
Tuesday 20 December 2011

The Painting Challenge begins...and a book is launched.

The painting challenge at Analogue Hobbies finally starts today (haven't painted feck all last week) and good luck to everybody (including Ray....)

They need an undercoat and off we go......

Also the boys Brandon and Bryan over at A Beer for the Shower (one of the top 3 blogs out there....) and they have finally gotten their book out there to the world and can be seen and bought here Amazon for £1.47 or $2.00 I believe and you can win a puppy (hold on....breaking news...the puppy is no longer on offer......air holes are being mentioned.....dammit!)

I bought my copy last night and I hope it's a success for the boys...........

On a final note I had my fingers crossed when I spoke about Ray..........


  1. Good luck Angry!

  2. Those field guns look like mini works of art.

  3. Looks a bit daunting, but good luck! and looking forward to seeing them all painted up :)

  4. Also from me thick "Best of luck!"

  5. You've gotta win this contest big guy. It's for Ireland your painting. Now pick up that brush and don't stop until your fingers are bleeding.

    I bought a copy of the boys book yesterday. I'm going to do a post too. I wanted that feckin' puppy dammit.

  6. Good luck Angry. You got this comp in the bag.

  7. Good luck old chap, I understand the competition is looking fierce!

  8. Hey, good luck on the comp Angry. That is a daunting pile of lead!

  9. All the best for challenge. Hopefully you win the puppy either in painting challenge or in BB book launch challenge :)

  10. I really hope it goes well for the boys too. Thank you also for doing the conversion for me, I couldn't find it on Lastly, good luck in both their contest, and the painting challenge.

  11. good luck with the painting Lurk, make us proud!

  12. And so it begins! Two men enter, one man leaves! May the best man win (that'll be you then, Fran!).

  13. Good luck, my germans are basecoated and waiting for some paint! Must do some painting this afternoon!

  14. Paint, Paint, Paint! Do you and Ray have a side bet going on this?

  15. Wow, you even wished Ray good luck. Had to look out my window to see if Hell in fact, did freeze over.

  16. Good luck. It's not about the competition it's... awe hell, who am I kidding. It's about sticking it to your mates and rubbing it in every chance you get.

  17. Good stuff! At this rate, you might get me buying 20mm WWII with all the great stuff you've been cranking out. :-)

  18. oh I just cant wait to get the guys book. :D

  19. Good luck! I hope you succeed in the challenge. I'll be cheering you on!

  20. Lurker: Thanks for the drop-in.

    I did see that you had your fingers crossed. Oh ... wait, is that so hell wouldn't freeze over? Because I checked to be sure that it didn't.

  21. Lurker: Just got your message.

    See here and I thought you were crossing them to keep hell from freezing over. Totally missed the lie with impunity part.


    Told ya I was sleepy.

  22. Just found your blog today, definitely going to follow. What FPS do you play, we should duke it out, do you have Steam?

  23. Good luck on the painting! Don't forget to post the finished product!

    A Beer for the Showers Blog is great!

  24. Good Luck !

    And a merry christmas to :)

    Best regards dalauppror

  25. Good luck. That looks like a good-sized job. Can't wait to see the results.

  26. That's a year's worth of painting to me... ;)

  27. THE INTERNET: MW3 on the PS3 as bigmanfran.

  28. I agree with the words of MiniMike: Is that all? Seen some other things allready for this competition, and you're far behind from the start ;-) But it seems that Ray is even more behind. He's still unpacking the boxes with figures ;-D

    You should have told us you're just in for fun, and not for winning this competition :-D

    Just teasing you Fran! Go for it and good luck!


  29. Must be an interesting book.

  30. Best of luck to you too! Please give a review of the book!

  31. Looks interesting, I'll check it out.

  32. I never knew there were such things as a painting competition. Speed painting? or do they judge solely on quality of work.

  33. You do have a lot of work ahead of you. Also, nice of you to promote their book. :P

  34. I like the colored stands that the figurines on the right are sitting on. Makes them stand out. The cannons are a nice touch, too. It's nice that they put in air holes for the puppy. I'm sure he or she appreciates it. :)

  35. Good luck with the paint! And I got my copy of the book from the guys...good stuff!

    I'm working hard on my blog to promote their book. I will be forever immortalized in MSpaint, but I really wanted a puppy!

  36. Haha I wanted the puppy too! Cheers mate. Good luck on the paint job. You can do it!
