
Friday 13 April 2012

15mm Nine Years War Game using Beneath the Lily Banners Rules.

Ray and Richard invited myself and Postie to a practise Nine Years War game using the "Beneath the Lily Banners" rules they're using for the period/project they are doing between them!

Now I've been mildly criticised by Ray and Richard for not expressing undying love for these rules, I know little of the period as it's the first time I've played NYW, the figures were beautiful, my dice rolling was not, I thought the rules were unduly harsh (routing and disordering) or not harsh enough (shooting after the first firing) but in other ways they were good with the command and control quite well done and made you think a lot.

 I was told that they (the rules) were correct for the period and the most accurate but after one game it's not accuracy that always interests me it's enjoyment and a bit of fun!

Also the first picture may have had some bearing on the game and my awful morale and firing dice rolling (awful just awful!)

Anyway some nice eye candy as Ray and Richard have painted some beautiful miniatures!

Postie bought us a Chinese dinner before the game and there was so much that even Ray brought it to work the next day, we were all stuffed like baby dragons??????

The initial set up with the British forces (Ray and myself) nearest......

Really lovely figures and units......

The bridge which had to be defended and no French unit could cross......

Richards (and Posties) French forces.......

Richard is a very good but time steady painter......

All units had a card like this for troop quality, casualties, morale and firing!

French infantry, 18 figures plus 3 pike at the back.....

Ready to go!

On your marks!

This one of Richards beautiful command stands....

.....and another!

We're off into the disaster that was the British cavalry versus better quality French..... 


Overall birds eye view!

The ongoing melee allows other units to join, this the boys told me had never happened before!

This is my poor boys running away.........disorderd and routing!

The infantry get ready for an exchange of musketry fire!

There was a lot of musketry and cannon fire!

This is the sheet that you use to give your units specific orders by rolling for how much percentage control you have.......

I foolishly try another cavalry charge....

The infantry clash......we put our elites at the back unlike Richard!

Postie still feeling the effects of dinner!

Our infantry heading back towards our lines......the game ended here and we went off for a cup of tea!

As I said the rules didn't rock my boat but Fire and Fury rules still don't either but I'll eagerly play another game of fecking ACW with them as I would with these after learning what not to do (thanks Ray) but great eye candy, company and food on the night!

Have a good weekend if you can?


  1. New rules and bad dice, never going to be a good result. When you try them again maybe you will like them better. Never played them nor the period so can't comment further on that. But yes very nice looking figures and well worth finding rules that ou all like I'd say


  2. Beautiful eye candy as promised. You would never do well with you and Ray on the same side Fran.

    Great post

  3. Beautifully painted figures with plenty of space due to the figure size used.

    My only complaint (and this is common to most 'big game' rule sets) is that they don't look like battalions and regiments when there are so few figures in them. As a result you don't get the 'unwieldiness' of manoeuvring these formations in your game.

    Instead you get nippy little units to move about, which doesn't do it for me.

    1. The rules make them very unwieldy, there are definitely no nippy units either.

  4. I have to admit it is not for me either, but you've got to be impressed by the miniatures and the table layout; splendid indeed.

  5. Nine years war? Not one thats on my normal radar, had to do a quick goole search to find out what you were on about...
    Then had to figure out whether this was Pike&shot, or Horse&Musket...
    Anyway looks like a great and colourful game, you got a damn fine amount of scran, and Postie got his thunbs up! What could be better?

    1. That's what's great about the period Scott, its one of those in-between periods, when new technology is taking over the old.

  6. I take it the game didn't go your way either?

  7. Great photos Fran. Enjoyed the read too. Have a good one too mate.

  8. That shot of the dragoons going over the bridge is great because I can see all the detail on the paintwork. And Richards commands stands add so much character to the table. I think you're going to be playing with these rules again Angry. Better luck with the dice next time!

  9. Pictures and models look great, but with all the cards, and percentage sheets, it seems a bit overly complicated. BUT.. if you had fun, then who cares, cause thats the most important thing right?

    Oh and now I want Chinese food too :( Will have to speak to the Mrs about that..

    1. In the actual rules none of these are needed, but myself and Richard thought this would be confusing for the guys we play with, so introduced these things to help them understand and keep track of what they're doing.

