
Wednesday 18 April 2012

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 72: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2011 (3 STARS)

"The English language adaptation of the Swedish novel by Stieg Larsson follows a disgraced journalist, Mikael Blomkvist played by Daniel Craig (not a great fan normally unless he's Bond but not bad at all in this), as he investigates the disappearance of a wealthy patriach's niece from 40 years ago. He is aided by the pierced, tattooed, computer hacker named Lisbeth Salander played by Rooney Mara (very good). As they work together in the investigation, Blomkvist and Salander uncover corruption and murder beyond what they could ever have imagined."

I've seen the original version from 2009 directed by Niels Arden Oplev and read the book, this version is better for three reasons in my opinion, the character of Lisbeth is better played by Rooney Mara although there's nothing wrong with the performance by Noomi Rapace as Lisbeth in the original and it's mostly without subtitles (petty I know) and David Fincher has done a better job transferring the book to the big screen. There's more focus on Lisbeth's character, better pace and a few little changes that make it an easier movie to enjoy and it's still got the same butt clenching realism but to me a better version to watch.

If you haven't seen the original or read the book it's a damn good mystery movie and worth anybody's time!


  1. I'm not quite sure if i'll watch this one in cinema, but it'll definitely be on my list, at the time the Blu Ray (the disc, not the person..)comes out.


  2. Well I haven't seen them, or read the book. I do love a good mystery though.

  3. I keep forgetting to watch the damn thing.
    Well vacation time is coming , so I guess I can make some time.

  4. Agree with you. I liked this movie, the style was good and she did a good job comparing to her Erica Albright role in "the social network". "you can say yes, I am insane" ;) the original version in instant in netflix should give that a watch as well.

  5. I haven't seen this yet, although I've read the books and seen the Swedish movie version... which I thought was so-so to be honest. I'll have to pick this up on your recommendation then!

    I hope they follow up on the other books too. I'm not one for things that have been over-hyped - look what DaVinci Code left us with... but for once, these stories are as good as they say they are.

  6. Like you, have seen the original, and read the books, and agreed that this is the best of the bunch. Definitely a good movie to watch.

  7. Thanks for the review. Some weeks ago I watched the Swedish movie and liked it a lot (however I didn't like parts 2 and 3...). Although I know the story you made me interested in the American interpretation...


  8. Haven't read the book but I've seen the original version of the movie. It was really good but hard to watch.

  9. I haven't read the books or seen the Swedish film but I saw this and thought it was excellent. I was gripped from start to finish. The story is a good murder mystery but her character makes it something special.

  10. Haven't seen it yet, but its on the list.

  11. I enjoyed this, as well. In addition to the positives you cite, I'd add that the music by Trent Reznor and Atticus Rice is good too. Very spare.

  12. not a film for moi, Lurkster, can't stand the actress and I don't get Craig.

  13. I was wondering if the remake would be worthwhile. I saw and enjoyed the original. I guess I will check out the remake, too. Thanks for the review.

  14. Sadly I still havent seen this gem. lol.

  15. anyone interested in a discussion of the book? I'd hate to post my comment here and spoil for anyone who hasn't yet read it... but there are several points that are driving me crazy!

  16. for someone who has not partaken of this in any form, what order would you suggest doing so for maximum enjoyment.

  17. is that chick missing eyebrows? i have a real hard time looking at ppl without eyebrows.

  18. Haven't read the book or watched the Swedish movie, but man did I love the Fincher version! Tight as a drum, both leading actors' performances. Ace music too; loved that the fat kid wears a NIN teeshirt in one of the scenes.
    Minor quibble - that last scene was a bit sappy, but not sure if that's done less jarringly in the book? All round, well worth the $10 I spent on the ticket.

    1. You're right it's a bit better handled in the book but it carries on to the next one!

  19. Haven't seen anything to do with it, still on my list. Will prob give it a watch soon enough.

  20. I just wished the damn thing would end! I sear it felt like it was 10 hours long when we watched it.

    Not my cup of private dick trash,

    1. Sorry to hear that, are we talking about the Swedish or US version?

    2. I think it was the newest one with James Bond in it. It singed my mind with such disfavor that I immediately stuck in Big Trouble in Little China to bring me back to my normal self. ;)


    3. Well Kurt Russell in "Big Trouble in Little China" is quality viewing!

  21. I liked the original, even with the subtitles, I'll have to borrow this one as well, Fran!

  22. Lots of subtitles annoy me. Will give this a watch thanks for the heads up

  23. Thanks for the review. I found myself wondering why they remade this and was fearful that it would be a La Femme Nikita moment, I hated the Bridget Fonda remake. I also saw the movies and read the book. After your reveiw I'll be sure to check out this new version.

  24. Will have to see this, but probably on DVD. I did have a fancy notion that I would read the books, but sadly that has come to nothing.

  25. I seen the original and this version and have to say I find myself agree with Fran.

  26. Wow, plenty of votes for this being better than the original. I shall hunt it down on the LoveFilm list then! Thanks for the post, Fran!

  27. Yeah I've still gotta watch this one

  28. I agree with Fran being the remake is the better version I really enjoyed this film

  29. I thought the Swedish version was a better adaptation overall but I felt Rooney Mara was a better Lisbeth.

  30. Haven't seen it yet, BUT since Daniel Craig is in it...

  31. Saw this in the cinema when it came out with the wife and I thought it was one of the best book to film transfers I've seen. Great film

  32. I liked the original trilogy so I was wondering how Fincher's version fared. I guess I'll have to check it out.

  33. I liked the original trilogy so I was wondering how Fincher's version fared. I guess I'll have to check it out.

  34. I like Daniel Craig but had been swithering about this one having not seen the origial version or read the book. Think you might have just tipped this one into the "go and see category"

  35. Thanks Fran I'll add this to my to watch list.:-)


  36. i might pick up the book first.

  37. I thought the movie was pretty neat but not my fav

  38. Craig was an okay Bond. Better than Roger Moore, which was a crime against humanity. I don't really want to see this one because the Swedish version is the only adaptation I need of the novel.

  39. Best Bond and Bond flick to date, George Lazenby In, "On Her Majesty 's Secret Service".

    Now that is just perfect Bond in every way!

    1. He wasn't bad at all better than Moore and Dalton....

  40. Good review. Generally agree with comments on Craig, who has his moments - in addition to 'Bond' I liked him in 'Layer Cake'. As for the best Bond, its a tossup between Connery, Craig and Lazenby - but I gotta vote for George as he's a local lad (from Queanbeyan town in Australia!) Pity the producers of the 'Bond' film didn't put him in another one.


  41. Read all the books, and saw all the Swedish movies and liked them. I was prepared to be disappointed, but really enjoyed this version more. For me Rooney Mara as Lisbeth Salander was the difference. Generally I agree with the Lurker's comments, they are right on, though generally I give the movie more stars.
