
Wednesday 28 March 2012

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 71: Act of Valor 2012 (4 STARS)

Went to see this last night but was hesitant after reading a lot of bad reviews especially from Empire movie magazine (1 STAR), a movie with real Navy SEAL's, could they be right?

No they fecking weren't!!!!!!

This is a movie with real actors playing most of the parts but the Navy SEALs being acted by real Navy SEALs!, it starts off with a mission to rescue a kidnapped CIA operative and turns into a hunt for a terrorist leader and his suicide bomber cell, the action is very good switching from first person to third person, they used live rounds a lot in this movie and it shows....

But it's the SEAL team and it's members that you're interested in, they're not actors and that's obvious (these people have seen and done things that would make actors weep) but they're a team of professionals and friends and you see that, they banter and slag each other as only professionals and good friends can and do....

It's emotional, the SEAL teams really family are also in the movie and what I had never seen before was the two directors introducing the movie (twice) with a description of the movie development and the involvement of the SEALs (they were originally only advisor's), live ammo firing and seeing the bond of friendship among professional soldiers....

The movie is not perfect, the action is sometimes disjointed and the story hops from set piece to set piece quite quickly but it's sometimes more about what's out there in the world and glad to have people who can deal with it but don't set policy but still deal with it....

The scene on the river with the boats, mini-guns and twin .50 cals raised every hair on my body and it's been a long time since a movie did that, the movie reputedly only cost $12 million dollars but with the equipment eye candy on view they navy helped a lot and rightly so!

Never buying Empire magazine again as I don't think they got the point of a going to a movie....I just want to be entertained and took somewhere else for an hour and 50 minutes in this poxy existence I call life!

Some people won't agree but that's who I am and I am never fecking changing!


  1. Sounds great! I'll definitely be checking it out, thanks!

  2. Fran, your attitude to cinema going is the same as mine. Good on yer, mate!

  3. Seen the trailer, it looks good!
    Glad you liked it mate!

  4. I have been looking forward to this one for the reason that real SeALs were involved, but I guess it will only see a direct to DVD release here in Germany so I will have to wait a little longer! (Yes we Germans have been turned so pacifist , that we do not even like warmovies anymore! :-()

    1. Oh just looked... they will be releasing it in cinemas after all... end of May though.

  5. Yeah, I think the reviewer let his personal likes and dislikes cloud his comments a touch... at least in the online version of the review. I agree with you though, movies are about escape and entertainment...

  6. Thanks for the review - sounds like a must-see to me!

  7. This sounds like a really interesting film, thanks for the review.

  8. Now, I can't recall you ever giving a movie higher than 3 stars...but then again, that could very well be me missing a post and/or my disjointed memory...that being said, now I want to see this!!

  9. I seriously want to watch this movies. Story and action doesn't really matter because this sounds kick ass.

  10. I for sure will check it out and like you the cinema is a place to lose yourself from the world and just enjoy the experience.


  11. Well how can you go wrong with a movie about SEALs?

  12. Sounds real interesting Fran, I will check it out, based on your recomendation, keep the reviews coming.

  13. Thanks for the review. I liked the 'hair rasing comment'. I think the last war movie that did this for me, was Saving private Ryan for the first time... One I'll try and check out I think.

  14. Good review and sounds interesting. Emperor magazine, I could say that about lot of news channels in US, misleading info, wrong speculation as facts.
    Even if people are ready to watch movies for good stories these magazines can't accept real spies unless it is played by Angelina Jolie, right?

  15. Thanks for this review.. was looking at seeing it, but also read a lot of bad things about it. Will check it out when it hits Turkey then..

  16. Hell Yes... that is it, Hell Yes!

  17. I know I'd love this but since the Hubby's accident he can't go to the cinema and sit upright that long and he would like this too as he comes from a military family (Marines). I'm sure we'll get this on DVD when it comes out.

  18. Hell of a movie that. The acting is absolutely terrible though!

    I loved the jungle scene, and also the scene where the SEALs catch up to the sub...

  19. I might watch it for a rental.

  20. Thanks for the review. I'll definitely be watching this one.

  21. Thanks for posting your thoughts. I didn't know anyone who'd seen it so I didn't take a chance on it. Will check out on NetFlix now.

  22. "I just want to be entertained and took somewhere else for an hour and 50 minutes in this poxy existence I call life!"

    Very true, but I do think studios are ever gonna see that as good ad copy. ;)

  23. definitely not a film for me. I don't watch anything with American Marines.

  24. I'll give this one a go. Sounds more like a long documentry rather than masterpiece movie though. Will give it a watch

  25. Likewise, I had heard some pretty negative reviews about this one but considering you've been pretty spot on with your other film review ratings Fran, I'll add this one to the "go and see" list

  26. I've seen some clips of this and the acting is, frankly, terrible. but I'm not paying to see these guys act. I'm PAYING to see these guys FIGHT.

  27. My dad seen this movie, recommended it, but I haven't really had time to watch it yet.

  28. Sounds interesting. I cant wait.

  29. I saw this movie a week and a half ago with two wargaming friends. Although the Seals acting was a little wooden (they are real people after all, not actors), the action was great. The story line is based on a recent book by Tom Clancy (or maybe he based his book on the screenplay), but you don't get the preachy stuff Clancy is know for. The tactics of the Seals and the equipment they use are a treat for us wargamers.

    Col Campbell gives it two thumbs up! And don't wait for the video release - see it on the big screen for better impact.


  30. I have been wanting to see this one for such a long time! :D

  31. So you're saying this kicks the Tom Berrenger one's butt? :)

  32. yeah, I am not going to watch this movie for its ground breaking cinematography or its earth shattering story. I am going in to this movie for some high octane action/adventure. sounds like I will get it.

  33. Yeah I just like shutting my brain off for a while too, sounds like one that will do just that.

  34. that pic is from that movie? oh. i think i'll see it when it comes out on in hd 3d. didn't wanna spend money at a theater to watch a recruitment video

  35. Thanks Angry L I'll give this a watch now. I wasn't sure after reading about it either.

  36. I've heard a lot of people talk about it and I think I know where I'd stand. I'm gonna wait for it to come out elsewhere, not a movie-movie for me but still probably a decent watch.

  37. Glad you went regardless of the reviews.

  38. I must watch this movie.

  39. You have validated my view that you can't rust reviewers. I agree, you go to see a film to be entertained!

  40. thanks for the review, i might pick it up...

  41. I really loved this movie when I saw it.

  42. I never heard of that film, but it sounds really interesting. I love when films try to do something a little different, like using the real navy seals instead of actors playing them. And I never trust movie reviews. :D


  43. I saw the film too and agree with the Angry Lurker one hundred percent and I love seeing the weapons in use love the Mini gun
    and what made they film even better was the use of real navy Seals