  10. I'm always sort of shocked at how many different rulesets some people can play, you're group included. I have enough problems teaching other people a single ruleset.

    Great looking pictures and report.

    1. We play far too many sets of rules, I'm always getting confused, but that's not hard!!

  11. I must say I enjoyed your pics. Even though you didn't seem to like the rules, you had a great time.

  12. That's right - b;lame it on the rules, the dice, the Chinese meal, Ray.....

    oh, hang on a second, something's wrong - I didn't see you blame Ray! ;)

  13. yeah, blaming ray would probably be your best bet lol

  14. Nice figs and table. I'll play anything with friends too if that's their bag, but 9YW isn't my thing really.

  15. Wow, intriguing like Parley, pirate code something of that sort. You have taken hobby and interest to heights. And I loved Dragoons one and that command stand and everysingle one is just awesome.
    Ray and Postie just blame you? They should be worshipping you. What is wrong with them?

  16. This looks like one hell of an epic battle!

  17. Gorgeous table and a great report as always.

  18. You and Ray on the same team? The world is screwed if you and him team up. Those are really well painted as well.

  19. Very nice pics. I love that opening one with the wide open plain between the two armies. What a killing field. Are these the rules you guys are going to demo?

  20. Nice looking table and units again you lucky git. Have a good weekend

  21. It all comes down to the dice rolling doesn't it? And that's why I can't play board games. Worst fecking luck. Ever.

  22. Awesome stuff guys. Those minis are beautiful - who does them?

  23. those be some large armies.

  24. Great photos of an absolutely beautiful table! Man am I jealous!

  25. Replies
    1. It's actually meant to be a white cross on a white background, Richard only added the outline for something to show!

  26. Thanks for highlighting the figures some more, they really are nice.

  27. What a nice battlefield! Great looking game, specially command stands...and french pikes!
    Very nice report.

  28. LOL blame the rules and chinese food, I guess it is better to be a baby dragon than to pop out a baby dragon..haha

  29. Great report there and bloody lovely figures. Had to believe they are 15s

  30. so many tiny figures, so much detail...brain overload! That must be how God feels when he moves actual troops across battle fields. I've come to the conclusion that's why we still have war in the 21st century. God must be war gaming on a cloud.

  31. Nice minis and a good report.

    We have been playing the BLB rules a and we actually like them a lot. Although I agree... They are a historical simulation and not a beer & pretzels game.

  32. Great looking game and figures

  33. Cool looking game, completely resisting the oh shiny syndrome here.

  34. I have never played a game with these rules, but am painting WSS French to play them with. Having read them, I like the look of the rules. I guess I will have the same problem with my horse though, they are 'bullet' cavalry to fight the hard charging English and Dutch in this later period so I am likely to get trashed too.
    Thanks for that!

  35. Such a sweet setup! Chinese food and a mini game, could life get any sweeter?

  36. Great looking table figure and terrain wise!! I must admit all the cards on the table while very nicely printed out and undoubtedly very useful distracts a bit too much for me and takes away from the look. Yes, I'm one of those irritatingly picky nats who doesn't like paper markers on the table and only likes diorama scenic or natural ones.


  37. Wow you guys have some great looking games. Superb figures!
    No whay I would have been able to play after a huge chinese meal, I would have had to go for a kip.

  38. A very nice AAR, Fran. Thank you a lot. I like very much this period, and am very interesting in these games. Wonderful models too.

  39. So.. would it have been more fun if the dice had played in your favor? I dunno, losing can be fun if you're learning.

  40. That is a fine looking game and Richard's command stands are top notch.

    I have not played BLB (although I did play with Barry Hilton's draft rules many many years ago when he came up to Kirriemuir Club for a game with them) and it does look a bit fiddly with all the sheets and command markers but if the game runs smoothly then that is a sign of a good rule set

  41. Great job, General and subordinates.

  42. wow! great looking game! I've always been interested in the period but haven't jumped in yet.

  43. Great looking game my eyes really enjoyed, that was good gawking!

  44. So organized, let the blood shed commence.

  45. Insane amounts of time spent on those models. Respect!
