
Monday 5 March 2012

Q&A with the Dictator and Leader of the Posties Rejects wargaming group!

The last post about Cavalier 2012 brought up some people commenting who was this benevolent gentleman "Postie" who looks after us so well (there is a terrible price to pay in the long run and signed in blood).......

So before our WW1 game (the closest game ever) on Saturday I put 15 hobby related questions to him and here's what he said......

1. Why Postie?
A. I was a postman for 15 years but due to ill health I had to leave......(more on this with Q15).

2. How long have you been wargaming?
A. Properly since 1977 but really since I was even younger with plastic soldiers.....

3. Favourite period and scale?
A. AWI (American War of Independence 1775-1783) and 28mm scale, it gives a good mix of 7 years war and Napoleonic wargaming.

4.How many periods do you do, how many figures?
A. 40,000+ figures I believe, 3,000 books, 30 periods (12 of those are ancients) and a lot of scenery!

5. Favourite historical movie?
A. Waterloo (1970), inspired the wargaming lust!

6. Living next door to Ray, what's that been like? (Postie thought about this question for 15 seconds!)
A. Hell, I suffer every day living next door to him!

7. Biggest change in hobby?
A. Off the shelve terrain all ready painted and table ready, used to have to make everything myself!

8. What are you working on now?
A. Russo-Japanese War 1904-5 in 15mm......

9. Umpiring or Playing Wargames?
A. Umpiring as I like to be a crafty, nasty git!

10. Favourite figure manufacturer if money no object?
A. Perry Miniatures.

11.Favourite rules system for wargaming?
A. Fire and Fury ACW rules because of the reaction people have to them mid game.....

12. Greatest historical general or military leader?
A. Alexander the Great, organisational skills, for the time he accomplished so much and conquered so much area!

13. Favourite blogger? (Postie does not own a computer but uses Ray's to view our blogs and order stuff due to his ill health).
A. The Angry Lurker (Postie originally chose Ray's but changed his mind about 4 hours later when he thought about how selfish Ray was!).

14. Ray as a painter?
A. His pricing is fair but the quality is faeces and it's getting worse!

15. Your illness ME (myalgic encephalomyelitis) also known as CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) and it's affect on you and your hobby?
A. I was diagnosed with it in 2001 (ended his postal career), I describe it as having flu all the time, it affects my painting, watching TV, using a computer, wargaming, shows ( the worst effect he said), everyday life. The hobby has helped me get out of bed every day otherwise I wouldn't bother, the information I read comes into my brain but then get's muddled so I end up reading something a lot of times for it to make sense (the Rejects have seen this sometimes at games with the reading of his rules...)

The Presidente and Dictator for life in action last Saturday........


  1. Love a good back story. And I know how he feels being sick every day. Give him some love from me!

  2. all hail the Postie!

    CFS isn't nice. I was off work for 9 months with it, and still not back to full-time hours 8 months later. In my case it was at the milder end of the spectrum but exacerbated by severe and chronic IBS (they were operating in a feedback loop - the IBS made the fatigue worse, which made the IBS worse, which.....). Once the IBS sorted, my fatigue eased off enough for me to get back to work.

  3. Thanks for sharing. I always like hearing about how people got into the hobby. And Fire & Fury, hmm. Sorry to hear that Postie doesn't feel well.

  4. Postie, glad you have something that motivates you to keep going. And 40,000 figures? Whoa!

  5. Sorry to hear about the illness. All that and the Rejects too....

  6. Great post – another wargaming celeb I'm going to have to get an autograph from at Salute!

    Q14… lmao

  7. He's a good lad is Postie, I spoke to him today, he said everything Fran's wrote about me was a lie............well some of it anyway!!!!!

  8. The myth, the legend, the man revealed! Imagine the weight of 40,000 miniatures - I hope they are on the ground floor!

  9. bowing in front of the dictator :)

  10. Nice and interesting Q&A. That figure about figurine, oooohhh. After reading too much rant about Ray, I am starting to think that Ray isnt that evil. You guys are just jealous of him.
    I really loved Question 15 and the answer.

