
Friday 6 January 2012

Questions and Answers.......

Anne who is another Irish person (female) currently wandering the world like the Irish have been known to do posted some questions on her blog yesterday for a list of fellow bloggers to answer, I said I would as at least one of the questions mentioned zombies.......

Go visit Anne's excellent blog.......

The questions.....

1.  What celebrity would you most like to shag and why?

Pamela Anderson because she's the one.......

2.  In the event of a zombie attack, what politician would you be willing to use as a human shield?

That Putin fellow, the man seems as hard as nails (last longer or the biggest one I could find)......

3.  Rate the survivability of at least 3 fellow bloggers if they are attacked by zombies.

Ray from Don't throw a 1 1 out of 10, the man's all mouth and no trousers!

Paul from The Man Cave 7 out of 10, the man's in the military!

Vampifan 6 out of 10, he's got the zombie surviving knowledge!

 4.  If you could reanimate just one dead person from history, who would it be?

Oliver Cromwell!

5.  Would you be willing to take this person out to a pub? Why or why not?

No, too busy showing him parts of Ireland he visited on his earlier tour........

6.  In the event of a nuclear holocaust, would you be willing to eat cockroaches to survive?

I was a chef once and we can make anything taste good (nearly anything....) so....Yes!

Take the quiz yourself and post it on your blog...........


  1. @kbbuddingwriter: Fornicating, f**king.......we use it instead of the f word as not to offend non Irish......

  2. Fran said - "Ray from Don't throw a 1, 1 out of 10, the man's all mouth and no trousers!"
    It would be slighty more than that coz I'd be pushing you lard arse out the door before me!!!
    @kbbuddingwriter - Sex!!

  3. If it means anything, I think you would survive a zombie apocalypse just fine...

  4. I had to laugh at your survivability scores for Ray (poor guy!) and for me! If you knew how unfit I am I'm sure you'd give me a much lower score! But thanks anyway. You've made my day with that score!

  5. @Vampifan: You'd be the brains of the outfit......

  6. Hahaha, poor Ray, you got him again! Pamela Anderson doesn't surprise me, we all know you like boobies. Cromwell, well you reanimate him just so I can kill him again and then drag his dead body around Ireland like Achilles did with Hectors body. Then I'll stick his head on a pike where the vultures can pick the eyes out, then I'll bury him and shit on his grave.

    I didn't know you were a Chef? (that's a non sequiter).

    Thanks so much for doing this Angry. I'm laughing.

  7. 7 out of 10 survivability?
    Awesome, thanks mate!

  8. pam anderson... well we share something in common, she is like a machine... i would have her over for dinner, if i were a zombie... wait. i want to take the tour of Ireland, can i stay at your house?

    grand day!

  9. Anything tasty? What about that nasty-smelling fruit that even Andrew Zimmer of Bizarre Foods won't eat?

  10. Putin vs. Zombie Cromwell would be something I'd like to see. And Pam Anderson could be ring-girl for the bout.

  11. Mwahahahahahah brilliant mate!!!!

  12. hahaha you do know you might catch a good 50 thousand diseases from that first one right? Could turn into a zombie just from touching

  13. What celebrity would you most like to shag and why? Pamela Anderson .
    Yeah, she would be my choice as well .

  14. I am totally using Putin in my zombie survival team. lol.

  15. Just kiddin I know who that blond bomb-shell is

  16. ooh, Anne is my favorite Irish person on Earth, beside you Lurk, off course ... and possibly Jonathan Rhys Meyers :)))

    I'm shocked you didn't rate me for zombie survivability. Everybody knows I already have worked out plans and equipment ready for the outbreak.

  17. This post was my coffee this morning..haha
    LOL'd my azz off..thnks Anne/A.L.

  18. Just as great as Anne's were.
    I think I'll take the quiz myself.

  19. @DEZMOND: You're taking Ray's place then.....

  20. Hahaha. Lovely answers. The picture of Annie, I like it. Ray is your archenemy?

  21. ohh a new picture, of a gorilla. lol okay. i'd tap pamela anderson too still

  22. @meandmythinkingcap: Retarded arch enemy and friend!

  23. Retard my arse, you git!!!
    @ meandmythinkingcap - I'm Sherlock and he's..

  24. The squashed turd on my shoe!!!!!

  25. I think you'll be safe behind Putin, unless they turn him too.

  26. With a little butter and garlic, those roaches might not be too bad, at that.

    Fun to read these.

  27. Great stuff Fran! Thanks for the laugh. :-)

  28. Pamala Anderson is a good choice! She may be the one, but theres certainly TWO good reasons to pick her!

  29. Follow up question- But would you be willing to kill and eat Pamela Anderson in order to survive?

  30. having served with Paul of the Man Cave I would rate him higher than 7 out of 10. 8 or 9.


  31. @Steve Bailey: If needs must........

  32. Good answers (I think?). I couldn't get away with posting answers to questions 1 and 6. My girlfriend would freak out, then freak out even more.

  33. Oliver Cromwell lol, bring him back so we can kill him again

  34. HAAHA, I do agree with the vegeterian

  35. What a great quiz! I think Putin is a great choice. I wouldn't want to fight him. He'd be a good shield in a zombie horde.

  36. LOL this was hilarious :-D

    Interesting choice with Cromwell. I would have a hard time to decide who to reanimate. It would probably have to be Kurt Cobain, or reanimating General Wladyslaw Sikorski and ask him if/who assassinated him with the plane crash outside of Gibraltar 1943.

  37. Toss the roaches in hot oil and they get crunchy, sprinkle on a spice/salt mix and Bob's your uncle. The stinky fruit is Mangosteen. It is like the Thai fruit version of limburger. If they had testicles Zimmer would eat them, he is all about all things scrotal (that sick bastid!).

  38. I would have gone with Sarah Palin myself. She can shoot zombies for me out of her helicopter.
