
Wednesday 14 March 2012

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 70: The Thing 2011 (3 STARS).

The prequel to the 1982 movie starring Kurt Russell about what went on at the Norwegian camp.....

As I said this is about the Norwegian camp before the opening scene of the the original and the helicopter chasing the dog scene, so you have an idea things are not going to go well.....

It starts with a spaceship being found and an alien life form found buried in the ice close by, experts are brought in and the body recovered, escapes and then the shenanigans begin. The creature can duplicate living tissue but nothing man made (good idea about teeth and fillings is used).

It's been a while since I've seen the original but I have fond memories of it and of it being suspenseful, good acting and good effects for the time and the excellent ending.....
.....this is less so and gets right to an alien slasher movie, screaming, paranoia, distrust, flame-throwers and bad dental hygiene but as a popcorn movie it's not bad, good alien effects, screaming and running, gore and action....

I didn't recognise anybody in the cast that well apart from a bad guy from the first Under Siege but that's not really an issue as some of the cast are quite good regardless, there are a mixture of Norwegians and Americans at the base and there are subtitles but nationality goes out the window when being chased down a corridor by a two headed monster with six limbs that you used to know....

Worth a watch and they do the ending properly in the credits...... 


  1. When I had seen it, I was thinking ...
    Now how are they going to link this up to the Kurt Russell one? They did it, and it worked.
    Wasn't the greatest movie, but I still liked it.

  2. I loved the original and so have so trepidation about a prequel (we all know it's not going to go well for them!), that said I have no doubt I'll enjoy it and wonderful gaming prospects no doubt!

  3. I've been in two minds about seeing this... the '82 film was and is a good one, and I've wondered if they could do it better now. The thing with the old one was that it was 'psychological' as much as a kill-fest. Sounds like they've just gone with kill-fest this time.

    Still nothing wrong with that and I like that they've linked to the earlier film, without sticking two fingers up to it as most prequels seem to do.

  4. After a particularly long night of drinking vast quantities of gin, I was chased down a corridor by a creature just like that. I hit it with a frying pan and the next morning found the Hubby unconscious on the floor. I can't see this movies again while I'm drunk.

  5. Haven't watched it yet. I'm a big fan of Carpenter's movie and know this won't hold a candle to that classic.

  6. Title sounds like Dr.Seuss character. Thanks for review Fran
    It does sound interesting and Kurt Russell? I will watch this.

  7. I liked it, but not as much as Kurt's version.
    Still very much worth watching though.

    Anne - I too was once chased by a creature like that once after consuming copious quantities of gin - woke up next to it though...

  8. I saw this a couple of weekends ago. I thought it was pretty well done.

  9. Half prequel, half remake. And not a shade on the original. If you loved JC's The Thing and expect a film that hugs it's source material close to it's chest and nurtures the setting and atmosphere...forget it! The characters are clear-cut stereotypes and cliches and the plot actually doesn't tie in that well with the first one. They completely forget about key aspects...such as we've actually *seen* stuff happening at the Norwegian camp on video tape in the original! But it never happens in this one! No, I'd give it 1 or 2 stars at best. Fine if you've never seen the original, but otherwise it's not good. Not good at all!

  10. Thanks for the heads-up. I'm going to check it out - I'm a sucker for antarctic (or arctic) horror!

  11. Yeah I avoided it so far too, as prequels are usually crap compared to originals and pointless as hell. But may give it a go sooner or later.

  12. The original is one of my favourite films, so I have dubiously high hopes for this film. Must check it out.

  13. Haven't seen it yet, but I do want too, Lurk. When I do watch a horror I love the ones like this one!

  14. Personally I'm still a fan of the original but the remake wasn't too bad.

  15. Thanks for the review. I'll probably give this one a pass.

  16. dont quite remember that kurt russel movie, and havent heard of this one. but sounds pretty interesting.

  17. Maybe...a part of the world the General would like to have a piece of for his growing empire!

  18. Nothing beats the original!

  19. When the world goes to hell... there's only one man you can trust: KURT RUSSELL.

  20. i love the original and the carpenter one... i am very solid of not seeing to many remakes.

  21. I found it very convenient that they have a set of flamethrowers in storage. =)

  22. I love The Thing especially John Carpenters one so I am very interested in seeing this one. Is it directed by John Carpenter?

  23. I thought it was okay for what it is. But the CGI FX are no match for the practical/animatronic/makeup FX of the 1982 version.

  24. I'll probably end up watching this just because I saw the original not too long ago. Not surprised it's just a popcorn film, but whatever. As long as it's not a remake, they're okay.

  25. Awesome top shot

  26. Interesting!!!! I thought it was a remake of the Kurt Russell version, didn't know it was a prequel???

  27. I loved the paranoia of the original movie. I really want to watch this film

  28. The original was indeed fantastic and so I'll for sure watch this and do my best and not be too judgemental and keep an open mind like yourself.


  29. I'm sure it's well made and all but I really wish they'd stop with all these remakes!

  30. I like psychological movies.

  31. Thanks for the review.
    The movie has been on my to-watch-list already and it will stay there. ;-)


  32. Most people don't recommend this movie for some reason. I haven't seen it so I don't know. Maybe they were just expecting too much because the 1982 one was so good.

  33. The carpeneter movie was certainly one that put the heebiegeebies up my young mind at the time... resulting in a few nights going to bed with the light on an all that... I was only 12 in '82! Not that I saw it then, but woud have been a late teenager perhaps... I may grab this from the video rental store... but one for solo watching when wifeypoos has gone to bed as it not her thing at all... thing , get it? ;-)