  11. Nice to meet the man behind the legend.

  12. The secret idendity finally revealed!!!

    Have it occured to you (Postie) that your illness may be an effect from having to deal with both Ray and Fran?

    Just asking..... ;-)

    1. I think it's more Ray as he lives next door to him....

  13. Sometimes I go through life in a constant state of tiredness but I don't think I have full blown M.E.

  14. Very illuminating. Good to learn something about the man behind the legend.

  15. Excellent post, Fran, and a wonderful insight into someone I'm sure we'd all like to call a friend.

  16. Now, that's what I call a nice Post(ie)!! :-)

  17. A nice little interview. I'm floored at the 40 000 figures.

  18. 40,000 holy friggin crap batman! of war indeed.

  19. oh wow! he sure does have a lot of figures. lol.

  20. Great post. Good on ya, Postie, for keeping on. I'm glad you have the hobby and the Rejects to make life interesting?

  21. I always wondered why Postie was called Postie. And now I don't feel stupid for being the only one to have asked that.

  22. Thanks for this, Fran. It is nice to get to know the Rejects a bit more. Postie seems to do well enough with 40,000 figures, but he should keep in mind that John Churchill repeatedly beat the French while suffering migraines, so he is in good company.

  23. Poor Ray! He gets no respect...

  24. Very interesting to know your great Dictator; thank you a lot.

  25. Favorite movie "waterloo"??? Really?!? He kept that one quite when I met him!

  26. Grand interview, Fran. It's good to get to know a little about Postie. I hope my future interviews read half as smooth as yours.

  27. Thats a ery good and insightful interview there.

  28. Extreme fatigue is a side effect of my illness and I have a friend who has full blown CFS, it is not nice. Mine is bad enough but it's not a patch on what Postie has, my thoughts go out to him.

    It occurs to me what a bunch of ill buggers we are


  29. Moving post, really. Sorry to hear that a warm salute from here

  30. Nice interview about an obviously nice chap

  31. Wow what an interesting guy. I am pleased that he can still enjoy his life with such an annoying illness.

    good interview questions. Sign up for a career at TVNZ

  32. Postie sounds like a good soul and I can understand how CFS could destroy a life if one were to give up and give in. And it's nice to see you pay homage to him Angry. I'm going to say something nice about Ray (shock, horror!!). Ray is a good bloke for sharing his computer with Postie and I'm sure that's a blessing.

  33. Thanks for sharing that with us Fran. Wish Postie all the best and to another 40,000 figures!

  34. He's a fun guy. I think it's awesome he's been wargaming for so long, just holy hell o_o

  35. Nice background story and sorry to hear about his illness. Wait a sec while I pick my jaw up off the floor... did you say 40,000 figures?


  36. Long live the king.

  37. 40000 figs and an awesome gaming room. Postie, we who are about to game salute you!

  38. Blimey I wish he was my neighbour! Sounds like a good guy.

  39. Great interview - he has excellent taste in movies and rule systems

  40. Enjoyed reading about Postie. Having flu all the time sounds horrid. My best wishes for better health.

  41. "Favorite Historical Movie: Waterloo (1970)"

    I love that movie! It had the best war scenes, great death scenes too.

  42. liked the interview, good questions!

  43. Great work on this interview Fran. Very interesting.

  44. Great Interview Fran, Postie=Gaming Legend, good to see you put in the contractual postie photo (keep your quota up) :)

  45. The ultimate gamemaster. say hi from me, the little vignette he gave me is front row in the cabinet

  46. Great interview Fran Posties was so right about Ray lol

  47. I've got a new game for you. It's called "Find the hidden comment" (kind of like hide-and-seek). It goes like this, I put a comment on an old post and count to 100, if you don't find the comment and respond to it before I reach 100, I win and declare myself The Master of the Universe. If you win, you get to lord it over me till eternities end. So are you game?

  48. Install a drop down menu. Do you have any idea how long it took me to get back here?
