
Thursday 26 January 2012

Terry Pratchett: Snuff

SWMBO's birthday was recently and among the multitude of gifts she got was this by Terry Pratchett (nice as it saved me buying it as I am a big fan), read it in a couple of days, more Sam Vimes out in the sticks defending goblins, fighting injustice and being a git......

If you have never read Pratchett I recommend this author unreservedly as one of the best out there and the Discworld series which now stand at 39 books I believe are some of the best reads out there especially the City Watch and Witches series.....highly recommended.

Terry Pratchett does humour like no-one else....

Having problems deleting and adding blogs, anybody else having this trouble and if you did how did you fix it?


  1. Have to check the book out . As for blog issues...none on this side of the world yet, and you know me, if I did, I would bail out of this thing.

  2. Congrats! I am a BIG fan too, and have almost everything in the bookcase including this one, great read! The Turtle Moves!

  3. Not managed to read one yet but have enjoyed the television adaptations. Perhaps on your recommendation I will give one a bash.

  4. I've not yet read this one, but it's good to hear it measures up to the rest of the series

  5. Terry Prachett... what is there not to love about his books! The funniest thing is... I only got to know his works because we read Weird Sisters in School. Never thought I would read such a book as part of a majors course! ;-)

  6. I've bad some difficult deleting and adding blogs as well, at least from my blogger main page. I tend to have to delete one twice to actually delete it. I've always had the problem with it continuing to tell me I was at the 300 blog limit, even after I've deleted some. I wish I knew how to fix it!

  7. Isn't it cool when your wife gets something you wanted as well?

  8. I love the books! I guess I have all of them. And some of them twice, in english and in the german translation. Always nice to see how the brilliant phrases are translated in my mother language.

  9. Never read any Pratchett book, might have to check him out!

  10. Never even heard of the author, as movie guy most of the time, but will surely give a looksy. And yeah blogger is a pain with that to me too, just have to keep doing it over and over.

  11. I never heard of this author, but then here in Italy we are a bit behind when it comes to books:) I am following you from Rome!

  12. Re. Blogger - I think they are on another round of 'updates', I have been having all sorts of problems, lots of "received invalid response" messages - losing everything I've just done, my layout was reset to one post per page (despite saving it as 20 posts per page twice) which seems to have happened to several people the same day, and yesterday several three-column blogs I link to had the right-had widgets move over the central column images.

    Blogger don't understand the philosophy "If it ain't broke - don't try fixing it"!

    Also the new label/tag limit is farcical....

  13. Very strongly recommand "Ankh Morpork: A discworld Boardgame" if you Pratchett, wonderful game.

  14. I love the Discworld books! Ususally I don't like to read books twice, but several of Pratchett's stories I have read for a second or third time.
    Oh well, I did even choose the name of a Discworld character for my online alter ego (Blog, Forum, Multi-Player Shooters...just about everything).

    Whiteface / Oliver

  15. A great read and apparently his last.

  16. I have yet to read anything by Terry Pratchett. Someday. Someday...

    Anyway, I posted the answers to the quiz if you want to see which ones you missed.

  17. I'm one of those who tried but never understood Pratchett, but I know he has a lot of fans!

  18. I've also tried reading Pratchett, but never could get through the entire book.

  19. I'm a big fan of Pratchett. Can't wait to get my hands on Snuff - once the paperback version is out here, that is.

  20. It's been a while since I've read Pratchett. Reading Jim Butcher's Dresden series, now.

  21. Seems like a pretty good read. :D

  22. I took the Pratchett plunge a while back and I don't regret it. Discworld is a cosy place to spend time, but I doubt I'll ever get around to reading them all, just because there are so many, and because I love the early covers. I've heard a few people having the blog save problem, but I haven't seen any solution yet.

  23. 39 books? He has quite the catalogue there. I must admit I've never read Pratchett though. As for the blog thing, chances are you're following too many blogs. If you mean you're having trouble using the "Manage" button on your dashboard to delete dead blogs, everyone is. It's been a problem that's gone unfixed for months.

