
Monday 12 March 2012

1000 Followers, Skirmish 2012, Questions and Anne O'Leary Artwork!

Fecking hell, 1000 followers......thanks for that......seriously!

Ended up at Skirmish 2012 on Sunday with Postie and we met fellow Reject Lee but also 2 fellow bloggers David Crook from A Wargaming Odyssey (thoroughly nice guy) and Robert "Bob" Cordrey from Wargaming Miscellany (The Legend), we had a bit of a chat the five of us and even neglected purchasing for a little at this lovely little show which occurs twice yearly, all  I came away with was 15mm palm trees but Postie more than made up for that!

A couple of pictures......

The very nice David Crook....

Main traders hall.....

Lovely stuff as usual from Crush the Kaiser but when the one of the guys on the table asked me did I like WW1 gaming I said yes and that we had just played a great game last week (I pointed at Postie who was nearby) and when he asked what rules we used I told him (not their set) and he blanked me and turned away and said no more...... because I wasn't using their rules but maybe I imagined it.....

Bring and Buy and Wargames hall......

Anne O' Leary over at Anne's Attic has done some pictures of myself and Ray and this is Sir Francis the Brave and tavern wench Pammy Sue (she hates Ray), fecking great work from my favourite Irish cailin....

Last Thursday Jim's Fear got tagged to ask some questions set by other bloggers and then challenged some other bloggers to answer 11 of his, so I did....

1. What part of the country/world are you from and do you like it's weather?
I'm from Dublin in the Republic of Ireland and it rains a lot, an awful lot but yes it's my homeland.....

2. If you could spend a week anywhere on Earth, where would you go?
Tokyo, Japan.

3. What's your favorite film- why?
"Dead Mans Shoes" at the moment, it's about revenge and I didn't see the twist for quite a while....

4. Which celebrity/athlete/world leader would you like to meet (first name that pops in your head!)?
Pamela Anderson (I can't help my addiction....)

5) Monster truck or Mini Cooper?
Monster Truck!

6) What was your worst subject in school?
Latin! (I hated the language but not the history.....) 

7) If you could transform your favorite hobby/pastime into a career, you'd be a professional what?
A professional wargamer and rule tester.....

8) You wake up tomorrow and discover you've suddenly become a pro wrestler...what's your theme song/entrance music going to be?
Johnny Cash-Hurt because you're going to be....

9) Opinions on nationalism?
Frightening question but all I can is that I'm Irish, love being Irish and one nation some day!

10) How do you kill time whenever there's a power outage?
I was going to say self interference but that's only going to waste so much time but probably find a candle and a book or practice my ninja skills on the SWMBO....

11) Jesus VS Darth Vader...who wins the battle of the midi-chlorians?!
I'm a lapsed Irish catholic but once in never out so....Jesus! 

Give these questions a go if you feel like it but you don't have to (it's a quick post but I am thinking of doing some wargaming  related questions soon, maybe....


  1. An amazing achievement, but well deserved. All the very best my good man.

  2. I always enjoy reading answers to such questions - had to laugh at Pamela Anderson! Congrats on 1,000+ followers!!

  3. Soon you'll have enough followers to stage a coup and get yourself declared dictator for life of the blogosphere.

  4. Congrats on the 1000 followers! I love Anne's paintings!

  5. Congrats on the following horde, that's a lot. Too many that you fancy sniping a few of them with the new head picture?^^

  6. Congrats on 1000! Oh and Pam is not all shes cracked up to be.. shes from my hometown region ( Courtney, BC, Canada ). Though we were not admitting that after barbwire came out..

  7. 1000 Blog whore you! Congratulations Mr Lurker sir.

    BTW, when we were at Skirmish yesterday I was chatting to my daughter and was explaining that the two strange blokes I'd just introduced to her were called "Postie" and "The Lurker" but their real names were Stuart and Francis... at which point she looked up at me and said "but Francis is a girls name..."

    She got some extra pocket money for that little gem.

  8. I think you have enough followers now you can start up that porn studio you've been wanting to open.

  9. Congratulations on a thousand followers! It gets crazy after that.
    Monster truck crushes mini Cooper any day of the week. And of course Jesus wins!

  10. Good work. Both the pictures look cute. and and nice answers. Congrats on 1000 followers. You are awesome.

  11. A 1000+ followers, wow, can but dream! DC is really nice isn't he! :-)

  12. Congrats on the 1000 followers, monster truck most definitely and that is one big trench, nice.

  13. Huh, I just realized after 'following' your blog all of this time, im not actually a 'follower'. 1001 then :)

  14. Congratulations Fran. Sounds to me likeyou've had a pretty good weekend, what with getting a 1000 followers and winning prizes. Congratulations buddy.

  15. Crikey, a Regiment of followers. Well deserved.

  16. Wow, 1000 followers - that's awesome, Fran!

    I love Anne's artwork - very talented lady!

