
Monday 27 February 2012

Cavalier 2012, the Lurker's point of view part 1.

Ray and BigLee have already done great posts about the Cavalier 2012 show with lots of lovely pictures, I will do my little bit now but more about demo gaming, Broadside 2012 and probably post it over two posts....

Postie paid for us in again (Thanks Dad......), within seconds of getting in I was tapped on the shoulder ( thought it was the law or a paternity case) and was introduced to a charming Frenchman called Stefan and a fellow blogger Dr. Willett's Workshop, great blog and a fabulously talented painter and a fellow immigrant......

This show for me was more about demo gaming (I was also short of funds unlike Ray with his seperate money rolls) and as the Rejects are putting on a demo ACW game at Broadside 2012 and we will be testing it on the Sunday after Salute 2012 show with some fellow foreign bloggers, some of the demo games we had seen before at other shows but a couple of the games stood out to me...

I did purchase a few bits like varnish and paints (the compulsory purchases), picked up some 15mm resin shanty towns from Ironclad Miniatures (one of them had a roof missing when I got home but I have emailed him and hope to get a reply and a roof soon), an M1A2 and Oshkosh truck from QRF, a ruined 15mm Humvee and Mercedes from Peter Pig (Ray bought the merc as he owed me money and he will paint it as well for his alter ego in the Franonia campaign) and a 15mm Huey from Flames of War (dictators need to make quick getaway's as well) although I'm fecking horrified at the amount of pieces in it.....

BigLee, Stefan, Postie (contractual shot) and Raaaayyyyyy!

Ray deciding which money roll to use to pay for his 15mm metal addiction...

Aerial view of hall, the show was well attended in my opinion.....

The bring and buy wasn't that well attended, I think people aren't selling at the moment and there wasn't much on offer I thought.....

Now onto what I thought was the best demo game and 28mm game at the show and put on by the Gravesend Gamers Guild, the WW1 game was defending the bridge at Obourg 23rd August 1914 and it was a visual treat with great info, great guys putting it on, good chat and a little history is never a bad thing, they had books, handouts and they even played a bit.....

Phil was saying he hates making scenery but loves painting figures and one of the guys at the club loves making scenery but hates painting figures and you can see where this is going, the scenery has a lot of other periods it could do for....

Phil, (Postie, he gets everywhere but he did know them) and Reece form the the Gravesend Gamers Guild, great guys and great demo game guys, we learned a lot from them....

The figures were a mixture of Great War Miniatures, Renegade and Scarab I believe......

Always a use for Hornby.......

This was a good point, stuff gets damaged at demo games and this took a while to repair by Phil and he wasn't happy, blood y great model though.....

....and the day ended under the golden arches with Postie paying again, there was a rumour Ray was going to pay but he was down to only one money roll by then.....

More pictures tomorrow of two other games and more good advice from the Crawley boys about demo games and no ass cracks????


  1. Sounds like a nice day ! Good pictures !

    Best regards dalauppror

  2. Another great away day for 'Postie's Rejects'. Lovely photographs, really taken by marvellous men in their flying machines.

  3. Ray's such a tight git....LoL. Postie is far too generous. Trips out with the Rejects are like family outings with 'Pa' paying the entrance fee.

    Great pictures mate and it was a great show.

  4. "thought it was the law"...Lol.
    Super closed up on the gaming tables!

  5. Myself and Bull went but somehow completely missed the Bring and Buy room!

  6. Looks like you dudes had a great time .

  7. Thats a great looking table, nice pics.

    ...and if you need someone to build & paint your huey i would be only too glad to do it (ive got one myself & i could use the practice, lol)

    1. I'd take up on that if you're serious?

    2. Would love to do my bit for Franonia mate, shall i drop you a mail for further discussion?

  8. No ass cracks? Ah well. It looks like it was pretty well attended and that is some great scenery. That's dedication.

  9. looked like a great time, awesome share of photos...

