
Tuesday 6 December 2011

Not just one man cave but two!

.........and a joke I heard.

Postie in a rare moment of niceness.

Postie (El Presidente and Dictator for life of the Rejects) has quite a few figures but not only one man cave which is about 20 ft long and 14ft wide and where we game but a second smaller one but more impressive than the larger one because of it's contents!

There is rumour of a third in the attic but not many ask about it because of the crying.........of Ray when he tries to talk about it!

He has a lot of books but to borrow one you have to leave one of your children as a deposit, if you don't have children you don't get a book to borrow.

Part of the fleet and 28mm medieval and others....

More figures........

Painting desk......

Even more figures........but there are more stored elsewhere!

Ready for basing....

More books, same deal as before......

The joke which has had me chuckling for a few days and seen over at the wonderful blog called also The Man Cave run by my  Australian friend Paul.

Bear Remover

A man wakes up one morning to find a bear on his roof. 
So he looks in the Yellow Pages and sure enough, there’s an ad for ”Bear Removers.”

He calls the number, and the bear remover says he’ll be over in 30 minutes. The bear remover arrives, and gets out of his van with a ladder, a baseball bat, a shotgun, a large cage and a mean old pit bull.

“What are you going to do?” the homeowner asks.

“I’m going to put this ladder up against the roof, and then I’m going to go up there and knock the bear off the roof with this baseball bat. When the bear falls off, the pit bull is trained to grab his testicles and not let go. The bear will then be subdued enough for me to put him in the cage.”

He hands the shotgun to the homeowner.

“What’s the shotgun for?” asks the homeowner.

“If the bear knocks me off the roof, shoot the dog.”


  1. Wow...most impressive. And thank you for the laugh!!

  2. Awesome Man Caves - glad you enjoyed the joke!!!

  3. I have the same "leave a child" policy on borrowing my books.

  4. Wow! On the third picture the ships, those on the shelf right at the top stand please me well. Unfortunately I have for such a thing no patience. Harm somehow.

  5. Good stuff! That line about the books and kids had me laughing out loud!

    I agree, Paul's joke is a good 'un. :-) Even had to call my Dad up to share it.


  6. That's a most impressive man cave.

  7. What a room, and a fine line-up on the bookcase. But there's a chance of overpopulation with a deposit system like that.

  8. Truly I have seen the second man-cave and it was wondrous to behold. All hail our supreme leader...

  9. thats a serious collection. keep up the awesome.

  10. Very impressive, I am jealous to say the least

  11. That is an impressive. My goodness. Joke was good too. Thanks.

  12. a charming smile of a dictator :)

  13. Great man cave! And that joke was hilarious. Thanks for posting it.

  14. one day some day I want a man cave like that!

  15. Wow...every Man's dream of a Cave; however, my Man Cave is about the size of a closet. Long live Dreams!!!

  16. Had a crap day at work so coming home to read this has cheered me up. lol great joke

  17. That is quite an impressive collection and a joke that gave me a chuckle.

  18. that's what a man cave looks like? so totally not what i had in mind.

  19. That joke was bloody fantastic! Also, I'm jealous of that collection :P

  20. Wow! Do you get to borrow two books if you have a teen?

  21. I'm not interested in the books, but the figures! What does he ask for them?

    I thought this was the joke: "There is rumour of a third in the attic but not many ask about it because of the crying.........of Ray when he tries to talk about it!"

    Luckely I scrolled down to read a good joke :-D


  22. You can never have enough minitures! Also the joke was great! Laughed so hard!

  23. Very cool miniatures collection. Have you read all of his books yet?
    Good joke for an otherwise stressful day.

  24. How long has he been in the the hobby? Is all his stuff insured? Imagine if there was a flood/fire.

  25. Wow that is an impressive room. He must have over a million figures.

  26. Hey...since you liked that video I posted, check you out some Soundgarden. You will like.

  27. If you want to borrow a book badly enough can you leave someone else's child without paperwork?

    Even if the brat is claiming to have been stolen...

    gagged child?

  28. my goal in life is to have 3 badass man caves like that! One for music, one for films and one for comics/random nerdy shit. Heaven on Earth.

  29. WICKED MANCAVE.....and funny azz joke as well.
    Thanks for the share A.L.

  30. Lurker: Just got your message, writing you back here as well.

    I've been working there three months and I still haven't gotten grasp of the scheduling. Things don't quite feel normal, yet.

    Ah ... kitchen work.

  31. That's a lot of stuff! So neat too

  32. Wow! Lots of lovely shiny things and books. Very, very jealous!

  33. Two Man Caves you lucky so and so. No actually I am jealous

  34. You've just made a grown man cry.... with longing. I want THREE man caves!

  35. Is that a wolf and a full moon shirt? Awesome.

  36. I need to talk to the wife and show her this!

    Great work areas for play.

  37. I actually recognize a bunch of those books from having the same ones, even those rare ones on the bottom shelf.

    Anyone thinking their Man-Caves are too small should look up the video of Man versus Wild, making a sandstorm shelter by gutting the carcass of a dead camel, and curling up inside it. That would be minimal.

  38. Borrow books? Why would you take books out of a man cave in the first place? Install a couple of comfy chairs, stereo and a whiskey cabinet and hide out there to read!

  39. this looks like a good place to chill at

  40. Wow! You have a lot of books.