    Good answers to the questions.

  17. That is an impressive number of followers, well deserved!

  18. Congrats! Pretty amazing accomplishment (says the guy with a whopping 33 followers).

  19. Great pics from the show that Crush the Kaiser table looks fantastic. Congratulations on 1000 followers! Well deserved, I knew this was coming. Anne's pics are very cool, and you got the better job description on her blog. :) And great answers for the challenge. Johnny Cash's "Hurt" is a perfect choice.

  20. Nice one Fran, that's a mighty big number!!! And you call me a blog whore!?!?!?!
    And what you don't know is me and Pammy Sue go way back, long before you came over to blighty!!

  21. congrats on one thousand faithful minions, Lurk :)
    Love Annezilla's work!

  22. Great all round stuff! well done on the 1000!

  23. Fantastic. Really great on reaching the big 1,000.

  24. great numbers... maybe you could have a post of getting to know your other blogs... hi have we me met i am "retro-zombie"... kidding or am i.

    no you have a great place and it's been a pleasure.

    Jeremy [Retro-Zombie]
    Visit The Madness:

  25. Congrats on the 1000 Sir Lurker!

  26. Congrats on reaching the coveted 1000 mark! :D

  27. Wow, 1000 followers, that is simply amazing! Congrats to someone who very much deserves it, and also, I'm very envious of your art from Anne.

  28. Huzzah! You now have a full-strength regiment at your command. Now all you need are the muskets!

  29. Congratulations Fran. Only 4200 to go and you've got yourself a full legion.

    1. Not counting the 20 non-combatant free-man servants per century, that is.

  30. WoW! Congrats! With that much you can rebuild the Death Star and resume galaxy conquest!
    Should have told the gent with the blank stare if you hadn't played the WWI version Postie had set up then after pause and grin added then it would have been Through the Mud and Blood or Great War!;-)
    Yep, me too I'd like to be a Wargamer tester for life and even though Vader is cool of course Jesus still wins.


  31. You went to a show and didn't buy much? But congrats of course on the 1000 followers, hell of an achievement there.

  32. 'sigh'

    If you can't beat them, join them! (follower count at 1005 now...)

    Seriously, congrats!

  33. Congratulation!

    And very nice pictures from Salute too. I'm really envious because of all the wargaming events you have in Ireland and the UK. In Germany it's stil on the fringes...

  34. Well done Fran. Keep up the great posts and you'll soon hit 2000 no doubt

  35. See, angry folk can be popular :)

    Well done bud !!


  36. Congratulations on the 1000 followers. Thank you for posting the artwork you big Irishman, I didn't know you were going to do that. You should have told me and I'd have been here earlier. I took today off blogging. And I want the same thing for our country. One country, one people.

  37. Congrats there mate on you 1000 followers. Can you share any to follow other bolgs, lol.

  38. Well done Fran amazing 1000 followers love the pictures BTW
    and I hope you get your dream one country one people

  39. Those pictures by Anne are great, are the fabric saw on a background or painted, either way they are wonderful.

  40. Great googly moogly! 1,000? You might be able to file for tax exempt status as a cult leader now... worth looking into.

  41. Hi Angry Fran,

    Many, many congrats on the 1,000 blogger raid....;-)

    All the best,


  42. Congrats for 1000 followers! The pictures of the WWI gaming terrain are great.

  43. Great update...I think you will find these blanker types are a world wide issue. I honestly think they should be lined up against the wall and pelted with all their rulebooks and reference materials until unconscious.

    We can then share their figures and terrain...

    Well done on the 1000+ , you deserve it!

  44. May I call you "Your Majesty"? With that many followers, You should start a court. Congratulations are in order. Long live Franonia!

  45. Congrats on reaching 1000. Thats some achievement. Keep up the blogging as its always a good read

  46. An amazing milestone! Well done, Lurks!

  47. Congratulations!! That's a lot of people.

  48. Nice little milestone :) Some of these pictures look like a maze, which is awesome. ANNND I like some of your answers. Tokyo!

  49. Congrats on reaching the 1k (and more now!) Fran!

  50. A great achievement...and such an awesome milestone!

  51. 1000? Wow! Congrats! That's stupendous!

  52. Congrats on the 1000 followers!

  53. Congratulations on reaching more than a thousand followers, I wish you even more success.

  54. well done. on one blog I have 25 followers and the other 6 so well done

  55. Congrats on your follower milestone! I don't even half of that yet.

  56. A 1000 thanks for your terrific blog Fran!
    We thank you!

  57. You are a rock star! Congratulations to you on your accomplishments!

  58. Congrats on getting to the big 1K!!!!

  59. Epic achievement sir! Congratulations

  60. 1000! Wow!
    Absolutely deserved. Congratulations.
