
Monday, 21 November 2011

28mm Modern Civilians for Zombie Gaming......what are their chances?

28mm foundry civilians for zombie/modern gaming but what are their chances when then outbreak comes?

Still painting up the odd figure for zombie and modern gaming, as we all now in most games civilians are a bit of a burden to be protected and saved but what about the civilian being able to look after themselves from the get go?

Two likely lads here.

City road sweeper, fit from all the breast feeding of that brush and as a possible weapon maybe or likely to be as fit as a sloth but has life experience? 6 out of 10 survivability  

Student type, fashionable and functional clothing,but what's in the bag, books, weed and munchies or a Glock but possibly too sheltered and naive a character? 5 out of 10 survivability


  1. Hilarious...I love how you rate their level of survival!

  2. If the student has a mobile he's toast. He'll be eaten before he texts the words "Shit, there's a zombie...." The street sweeper might be smart enough to throw the student at a zombie and then run like hell.

  3. That road sweeper is a great model. I'm afraid he will be the first to go though...

  4. Great figures - I admire your industry :)

  5. Great figures. I'm giving them both lesser chances of survival than you however.

  6. If that road-sweeper is as slow as the ones we have in Swindon, I'd only give him 2 out of 10...

  7. From now on, I think all minatures, no matter setting or era, should be rated for zombie apocalypse survivability.

  8. Nice figs. I think they are both toast.

  9. cute ones and so real. Yellow hat and sweat..

  10. Very very nice! i like this amazing Types^^ Super!

  11. Very nice. I love the idea of rating survivability.

  12. Very cool. I like the survivability measure as well.

  13. I have a feeling the guy with the backpack doesn't stand a chance...

  14. I think the student might have more of a chance, being a student he's been considering Z-Day for years, and has a plan. If he gets high though, he'll forget it, and be screwed. Unless the weed gives him super powers.

  15. This was good. :) Looks like the student might have already smoked. :) Have a wonderful Monday Angry! :)

  16. I think the student should be broken down into groups. You have the jocks, the brains, the gamers and the cheerleaders/ditz types.

    Jocks would die quickly being macho. The ditz would die as they would stand there and scream. The brains could have a chance if they are not preoccupied by anything. The gamer would look around and start think..." finally happened".

    I have a friend that him and his wife carry a "survival kit" in their car to "get home" or somewhere else. Includes two spare loads for their pistols, survival bars, water purification tabs, water bottle, first aid basics and a map with waypoints. He said may it be a terrorist attack, Zday or just a natural disaster he wanted to be ready.

  17. Won't zombies just freeze in the winter months?

  18. Good one Lurker! Bring on some more of these :-)
    everybody who saw the film Zombieland knows that those nerdy students know all the rules for survival! looooooooooooool

  19. I absolutely love the subtitles. Great work!

  20. Now you're telling me there's ZOMBIE gaming? Oh, I want in so badly!

  21. Poor civs. They don't know what's about to happen!

  22. just ordered 20 modern zombies and am currently building a dozen tower blocks and urban terrain pieces for my ZA game. I so love shooting me some zombies!!!!

  23. I have both mini's sitting on my gaming table. One finished and needing photographed. The other still naked. I agree with you on their survival chances.

  24. Maybe they can talk themselves out of it! Or maybe they are football hooligans! That would level up their ratings you've given Fran :-D

    Great painted figures and story!


  25. Two great figures Fran, nice one!!

  26. My money's on the street sweeper. He's got a two-handed melee weapon that ought to do extra damage, along with a helmet that should give him an AC bump. No contest.

  27. Fun idea!
    I give that student a survival rating of 3 though. no weapon on hand, and worse- one hand partially slowed by gripping the backpack strap & other in his pocket? No, this guy has no instincts for remaining alert, his days are numbered few.

  28. Very nice and really like the rating gag!


  29. Looks realy nice !!! Just some Zombies missing;)

    Best regards dalauppror

  30. I've got to say my money would certainly be on the Zombies. Love the figures though.

  31. but then they have those sweet rides, that bumps them up a notch.

  32. I thought students were zombies anyway? Great work.

  33. Or you know they could like stay in the car and drive away.

  34. Honestly? I think you're being a bit generous with those numbers there. :P

  35. Nice change to see a survivor that dosen't carry a weapon, not everyone can survive the apocolypse... what are the zombies gonna eat ?
