
Thursday 24 May 2012

Broadside 2012 Show Update and a Sleeping Disorder!

The Rejects as as you may know are at this show on June 10th putting on a WW1 demo game but the organisers of the show have had a problem with some advertising and the issue can be seen here at Anything but a One .........

Myself and Ray will do what we can to help with posts and shout outs (we're not that arrogant to think that this will solve the problem) but every bit helps I believe! 
If you're going or can't go put something on your blog near the time as if we don't promote shows or no-one knows about them then they'll fail to happen any more and we lose something good!

Anyway a more serious problem affecting bloggers these days.....sleeping disorder's!

While on my regular patrol at work yesterday I noticed a suspicious shape in this vehicle....

On closer inspection I noticed it's a common spotted security officer....

Who can it be?

Ray......who had a real sleeping disorder later after he got a kick in the crackers, don't let him fool you when he says he works hard....friends are such a burden!

Have a good weekend if you can as I'm off tomorrow and Saturday but back in on Sunday working with Ray!


  1. Replies
    1. With friends like these.... ;-)

    2. Oh my God. Tim and I cracking up at this post and your comment. Pretty fricking funny.

      Tim asked, what's that pink VIP thing?

    3. Haha! Caught in the act! The evidence doesn't lie.

  2. Sorry to hear about the lack of advertising for the Broadside event...
    As about Ray....he was sleeping...not harming anyone...pls Fran, be more tolerant with him..hahaha!

  3. Raynonia doesn't have a chance!

  4. Shit!!!! Look at all that grey hair!!!!!

  5. It's not grey, it's light blonde... like mine used to be when I had some...

  6. Oh man that's funny. Fran you are an evil git for posting those pic's... well done!

  7. Former Security Officer perhaps...

  8. lol Fran! You are an evil man posting pics of Ray's grey hair!

    I'll try to post a couple of adverts for Broadside on my blog - can't have you guys putting on a game there and not having an adoring public turn up

  9. Quite a Nosferatu sleeping pose there!

  10. I think Ray summed it up quite nicely. Ahh, I hope the show goes well, don't be surprised by what you can do. That is, I'm sure you can do more than you think.

  11. Ray - don't worry about the grey, it makes you look distinguished, yep, that's what I tell myself, too.

  12. Hahaha.. nice one!
    As for Broadside.. will post up about it next week also.. will be in Belgium at the time unfortunately, else I would be trying to convince work to make me be in UK at that time instead!

  13. Posting those photos might be a bit evil, but that is exactly what I would do too. Nice one Fran.

  14. Real shame about the advertising problems, good luck with the demo!

  15. I'll sleep soundly tonight knowing guys like this are watching over us.

  16. Good luck with the demo game. At least it looks as though Ray doesn't drool quite so much while he's asleep!

  17. Wonderful! Great to see Ray earning the overtime! Have a tremendous weekend and play nice on Sunday.

  18. Thanks Fran I have already had four messages of support. We (the Broadside Committee) namely me (Clint) Big al and Mark, really do appreciate any mention we can get for Broadside following the advertising Debarcle.

    Still "That which does not kill us..." Really gets my goat.

    Speak face to face in a couple of weeks. Cheers Clint

    1. Just had a message from WSS posted on my blog. It seems Reject power is not to be underestimated.

  19. All the best angry lurker for the demo, I love the car and the color and Ray's sleeping at work is awesome too, once my collegueas too picture of me dozing off after a days night out .

  20. Sorry the venue is having advertising issues. That's never good!

  21. Did Ray get kicked out of the house? Or does he just prefer sleeping in cars?

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Hah! Poor Ray. Good luck at Broadsides.

  24. I have to agree with Ray, blogging does leave you with a sleep disorder.

  25. The Demo Game sounds great, nice photos of Ray, and I'll be sure and put something up on my blogs to help with the Broadside advertising campaign!

  26. I'm loving Ray's car! What a glorious colour!

  27. Ray looks like a sound sleeper. lol.

  28. ive been sleeping less lately, probably due to the sun. Lol lets hope your employer doesn't see these.

    as for work on sundays, tell em you have to go to hockey/church. works every time for me.

  29. There's a place called Sittingbourne? and it hosts a gaming convention? Thats very fitting! I hope lots of people show up!

    The fact you didn't draw a mustashe on him as he slept was quite nice of you! Its good to show mercy!

  30. I used to do this when I worked. The car nap - some of the best naps I've ever had!

  31. Poor guy, everyone's gotta sleep sometime lol.

  32. Excellent true to life shots. The skin tones are very effective - you'd think it was real!

  33. excellent photos sir, I felt like I was on safari.

  34. Ouch, he can sleep in a car like that?, i bet his back must be made of iron, my legs alwys shake if i dont sleep in a bed. Great designed poster it looks like a movie, you should get loads fo people turning up.

  35. Ah...content in the 'arms of Morpheous'...

  36. Good luck with the show. As for Ray clearly painting all that stuff for postie has caught up with him.

  37. The Whisk told me I should come over and see this picture of Ray. You should have put done something horrible to him while he was sleeping. You could have put whipped cream on his head, drew a mustache on him or put his hand in a bowl of warm water to make him piss himself. All my friends know it's a bad idea to fall asleep while I'm awake.

    1. The swine locked himself in the car!

    2. Too bloody right I locked the car, I ain't that stupid!!!

  38. Looks like Ray is really hard at work! Those damn jobs sure do get in the way of sleeping don't they?

  39. AHAH that's on the job? TS!

  40. should of photoshopped it a little for good measure

  41. He didnt need to the guy had a pink vip pilloww in the car with him

  42. Haha! Classic! Those cars really do a fine job of encouraging a siesta!