  10. Looks like there were lots of people! Good stuff.

  11. Wow, those miniature scenes are fantastic (without the ass cracks of course).

  12. Impressive set-ups definitely. I'm sure a great time was had by all.

  13. Looks like you had a great time, beautiful pictures!! :)

  14. Thanks for the great pictures. You all must have had a great time.

  15. Great pics (especially of that super looking WWI game).

    Is Postie going to Warfare in November as if he was as kind to me like he is to you lot I would have the entrance fee to spend on more pruck.
    A generous gesture to be sure but I wonder does he get a Government carers grant for looking after 'The Rejects' !? :-)

  16. Great pictures. I enjoy seeing everyone's different perspective

  17. Great pics. Very nice of Postie to pay your way in. I thought I was going to CincyCon this weekend, but my wife wasted the money on food and bills. I needs me a sugar mama.

  18. I saw this table over at Ray's place last night and it is gorgeous (but your pictures are better than his Angry) Those row houses are so nice with the cobbling on the streets and that outhouse is a nice addition as well.

  19. So jealous! Sounds like a great time. And a great game.

  20. Wow looks well attended indeed and the scenary was just amazingly done, even old McDonalds...haha

  21. For some reason, if there was a zombie outbreak, I think you guys would survive. That was my first thought when I saw the top picture.

  22. great pics, Lurk, sounds like you had lots of fun!

  23. Great guy this Postie... it seems that you have a wonderful and inexpensive day yesterday :-)
    Now seriously, it's great to have good friends

  24. Nice pics Fran!! A great day was had by all, of course the Maccy D's at the end always helps!!

  25. This was fun to read. And the pictures are great!

  26. "Ray deciding which money roll to use to pay for his 15mm metal addiction..." LOL!!

  27. LOL great pics as the other It's great seeing commentry from each of you :D

  28. Great report and lovely pictures. When it comes to shows (and a couple other things) Imwould really love to live in the UK!

  29. No asscrack? Where do we go for our refund?

  30. great pics. i want some figurines...

  31. More great pictures. It really is nice to see the different perspectives from the group. I worked with a Brewer who had a sure fire method to prevent "Brewer's" crack. Suspenders and a belt.

  32. I wish I was there. So cute and my favorite that scenery series.

  33. I thought Rayowed all his money rolls to you, really.

  34. Great demo table and looks like it was fun! I wish I could attend more events, but sadly it seldom really happens.


  35. Looks like you all had fun Fran. Any chance of the the rejects making it to Cannonade up in Falkirk. Fraid I won't make Salute this year and I was looking forward to meeting you lot in person.

  36. I always say it, but these look like so much fun. I wish I could attend one. Except the McDonald's part. I could do without that.

  37. Having fun with your mates and spending money on your hobby - it doesn't get any better than that!

  38. I am jealous of the Rejects...unfair with the proximity and frequency of your wargaming events.

  39. Looks like you had a great time, and I love that plane!

  40. Wonderful photos! Looks like you guys must have had a great time. I only wish I could get to more shows. There are tons of them in the US, of course, but the driving distances to get to them can be prohibitive.

  41. Nice post! That 1914 game looked brilliant - I've since caved and bought a schwack of Great War stuff, very baaad.

  42. Some great looking games. Thanks for sharing.

  43. Interesting to read what you said about the Bring n' Buy stall Fran. I ran the BnB at the Kirriemuir show "Targe" for many years and latterly noticed a distinct drop in quantity and quality of stuff coming to the stand. Also thought the BnB at the Claymore show in Edinburgh also showed signs of less trade. The reason, I think, is possibly eBay...

  44. You have had a great day; the 1914 game is really interesting and very nice. Thank you.

  45. Demo game seems interesting there o.o

  46. That is a serious game set up; wow. Glad you had fun. Good for Postie, I'm the old man of my group, but not nearly as generous as he.

  47. I wish I was there, looks fun!

  48. Looks like fun. That WWI table was very impressive

  49. Looks like you all had a top day there.

  50. Nice pictures, sounds like a great day.

  51. I wish I could ask everyone to leave and just give me 30 minutes to play with all those miniatures. You always have funnest subjects to shoot.

  52. Excellent post Fran. Very impressed with that WW1 game. Looks fantastic.

  53. Oh man, what is with you guys and going to McDonald's after each convention. It's like, a tradition or something.

  54. Angry, another good post mate, I sure think this Postie guy is alright, paying for your entry fees and even shouting you guys some Maccie Dees ! how about you interview him so we all out here in bloggerland can find out who this generous person is !!! thumbs up for the postman.

  55. oh that the bilding of mcdonalds nice

  56. Cool to see a differwent perspective of the day.
