historicals. Superbly done.

  5. Oh, I really like GW ogres! There is no chance of me going back to Warhammer, but I bought the new army book just this weekend.

  6. Very nice paint job on those, Fran! GW Fantasy stuff is not my "thing" at all, but ive thougth about purchasing some of these guys more than once. You might be a bad influence!

  7. I really like those figs too, and want to make a Blood Bowl team with them!

  8. Nice painting! I've given up on GW figures and games(except occasionally WAB and Blood Bowl)as the system doesn't appeal to me any longer and the figures are flat out way over priced even if they are well made. The GW figures I still own will either be used for fantasy Impetus(if I do it) or sold. However, if it works for you then super as it gives you more things to do I say.


  9. Yes, anyway there is some fantasy involved either way actually, these are just labels made up by marketers trying to cash in on our tendencies. It is regrettable how much influence they have over a simple hobby.

    OMG is that Ray's Hombre-ChiChi I am turning around!

  10. these are super cool and super playful!

  11. Love those ogres Angry. I knew you read Pratchett and figured you like fantasy. Read Discworld series myself. I was reading Jordan's Wheel of Time series, but he lost the thread. I'm still waiting for George RR Martin to get off his duff and finish his series.

  12. Those ogres came out great. I've been wanting to paint one for a while, now. Seeing these means I have to get a few soon. I can always use it in Mordheim.

  13. I've gone right off all GW products but I can still appreciate well painted figures. Nicely done, Fran!

  14. Yes very nice Lurker, I can see why you like them, they look great....and angry.

  15. Dang these guys looks brutal! lol. Amazing details! :D

  16. as Vampi said : no GW for me but lovely paint scheme (I love red & gold)

  17. Great figures! Great paintjobs! Why the round bases?

    Can agree with a lot of people here off the GW stuff due to price mainly but i think a little bit stagnant in what the produce

  18. Get reaaaaddyyyyy tooo RUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMBBLLEEE!!!!!

    Oh shoot..... Downhill and the one in the back tripped!

  19. Great looking figures. I don't play any GW, but I must admit, the Ogres are an under appreciated force. You don't see many of them out there, compared to the other forces.

  20. Great work on the skin - it's brave, and it looks amazing. Those models definitely work on round bases.

  21. Those look fantastic...and expensive.

  22. These look good. I buy some fantasy stuff once in a very while, only to be laughed at by my group. so they never get painted

  23. I'm surprised with that new Thrones TV show, that fantasy wouldn't be more popular.

  24. I've been drooling over these a long time, ever since they came. But... the tin- and plstic-mountain needs to be scaled first...

  25. That's a mean looking bunch that you wouldn't want to cross

  26. Big ugly buggers, aren't they? Great looking figures though.

  27. Nice work, personally I can't stomach GW outrageous prices, but they do manage to produce some nice lead.

  28. Great stuff Angry! I have the opposite problem as you. Everything is Warhammer here. :(

    I'm just hoping some of my friends will help push around my historical minis once I get them painted. And anything smaller than 28mm is right out!

  29. Ohhh, some Fantasy! :D

    I Really like Ogre (ok, I resemble a little one of them, but a good one!).

    I see you put them on a round base, what ruleset you count to use?

  30. Fantastic, lovely looking figures and beautifully painted. Well done that man.

  31. Holy crap, they look tough. What's the deal with their stomach? They look like they have a mouth there or something.

  32. Nice and scary ogre army. I love that one with the full helm.

  33. I just started laughing because of their awesome looks. :D

  34. Those look super well done, nice!

  35. Very nice...orgres rip, roaring, and ready to rumble.

  36. I can't remember, have you painted at 40K stuff?

    Just wondering because I have a preference for that Universe and lore.

  37. A great unit. There are actually plenty of companies that charge a lot for their miniatures. Some of my old fantasy figures will soon appear on the tabletop in a pulp game.

  38. Ogres are supposed to be ugly creatures rite? These are pretty cute and interesting.