  24. I always wanted to buy books from Terry Pratchett but I already have a bookcase full with unread books :-)
    About blogger: Adding a blog. 2 ways.
    1)Open the blog you like to follow Then mostly in the upper left corner you see "Follow" click on it and then just do what it says.
    2) Copy the url of the blog. Then in your blogger dashboard click on the "ADD" button paste the url and click follow.
    Deleting blogs. In your blogger Dashboard click on the button that is placed right of the text "View in Google Reader" . This brings you to the list where you can manage the list of all the blogs you follow. Look for the blog you want to delete and click on Settings behind it. In the pop up that appears you can stop following the blog. This is how it works for me.
    Let me know if it worked.

  25. haha that book looks dirty. some sort of Cthulhu erotic dirty...

  26. I haven't read Snuff yet, but Terry Pratchett is one of my absolute favorites. Well written, funny, great stories. What more could you ask for?

  27. Pratchett is one of the best authors this country has produced but as it is classed as fantasy all the literary snobs don't give him the time of day. Arseholes.

  28. I recently heard someone else tell me good things about this series too. I'll have to check it out.

  29. I love Terry Pratchett!

    As for adding deleting blogs, I don't know. I'm having the same problem!

  30. It takes me forever to finish a book.. but I've heard of Pratchett before, so I'll dig myself the hole.

  31. Pratchett = Genius, greatest books I've read.

  32. I must try a book of Pratchett in the future. I let you know what I found about it.

    I'm also having problems with adding Blogs to my list. I don't if the solution Hein is giving is the right one. I want them to appear on my blog, and not in the reading list on my dashboard.
    Maybe they solve the problem in a few days.
    PS: making my latest post, I couldn't upload pictures directly from my PC. I had to upload them first on picasa.


    1. Hi peter if you mean that you want them to appear in your "My favorite Blogs" list then simple open this gadget. Blog dashboard, click on the button with arrow (left of the view blog button), choose layout. In the layout you look for the right gadget (in you case it is probably named My favorite Blogs) click on edit. In the pop up screen click on add to list. In the next pop up screen you can choose to add the blog by entering the url or by choosing it from the blogs you follow. I have noticed that each time you start to follow a new blog you have do all the above to let it appear on your own blog. I hope this is what you mean.

    2. As well as the stuff above there are problems with "Memcache value is null for Form Restoration" messages both when trying to comment accross from Wordpress and when trying to up-load from picassa, and there were more error messages last night...the geeks have over-tuned their own baby!

  33. souns good Sam Vimes is one my favorite characters

  34. I am in constant love-hate relationship with blogger. And your blog I usually have trouble with slowness and logout,not sure whether it is related to issue you are facing now

  35. Never read 'em, but have frequently picked the odd one to look at; fantasy has never really been 'my thing' but I would consider diving in following your hearty recommendation... ;)

  36. Disc world is a great series. Starting reading it when it first came out. Have you read "The Stainless Steel Rat" by Harry Harrison or the "Amber Chronicles" by Zelazny? And Happy Birthday to your girlfriend!

  37. @Anne:
    Thank you for mentioning the "The Stainless Steel Rat" books. These too are books that I've read more than once.
    Brings back some fond memories from some years, make that many, many years ago. Oh, f*** I am not really that old, am I?

  38. I really don't read as much as I should, maybe ill pick this up!

  39. My friend is really into him. I'll ask for a book.

  40. Enjoy your book there Mr Angry, love Patchett

  41. great author...but I've not kept up with his new stuff

    ...and yeah the whole blog manager thing has been causing me problems as well...I've not found a work around yet

  42. Never read any Pratchett, not my cup of tea!. As for blogger - PAIN IN THE ARSE!!

  43. Never heard of this series before but I'll keep a look out for it now.

  44. The 39 books are just the Discworld series aren't they - and not counting the Tiffany Aching 'children's' books (and 'The Amazing Maurice and his educated rodents') neither. You iknow, it took me four goes before I managed to finish a TP novel, three titles I've never finished. The Sam Vimes ones are my favorites, especially 'Night Watch', though the witch stories come close.

    I also recommend his co-authored 'The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch'.

    Speaking of Sam Vimes, I was curious about the game 'Thud!' from the book with that title. Could the concept be adapted into an actual game? Turns out it could indeed, or rather, I think TP already knew of such a game, in fact series of games collectively known as Tafl, which range from a 7x7 board through the 13x13 'Tawl Bwrdd' and 'Hnefatafl' to the huge 19x19 Alea Evangeli. In this last, the White King with 24 supporters are surrounded by 48 Black guys. In all these games the surrounded King's objective is simply to escape to any one of the four corner squares.

    Just thought you might be interested...

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