
Tuesday 13 December 2011

20mm Painted WW2 Russian Infantry Platoon.

A 20mm painted Plastic Soldier Company WW2 Russian platoon for my foray into the Soviet Union next year, the platoon is made up of 3 squads and a command squad, there is a figure (LMG) missing in the top left of the first picture but he has now been found and while Ray is not a suspect at this time but investigations continue.......


  1. Fine looking set of minis! Great job on these.

  2. How the flip do you paint it so fine? Must have taken quite a lot of hard work. *impressed*

  3. Is that a female medic up there? Nice addition to the board.

    Holy Christ, BBC news just broke into my program with a news alert "Ray Rousell taken in on suspicion of theft." Blimy I told my husband, I know that guy LOL

  4. Sure, I bet you already have 2 uniformed coppers on the way over to Ray already.;-)
    Figures look very nice btw!


  5. Nicely painted figures there. I will have to look at these fellows in 28 myself.

  6. looks very nice !

    ++ for the female medic or is she a disguised commissary;)

    Best regards Dalauppror

  7. It's kinda hard to replicate beating a man to death with your own severed arm in a miniatures game though, which is what I imagine some soviets may have done if they lost an arm.

  8. Great work on these Angry! The female is a nice touch. Really like the guy with the SMG in photos 4 & 5 too.

  9. Sweet job on these Fran, they look a treat.

  10. The screaming PPSH-Guy is just top notch :D
    But also on the rest you did a great job!

  11. Look at the detailing in the shirts.

  12. ah, Russians, our Slav brothers :) I speak Russian by the way, if you need me for spying business in Moscow :)

  13. That is some great paintjob right there!

    I found that the 15 and 20mm Plastic Soldier Company stuff looked better than the 28mm which was horrible.

    It is said that they have improved since then and no longer enlarge 15mm sculpts to 28mm proportion but rather made some 28mm masters.

  14. Excellent job. The Soviet ranks are growing!

  15. Most of these guys are missing little vodka bottles. lol.

  16. Very nice Fran, the ink has really settled on these nicely, could these be your best painted figs yet?? I've just finished painting another NYW cavalry squadron, after a bit of conversion work the commander is now armed with a DP28, looks a little weird but it'll do?????

  17. Very nice looking Russian troops. They will most certainly bring the Wehrmacht much blutige Hölle.

  18. Nice paintjob. I would love to see these and the rest in a game

  19. Great job on those! Beautiful detailing.

  20. Great brushwork. I'm definitely going to have to bump PSC figures up on my shopping list.

  21. You do a great job at a smaller scale. Always a pleasure to view.

  22. Great stuff, really brings the 20mm scale to life now with the hard plastics from PSC, rather than the soft plastics from airfix etc... I can see PSC getting a lot of my future pennies - 15mm for my FoW stuff, and 20mm now for my son to 'play' with...

  23. Very nice work as always Fran. Where on earth do you store all your figs? You must have tens of thousands of em if your painting output is anything to go by.

  24. Angry: I'm really amazed; how can you achieve such a level fo detail in a 20mm mini? I can only paint now 28mm, impossible to return to 20mm with the state of my eyes... and looking at the photos I doubt you're much younger than me

  25. These look fantastic! The figure in the middle of the fourth picture has the best expression on his face! (and about the figure getting lost for a while, did you ever watch the movie Toy Story?)

  26. Great painting, really nice work

  27. Great looking platoon, good to see 'en masse'.

  28. they look like they're ready to go! :D

  29. russian's had thompsons? i never knew that.

  30. Your Russian infantry figurines look so real and detailed that if I woke up in the middle of the night and saw them on my bed, I would scream, "Help, I'm being attacked by Russian soldiers and I can't get out!"

    Seriously... Good job, dude.

  31. Nice painting on the Ruskies Angry, I like them a lot, colours are good.

  32. Awesome painting skills. I'm pretty sure those aren't Thompson though, more like PPSHes.

  33. Very nice! Like them a lot. Looking at your figures I realise I didn't paint the red stars on the caps on my figures. I have to go back and do that!

  34. Very well done...a little bummed that for whatever reason I could only see half of the pics. I am sure it has everything to do with my ISP.
