
Thursday 23 February 2012

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 67: The Woman in Black 2012 (3 STARS).

Had to take a day off from blogging and work yesterday due to life and shenanigans.......

A grief stricken young lawyer (Radcliffe) with little choice heads to a remote village in the early part of the 20th century to sort out a deceased woman's estate to discover it's been terrorised by a vengeful ghost of a betrayed mother..........

Saw this Tuesday night for two reasons only because I was asked to and they were paying, this is not my sort of movie for cinema viewing but there was nothing else playing that we hadn't seen and would agree on.

This is a creepy movie and I heard that it was supposed to be quite scary with people screaming out loud in the cinemas and the opening scene is quite brilliantly done and sets the tone for the rest of the movie. A young lawyer who hasn't come to terms with the death of his young wife is given no choice but to head to the bleakest part of England to sort out the wills and sale of a house, the village is grim, the location is grim, the weather is grim and even the locals are grim.

Children have been dying in this village for years and mostly by their own hands and during his investigation of the house (incredible house and great grim location) we are thrust into a tale of betrayal, vengeance and the woman in black who Radcliffe sees and the story is set and running as he investigates the story behind the deaths.....

This is classic creepy and suspenseful stuff, close ups, chilling score, lighting, some genuinely good scares and shocks (there were some good screams from the female part of the audience but not the men obviously), it's got a short running time, worth a watch and the ending is grim but good enough once you think about it....

....did I say it was grim?  


  1. So wait, its very grim? Maybe I ought to wait until this one comes out on DVD (or something) before I watch it, so that I can get through the grim anniversary I have coming up. Or perhaps it would be cathartic...decisions, decisions...

    1. It's a partner/boyfriend/soul mate arm gripping sort of movie Melanie...

  2. I might wait this one out for a rental.
    I'm weird like that.

  3. You did mate! :)
    My g/f wants to see it. I think we can go now...:)

  4. I've heard someone else say it's pretty good so I'm probably going to have to watch it.

  5. I think its a great film, it made me jump a few times and I don't usually jump in films, go see the stage play that's even better than the film, worth more than Fran's 3 stars!!

  6. i am very interested in this... thank you for the solid review, though i am waiting to spend my coin on the avengers. if you only have a little coin, it's got to go to a super hero... and stan lee is my hero.

  7. Summed up very nicely.

    Was tasked with accompanying the better half to this yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that it weren't half bad.

    As you've said Angry, a classic creepy ghost story very stylishly delivered. It's not out and out scary like say Ringu. But it had enough things that go bump to keep the more fragile of the audience jumping.

  8. Most decidedly not my cuppa tea...

  9. Really has my interest peaked and for sure will watch this!


  10. Doesn't sound like my cup of tea. Difficult to imagine Daniel Radcliffe all grown up and with a dead wife!

  11. Will have to see this, but will wait to it's out on DVD. Hearing reports that people have been given their money back because of the disruption caused by screaming viewers!

  12. Thanks for the review, my daughter is dying to watch it but she's too coward to go alone and her friends are even more cowards than her and will not go with her

  13. Good review. I've been wanting to see this.

  14. Second review I've read of this movie this morning!
    I take it grim means not a happy ending?

    1. Better than the stage play I believe Alex which is a lot different!

  15. I saw this a few weeks back and didn't like it very much. Granted it is not my type of movie, but I found that there were very long sections of boredom (even though they were supposed to be creepy, I think). The typical jumps were there, and probably above average, but so many other things were lacking.

    Seeinng Rome's Ciaran Hinds on the big screen was nice, and he does an excellent job.

  16. Not a happy go lucky ending? geez...haha...will prob give it a watch soon enough.

  17. So is Radcliffe any good or did you spend the film expecting him to pull out his wand and shout "Expelliarmus"??

    1. I'm lucky because I never watched the Harry Potter series but he wasn't bad, after his appearance on QI I warmed up to him....

  18. My wife wants to see this sooo bad. Now I know she'll like it.

  19. Hearing about this movie for first time. Not sure whether I would want to watch it.Sacry movie with kids- gives me sleepless nights

  20. I am so far behind in movies. I always wait until it's on dvd to rent them but then I never get around to watching them. I think the kids are to blame for this!

    Nice review! I will add this to my list of movies to rent and hopefully get around to watching.

  21. I didn't like it. The scary parts were ok, but my logic kept kicking in. If you THINK about the movie, it makes no sense.

    But I suppose this type of movie is supposed to be enjoyed and not analyzed...

  22. I agree with Idaho, I saw this one at the Drive ins and was like, WHY WOULD YOU GO IN THERE HARRY?!?
    And on top of that I had the Harry Potter music playing in my head the entire time. lol.

  23. LOL he is stuck with the Harry Potter Stigma poor guy. I have heard good things about this film mostly. Thanks for the review fan it will be on my ever growing list of things to watch

  24. Oh poor Radcliffe, maybe one day he'll be something other than Harry Potter, but not now. That isn't to say I don't want to see this. I still wanted to check this one out.

  25. I like grim! I'm going to watch it but probably not in the theater. I can wait.

  26. If it has some corsets, bloomers and heaving bosoms on females I'm in. The last Sherlock Holmes let me down.

  27. cant say ive heard of this one yet, but hey, goon comes out tomorow, eh eh

  28. Haven't heard any raves about this film, but I'd say that I would find it reasonably enjoyable if I took the time to see it. Ah, there's the rub--I can't keep up with films any more. I'm still trying to catch up on things I missed decades ago and I haven't been to a theater in many years. Sad--I know.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog
    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  29. I dunno. It sounds grim though. Hehe

  30. This sounds like the kind of thing many people will like! Gonna go tell others about it! Thanks for the heads up!

  31. Mrs PK saw it and enjoyed it, but it scared the by Jesus out of her.

  32. Grim and genuinely scary in places? Wow, a horror film I might actually be inclined to watch at last.

  33. Only three stars? Sounded like a good review.

    Stage show is excellent, would like to see the film but don't get the the cinema much at the moment.

  34. The wife keeps nagging to see this...but Radcliffe puts me off

  35. Eh I'm not a fan of grim movies. Two movies that I saw recently that were really cool were "Prestige" and "In time"

  36. I'll be definitely watching this one. Though probably wait for the at home version.

  37. I've written off scary flicks, but this one seems to ride more on suspense. I'll watch if it's in the theatres in May.

  38. I've written off scary flicks, but this one seems to be more of a suspense thriller. I'll check it out at the theater if it's still playing in April.

  39. Was soooo pissed my sister saw this without me! it sounds great. :D Might have to just suck it up and go to the cinema by myself, because I MUST see it on a giant screen.

