
Thursday, 17 November 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Honest Review 57: Drive 2011 (3 STARS)

A Hollywood stuntman who moonlights as a wheelman discovers that his life is in danger when a heist goes wrong.

"I drive for you, you get your money. That's a guarantee. Tell me where we start, where we're going and where we're going afterwards, I give you five minutes when we get there. Anything happens in that 5 minutes and I'm yours, no matter what. Anything a minute either side of that and you're on your own. I don't sit in while you're running it down. I don't carry a gun. I drive."

What to say about this movie, I didn't know what to expect and even now I don't know what I really feel about this movie. Nearly the first half is a slow stroll through neon lights, moody looks, his (Ryan Gosling) day and night job but done with real detail on lighting, scenery and affection with a next door neighbour and her kid (nicely done but out of character?).
The second half is another movie with his employer (Bryan Cranston, good and sleazy) at a garage who dreams of a race team with our hero getting involved with the wrong people again you'll understand when you see him (Albert Brooks who is brilliant and Ron Perlman who for once is lost in his role), our hero agrees to help his neighbours husband who is just out of prison and owes the wrong people money so right out of character he gets involved in a heist which is already been screwed up by others (his employers old friends) and then the second half of the movie is a violent road crash that heads to an ending which nobody wants but you know is coming.

It's still a watchable movie, very well shot, the action (the movie was mentioned for the violence being very graphic and it is but that's what really happens to the human body) what there is good (Albert Brooks and his love of blades is shocking and disturbing especially in one scene) and for once because the pace is quite slow at times the music and lyrics made sense and were well chosen and that worried me.


  1. Thanks for the review, Fran. This is high on my list of films I want to see.

  2. Guns for a show, knives for a pro! I've heard good and bad things about this movie, I guess my only real shot of getting it is to actually, well, get it. Or watch it at least.

  3. Thanks Fran, Have read mixed reviews I guess its a get it and watch type of film and make my own choice.

  4. Interesting. I've been wanting to check this out.

  5. Nice review, although I think I'll skip this one.

  6. Thanks Fran. Having scene the trailer, I just can't shake the feeling that's it an inferior copy of Transporter.

  7. I'm generally not a fan of Gosling's type of actors, so I'm not interested in this one, but I know that he has the support of millions of fanboys. I don't like that egocentric way of acting followed by Gosling, Sean Penn, Al Pacino....

  8. If you enjoy a movie that ramps itself up and down with an intense slow pace to a mind numbing violence then you will bleed out for this movie. Ryan Golsing's character is a Khorne Berzerker.

  9. I'm so out of the movie-loop, that I didn't even know about this movie. But I can tell you the laest line of organic spices that my local market now carries. And I can rate them.

    Have a groovy day.

  10. it was an over-time loss, so the losing team still gets a point for making it to over-team. and i need to check this movie out, looks and sounds cool

  11. maybe if i have nothing else to watch one night...

  12. I heard this was a REALLY good movie so I will be checking this one out for sure! :D

  13. I loved this movie because of its uniqueness. I think the problem was that it was marketed as some kind of Fast and the Furious action movie, but it's not. It's much more intelligent than that.

  14. Not a big fan of that neon-lighty stuff. I might skip this one.

  15. I'll have to check this movie out purely on the fact that Cranston is in it, and I had no idea until now.

  16. quite the head trip. I didn't know what I was getting unto at first but so far, it's my favorite movie of the year.

  17. I've heard both good and bad. Mostly good, but that was from what seemed like fan boy types. I'm sure I'll see it eventually.

  18. Never heard of it!!!! Bring some dvd's into work on friday, now were not patrolling I've got nothing to do, be a good lad, your bestest pal Raymond!!

  19. Not sure I'm going to be able to persuade the good lady wife that this is suitable weekend fodder!

  20. I was blown away by this film, and I love how it snuck in under the radar and made its way into theaters disguised as a mainstream movie, it was pretty much the anti-car chase flick people thought it would be. If you haven't seen Refn's "Pusher" trilogy I highly recommend it; equally awesome stuff.

  21. This one passed me by, I heard good things but it wasn't in the cinema very long. Must be some art-house flick... :P

  22. i have yet to watch this, thanks for the reminder.

  23. Nice one mate, even if it seems I enjoyed this one more than you did.

  24. I didn't like it as a whole, but there were good parts in it. It is a really good looking movie, the soundtrack is really good too. It could have benefited from having more of a story and put more emphasis on the driver and his jobs as a driver.

    There was very little action or violence in it, but the little of it there were was really good.

  25. I agree with the review. Not everyone's cup of tea and could have done better.
    Ryan Gosling and music score good.

    BTB My comments are going to your spam is it?
