
Wednesday 2 May 2012

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 74: Avengers Assemble 2012 (4 STARS).

Iron Man, Thor, Black Widow, The Hulk, Captain America, Hawkeye etc (The Avengers)........what could go wrong.......nothing apparently!

Saw this last night and while I was not expecting much I was very pleasantly surprised as this is a romp of a movie with great action, effects and laugh out loud humour!

Don't know much about the Avengers as I never read them, I'm more your Batman, Punisher and Wolverine type of hero (no powers or very little) and little team work (I know the X-men but what can you do!).

I don't want to give away much but Loki is back and he's got an army, the Avengers exist but only as a plan and on their own essentially and the superpowers element are not good playing with others at all (funny), there's a lot of tension and anger issues before we see cohesion and harmony.

Loki tears most of the team apart with his sneaky shenanigans and plans, The Hulk (best thing in the movie as the Hulk and Dr.Banner), Iron Man (second best thing) is his usual arrogant self, Thor does the shouting and the hammer work, Captain America is at first out of sorts but gels the team together, Black Widow has her work cut out and Hawkeye really grew on me, a lot of other faces from the other movies as well make appearances.

The action is brilliant, you really can't see the CGI if that makes sense, the humour is brilliant with the Hulk causing the most with his attitude to his own team not just the enemy, the ending is good and all in all a damn good watch!

Captain America says to the Hulk at one stage to get angry and the Hulk responds by saying that's his secret.........he's always ANGRY!!!!! 

I also saw the movie in 2D deliberately!


  1. Iron Man : Good film
    Iron Man 2 : ok ... ish
    Captain America: Strange but watchable
    Thor: Absolute shite.

    Yours sincerely
    Barry Norman

  2. 4 Stars? Really? I wasn't expecting much, but it sounds better than most people thought.

  3. I wouldn`t say Wolverine has `little` powers, even regenerating from charred skeleton to back to normal.

    But I loved the movie, Hulk was hilarious during the Loki speech, they just should have given Hawkeye more screentime, because actually, technicaly, he has been the longest running leader of the Avengers, not Cap, not Stark, but Hawkeye (West Coast Avengers, now the Secret Avengers...), not shabby for a guy with indeed not a single power at all.

  4. Like you, the whole 'Superhero' thing pretty much passed me by as a kid, so I've no preconceptions to get in the way when the studios apparently get it 'wrong'. I liked Iron Man I&II, haven't seen the rest, but I'll give this a go on your recommendation!

  5. A 4 star review eh! Must be good; I've got to confess I really want to see this. You can never really have enough comic book capers.

  6. The Hulk sounds like a man (?) after your own heart! I adore Robert Downey Jnr and Mark Ruffalo, so have been tempted to see this. Thanks for the review!

  7. Going to take Junior to see this. Thanks for the review as I can now go with a view to actually enjoying it!

  8. Thanks Fran, I was planning to watch it with my son next weekend, defintely I'll do after your review. Captain America was one of my favourite superheroes loooooong time ago in my early teens

  9. Want to see this badly myself :D
    And I will also see it in 2D if possible, can't really stand 3D movies as I find the effect to break the immersion instead of enhancing it.

  10. That's it, watch it in 2D! Fight the power! It does sound like a pretty good movie. I'm not hugely sold on teams, or really super super powers either. I never really watched Superman because he always seemed too invincible. Not to mention the bigger and more powerful a team, the bigger and more powerful the bad guy has to be. If he's too powerful then it just doesn't seem believable they can be beaten. Like Galactus from Fantastic Four or Apocalypse from X-Men. Or even Magneto. Well, whatever, rant over. Sounds like a pretty good movie.

  11. So this opens here on Friday and I pre-ordered my tickets yesterday so I can see it that morning after work. I am not happy about having to see it in 3D (for real - I will have vertigo and a headache the rest of the day) but that was my only option. Still looking forward to seeing it - now especially!!

  12. The Duchess and I are planning to see this on Saturday. Looks like a lot of fun, and it's written and directed by Joss Weedon (praise his name).

  13. Cool. I've got a whole bunch of unwatched superhero movies in my Netflix queue. I may have to bump this one up toward the top of the line.

  14. Yep. Watched it last Monday and quite enjoyed it too.
    I didn't get bored so in my eyes, it is good enough

  15. TBH I was predicting this would be bad, but people seem to be liking it so far d^_^

  16. not going to ready cause it doesnt come out here till friday. and will also see it in 2d but will buy it in 3d for the tv.

  17. I wasn't holding out much hope for this one. I'm more of an X-Men girl myself with Wolverine Origins being the first comic I read, but I trust your reviews so I may be convinced to go see it. Thanks for the heads up!

  18. Best Superhero Film Ever.

    Really, Whedon is my personal hero :D

  19. Seeing it Friday - can't wait!!!!!

  20. Heard lots of good things about this movie. Will have to check it out.

  21. Went to see this in 3d, dumb move, was too much got a dull thump/pressure in my head that essentially put me to sleep, missed at least half an hour of the best parts of the movie.

