
Thursday 8 December 2011

Angry Movie Lurker Honest Review 60: Cowboys and Aliens 2011 (3 STARS)

A man wakes up in the desert in Arizona in 1873 with no memory and a strange device on his wrist and wanders into the town of Absolution during the start of an alien scouting mission to colonize Earth.

Finally got to see this even after most reviews were not that positive about it, I never read the graphic novels that it's based on either but it's a western with a good cast and Aliens in it (it can't be bad...right!).

I'm not a great fan of Daniel Craig (except for Bond) and Harrison Ford will only ever be Indiana or Han but they work well as people who are not that nice but band together to save the people who have been abducted and stop the aliens from  leaving the planet before they bring back more friends.

The action is quite good, the CGI is good, the aliens are not bad and have a serious Midas addiction, there are a host of supporting actors who you will know, cute kid and dog (some things we have to bear) and did I say indians?

Worth a watch as I said but could have been much more but cowboys and indians fighting aliens with bullets, spears and dynamite in the desert is not something I had seen before or likely to again.


  1. When I saw this over the summer I was very did disappoint because of that. However, when I watched it again, I liked it more. I really enjoyed Harrison Ford being kind of a jerk too! (And not cocky like Han Solo jerk, I mean a real son of a bitch.)

  2. Cowboys and dynamite. That's all I need to know. I developed a love for cowboys and dynamite because from watching Clint Eastwood films like Fist Full Of Dollars.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. My spontaneous reaction as I was watching this was one of weird and unfounded satisfaction. Maybe it was the fact I didn't take anything seriously, kinda turned off my brain for the duration of the movie "Is this how Michael Bay fans feel during Michael Bay movies".

    It was almost like hypnotic light aboard the alien ship, for the duration of the movie I was quite happy. After the movie ended and I started to think about the ridiculous plot and scenes of male bonding between Ford and the chieftain (whom I thought looked like Wes Studi so I had to check it up afterwards, it wasn't).

    It is an OK movie, but really doesn't hold up to closer scrutiny. Also could not take the Dollarhyde kid seriously since it was the same actor who played the brother in Little Miss Sunshine (awesome movie) so I was just waiting for him to freak out LOL!

  5. Sorry Angry L,
    I tried and tried again to get into this film but apart from cool effects I just couldn't watch it. Maybe I missed something by switching off before the end?

  6. Don't generally read reviews before seeing a movie, but I have to say, you wrote this nicely. And now, even though I wasn't going to watch it, I might if it comes on NetFlix.

    Thanks. Happy Moving Watching.

  7. I haven't seen this one, yet. but it's on the list. Thanks for the review. I always enjoy reading your views.

  8. Thanks for reminding me about this flick I must try and give it a watch

  9. it was one of this year's biggest flops at the box office.
    Nice review, Lurk!

  10. Flop or not, I picked it up at Wally World yesterday, will watch it when the wife heads out the front door to spend some time with her lady friends (about mid-morning today).

  11. It was quite an original idea, I will give it that.

  12. Was never quite sure whether to fork out the cash for this one.

  13. I have seen only the film preview on television. I like science fiction films, but what comes nowadays in the cinemas... I do not know. I do not find the idea at all sometimes so bad, but as in all films from today the computers are put to spirited effects about the actors and their achievement.
    Briefly around, it does not go any more around the film separate only around the presentation of the newest CGI effects.... for it I do not go to the cinema.

  14. A little cheesy for my taste but I suppose it was an okay movie.

  15. it wasnt bad, i found it to be one of those filler movies. one they can use for ancient aliens lol

  16. This review sounds like what I pretty much was expecting -- it's cowboys fighting aliens. Don't expect a masterpiece and don't expect it to make a lot of sense. Just shut off your brain and enjoy it for what it is.

  17. I want to see this movie, but I was afraid it would suck. Now that you say it doesn't suck that much I am less afraid of it sucking. Thanks :)

  18. After your review I still don't get attracted to this movie.
    Not even Harrison Ford can make this movie attractive to me.
    I just don't get the feeling for it. I mean it's a new idea sure but I was never a friend of Cowboys.

  19. There were some good moments here and there but all in all it was a bit of a mess.

  20. call me a prude if you like, but i really think daniel craig should have worn some pants under those chaps for the movie poster.

  21. I found this movie to be a huge disappointment. It's script was a huge mess

  22. Still haven't watched this...want to though...

  23. looks really mediocre...

    probably worth a watch, but idoubt its gonna be any good :D

  24. I've seen a few clips of this film, and I don't think I'll bother with it, maybe I'll watch it if it comes on TV, the idea just doesn't...........oh I can't be bothered????

  25. I'm adding it to my queue on your recco.

  26. Got to say I really liked the sound of this, as you say great cast and bags of potential.

  27. This one has been on my to see list and I'm hoping I like it.


  28. Got this one in my netflix queue -- ought to be arriving soon.

  29. yeah, nothing about this tickled my fancy. Strange since I usually like Westerns and Sci-Fi flicks.

  30. Just loving the title or your blog. It is really something that I should look forward to in the visit. reading your angry post. LOL

  31. I haven't watched this yet, but I should. :)

  32. Maybe Gladiators vs. Werewolves will be better?

