
Friday 2 December 2011

28mm Modern Civilians for Zombie Gaming part 3...what are their chances?

Some more candidates for surviving the upcoming apocalypse, figures are from Hasslefree Miniatures and have yourselves a good weekend...I'm off to the Military Tattoo in London on Saturday (early Christmas present).

This guy is a bit of a lump, college student, possible college football player, maybe a linebacker...or a golfer? 7 out of 10

This little lady caught sunbathing at the beach when hostilities broke out, vulnerable, no supplies or clothes but plenty of possible suitors will volunteer to protect her? 8 out of 10

He'll protect her!

Nice hat!


  1. She's got to be a 10+, 'cause she is the girl the good guy gets by the end of the movie!

  2. Not too bad, not too bad at all!!

  3. The woman... I do not know...
    Maybe she has succeed and can move the zombies to me to her charms in addition them in rest makes..., however her disaster would also be able, because who looks so appetizing, can eat of course still a lot rather to are had with pleasure...:D

  4. I think the girl would be killed near instantly, but you're right, many guys will try to protect her. You really thought this out.

  5. Looking good and your assessment is right on!


  6. Oh come on... you know she's going to be the one who runs with an annoying scream and then trips over a blade of grass in the first few minutes of the apocalypse. Survivability 2/10 surely? ;-)

  7. The fat guy with the baseball bat I think makes it a while. The babe? Not so much. Id give the fat guy 8/10, the chick 2/10, if not worse! Although, she could use those boobs as a weapon...

  8. She's toast and he'll die in some kinda fat joke like trying to get those box of Twinkies or Ding Dongs.


  9. I must be more of a pessimist when it comes to judging the survival chances of figures. The guy, representing Ed from Shaun of the Dead, does not make it. Even as a random college bloke, I give him about a 5. The girl, though a great figure, even less so. She looks like a screamer, who will attract Zeds.

  10. You had me at zombie.

    Like the fact the lady figure looks curvy and kinda lived-in frumpy.

  11. Great job on those. Survivability on the guy is probably 7-8. The girl may surprise you. Women are resilient. I'd bump her up to a 4 or 5.

  12. I'd rather have the guy on my side :P

  13. I bet she'll have to pay him somehow for protection

  14. Absolutely - maybe by eating his brain after she got bitten?

  15. Please do watch SHAME, though it is highly grasphic in its sexual depiction, which may make some people uneasy.

  16. The big guy is almost sure to survive and the gal will only be protected because she has big... hats...

  17. Girls are suprising. She may be a lot tougher than she looks, she was caught off guard!

  18. Nicely painted figures, Fran, but I'd rate their survivability much lower. I'd go as low as 4 for him and 2 for her.

  19. Nice looking characters. Looking forward to the tabletop encounters.

  20. Nice paintjobs Fran, i'd give them a 5 for the guy and 1 for the lovelly lady, Scratches can get infected don't ya know

  21. If she has had sex during the film she's dead.
    If you understand that she has had sex just before the film she's dead.
    Otherwise she has a chance.
    Mostly the same for him, but if he lusts for her, he is certainly dead. If he's in love with her (you know "pure love" as opposed to "lust") and she has not had sex he will probably survive (but he might die saving her). In the "he loves her"-case she will certainly survive.
    Difficult thing, surviving zombies, but remember sex=dead

  22. Maybe she needs to be protected from him?!

  23. There'll be nothing left of her but the hat.

  24. Looks like Pammie has a rival for your affections.

  25. Funny coincidence: I have just finished watching the second season's second chapter of The Walking Dead with my daughter!!.

    I'd say the survival chances are low... unless Rick Grimes is anywhere near, of course!!!

  26. Big guy with a golf club has my vote, beating out even the street-cleaner -- this guy has a lot of damage potential. Hot chick? Hmmm... not so much -- doesn't a hot chick always die at the start of every horror movie?

  27. i HATE it when the apocalypse interrupts my sunbathing. SO rude.

  28. Pi k up truck,hockey bat,puck,fat guy, bikini voluptuous woman yeah he will protect her;-)

  29. The guy with the bat has a good chance and so does the bird. Yeah, he'd protect her. Nice hat and nice rack.

  30. Thank you for the afternoon laugh. Good stuff.

  31. My money is on whoever finds guns and ammo. No gun, low survival. Find a gun and an eight year old can survive.

  32. Oh la la. I think I am in love!

    Pretty awesome work Fran, well done!

  33. lol. I liked the minis! haha Have a good night. :)

  34. Yes. I'm sure he'll be very interested in her hat as well.

  35. Nice work again, Angry :) enjoy the tournament too, mate - we are going up to see it Sunday ;)

  36. I hope you enjoy yourself at the tournament and great minis.

  37. If he clobbers her over the head with that golf club I'd say his chances of scoring are pretty good. didn't mean it in that way. Sorry.

  38. Anne had it right. People get ideas from schlocky B-list movies, but real zombies are not that hard to beat if you keep your wits about you.

  39. Sorry a bit late on this one! She has to be one of the most unlikely survivors I've seen in a while; she probably hasn't even noticed the plague of undead terrorising the neighbourhood!

  40. Nice!

    Isn't the hot blonde one of the first to go in a zombie flick? The other guy looks handy with a club, but I hope he doesn't get stuck running away from a mob...


  41. I always thought blond chicks die first as well. The golf club will come in real handy though.

  42. Ha, you know which one is my favorite. The lady in the bikini is priceless.

  43. The chick! I'd wade though the horde for her! :)