    Usually try to get a 2d showing but had no choice this time, ruined it entirely.

    Otherwise it was looking good, going to 2d tonight.

  22. I am glad to see a reveiw that has no BS or product placement. Saying all that I prefer Judge Dredd.

  23. Thanks for the review. Sounds like this is a must see.

  24. I'm not into superhero stuff in general but I got such a big kick out of Iron Man I and II (The Dark Knight too, but I'm told by more knowledgeable superhero buffs that Nolan movies don't count for some reason?) that I was totally planning on watching this. Didn't read your review for fear of spoilers, but the 4-stars is encouraging! Will come back and read to see how our movie experiences differed.

  25. We're headed out Saturday night to catch a double-feature of the Avengers and John Carter...not just in 2D but at a drive-in theater! Looking forward to it even more after reading this review.

    As for Barry's comment about Thor being "absolute shite"...that's sheer lunacy!

  26. Cool - nice review. Hoping to catch this this weekend

  27. Good to hear it was decent.. will have to try to have a look at it when back in Turkey.. if/when it shows up.. saw Battleship over the weekend though.. was a great movie.. if the reason was to promote becoming a marine.. ;) otherwise.. not so much :)

  28. I hope to see it soon... Capt. America is my man.

  29. This is one is definitely on the must go and see list!

  30. Sounds good, planning on watching it this weekend, have to actually make the trip to the theater for this one.

  31. Id watch it for Loki and Chris Evans!

  32. I'm off to see this tomorrow and I'm greatly looking forward to it.

  33. Glad you liked it Angry.

    Seen this twice now, 2D with the Lady Bix on release night and then 3D last night with the Gents. It's a joyous action packed Super-romp and no mistake!

    For those planning to see it (and its a must see) if you have the choice I'd opt for a 2D viewing, I'm still not sold on 3D and I didn't think this film needed it.

    The excellent direction of Joss, the great cast and top CGI needed no gimmicks.

  34. I think Avengers Assemble is much too long of a title. I prefer to call it Iron Man 3. Because that's basically what it is. lol.

  35. my 7yo daughter has been driving me crazy to see this. She sat through both Iron Man 2 and Captain America last weekend in preperation. The only other movie I have ever seen her this excited about was tangled.

  36. Looking forward to seeing this movie heard nothing but good things about it.

  37. Very interesting movie. Thank you a lot, Fran.

  38. I trust your rating. Let me watch this movie.

  39. Thank you for this honest review. Now I know to plunk my money down to see this one. If you say the hulk is the best thing in it, then it is for me. Hulk was my first comic purchase, and I've never looked back.

  40. not going to lie wasnt going to see it, because I really thought it was going to suck, but maybe not if you are correct.

  41. I thought this was a great movie, probably go and see it again in fact. I loved the comedy elements of it, a bit of light relief, but I also liked how they did the characters. Especially Captain America, as when you consider him against the other Avengers (bar the human ones like Hawkeye and Black Widow), he's not really that special. What he does do is give the team direction, without which Iron Man is just an egotist with a fancy armour suit and the Hulk and Thor are blunt objects good for bashing things.

  42. Ah, now it has Lurker's approval as well! I must see this now, for reasons that extend outside of the fact that Ms. Johansson is in it.

  43. I never saw it but its on my list of movies to watch

  44. I honestly thought I wasn't gonna wanna watch this one.. dammit.

  45. right it is going on my to watch list... I wonder if it is out here in NZ yet???

  46. I seriously can't even LOOK at your post/review right now! The anticipation for this flick is TOO HIGH. I'm waiting til it's released here on Friday then going to shit my pants with excitement!

  47. I'll likely skip this one as I'm not keen on Robert Downey Jnr. I'll wait until it's on cable in a few months.

    I'm never sure if RDJ or acting. showing off, or on something!


  48. My daughter has a huge crush on Hiddleston and has been making me watch every flipping interview that exists with him. Tonight I'm doing a homemade pizza and we're watching Thor to get her even more worked up for The Avengers. There are some things a mom just shouldn't have to do and one of them is watch her daughter drool all over herself in a theater. I'll be taking a slop bucket with me when we go see the film.

  49. This is one movie I'm going to watch soon. Obviously in 2D as well, I can't wait for the 3D gimmick to die.

  50. bring on avengers 2!!!!

  51. Wolverine is awesome cuz he's Canadian. :)

    Will definitely go see this film, thanks for the review.

  52. I'll wait for it to come on Youtube or something, i saw the Iron man at the cinema, their big cartoons really no script or plot .Interesting it is all about America being attacked then blowing the hell out of it.

  53. I went in hoping for the best, and for once it delivered what I wanted and more. This has the best elements of the two Iron Man movies, along with the Gung Ho attitude of Captain America and lots of humor to bridge the gaps between the action scenes. I also agree that Hulk's approach to Loki's speech was hysterical! This is really the first time I've seen his raw power on a scale that really works for me. The movie was such a blast that I'm going to take my wife to it next week.

  54. mmmmmmm now who doz the Hulk remind me off Hi Fran LOL

  55. Just back from watching this with the family and loved it!
