
Friday 4 May 2012

Franonia and Rayonia Map Begins..........

.......and some parcels of land up for grabs!

This is the beginning and myself and Ray will add roads, rail roads, towns and other places of interest next week I hope, cannot identify the region due to security reasons.......

Have a good weekend if you can and it's a bank holiday weekend here so back on Tuesday but will wander around your blogs before that if I can! 

There's a guy called Ian with a blog who deserves more followers and is running a give-away as well, go visit and follow!


  1. Nice looking map. That's when my campaigns always used to get serious, when I made the map. Looking forward to more.

  2. Historically Rayonia has always been a part of Franonia, right? The UN is supposed to keep out of your...err...internal troubles.

  3. The new Magna Carta presented! :-)
    Have a nice three-day break Fran!

  4. And so it begins... have a great weekend Fran.

  5. Enjoy mapping during you three day holiday.

  6. A work of art!! Took bloody long enough!

  7. A good start! Looking forward to see where the Capitols will be!

    Important trade routes? Do both countries have an armada to secure the sea?

    1. You do know that Ray most likely will try to get hold of some boats now?

  8. And so the lines of war will be drawn

  9. When mapping, just remember one of the motto from a French Geography Professor:
    "Geography is first used to make war"

  10. You guys are neighbours? Map idea is cool and genius. Will check out Ian and enjoy your long weekend

  11. Maps, I love maps. The easiest and quickest way to lay claim to huge amounts of land is to claim the watershed of rivers. I would recommend that, followed by a Lewis and Clark type of expedition to explore it. Ray's capital already seems to be poorly placed, access to water seems to be very limited in that spot. Don't forget to add the locations of ore concentrations so you can mine and build your industry swiftly. A rail network is a must (I may be biased there). Ian still has more followers than me! But it looks like a blog worth reading mine is just filled with the ramblings of a madman anyway. :-)

    1. You missed the WH out, it's the only type of ore they would be interested in!!!

      Next up I will be checking out your blog!!


    2. We can pimp you like a character in a Dirty Harry movie Kris!

    3. Really the important question is where do you brew the beer and what kind of hard liquor do you distill? Scotch (I know the Scots call it whiskey), whiskey (American whiskey which is not Scotch), bourbon, all of the above?

      I do like a good Dirty Harry movie.

  12. Cool! I can't help but wonder at the origins of the Franonia-Rayonia conflict: land dispute? ancient ethnic tensions? What side of the hardboiled egg to crack?

  13. You boys look like your having so much fun doing this and it's going to be interesting to see how a battle between you guys works. Enjoy your long weekend Angry.

  14. We've had lots of fun in the past with the free rules called Dawn of Worlds. It's a world creation type game that players take turns acquiring points to spend/save in order to "build" geographic features, towns, and the like while taking turns. It's on a larger scale with a lot of facets you wouldn't need, but a lot of the core is worth checking out and could easily be adapted to a region.

  15. ohhh can i purchase some property? a wasteland or something, I'll call it Bart's badlands, and it will have an oasis where Barrrrrrrt's bar will be located, and strippers. eh eh. good idea no?

    1. 13% taxed, so no taxes at my bar. it can be a replenishment zone once found.

  16. The details on the map look amazing!

  17. A very nice map, but Rayonia is greener; are they soft southerners?

    Have a nice weekend.

  18. Looks like a great start guys. Looking forward to seeing a fully fleshed map.

    @Mik. Sounds like a great game. Thanks for the tip.

  19. That seems a bit too close for comfort to me. At least you probably can't fire off any nukes. If you tried you'd probably get caught in the blast yourself.

  20. Excellent locales for both - looks like deep water ports nearby. Best, Dean

  21. Looks like it´s going to be a great map

  22. Can't wait to see what this looks like populated.

  23. It's always been your work Fran!

    1. Hacked again!!!!! Looks like everyone likes my map Fran!!

  24. This is looking very impressive, and I am looking forward to seeing this develop.

    All the best,


  25. Nice one!

    BTW, today it dawned on me, that it is time for you to attack. Right now you see tomhave the advantage in numbers and technology, so what it keeping you back? After all a sword get blunt if not used!

  26. Ah, the MAP. I can't even think about a campaign without the map. I'm very excited to see this thing develop.

  27. Three day holiday sounds go, maps look great too, be interesting to see when they are all done.

  28. Very nice looking map...a bit montainous in the east, isn't it?

  29. Great start, Gentlemen, for the Adventures in the Rejects World! Hail...both 'Onias! May your dice rule!

  30. @Angrylurker
    Your comment in my blog - just tooo very brilliant. +ve and happy with literal meaning and -ve and sad with actual meaning. Smart. You are badass.

    But that wonder woman from Irish air, somehow beat you. Sorry!
    You both are awesome, Irish dinner to be credited for all your awesomeness?

  31. Cool map, can't wait to see more detail added to it.

  32. Great map chap and I can wait to see what is going to happen over the weeks and months.

  33. Nice looking map. I love crafting continents. I think I missed my calling as a creator god. Looks like you did too.

  34. This looks.. like you're working yourself up for some real fun, hm?

  35. Hmm, lots of sand between the two rival nations. Could it contain black gold and be the source of an all out conflict between them?
    Who will triumph? Who will be the master of all they survey?Who is going to have bragging rights in the Rejects for the nxt 12 months?
    Let battle commence!!!

  36. where can I present myself as the Serbian emissary in Rayonia and Franonia?

  37. NICE TRY FRAN!!! But I can recognice the arabian penisular upsidedown and flipped over any day... it is also clear that where the sea appears to be in the boarder between Iran and Turkmenistan with Pakistan, Afganistan, Uzbekistan and Kasakstan... and I got best in Geography last year. oh and the island is Tajikistan.

    nice technique for making maps even if it is clear (to some) where the places are

  38. I demand to have my own kingdoms on Rayonia and the other continent. I shall be a just king and will only copulate with the fairest of all the newly engaged women to see if they are suitable marriage material.

  39. Sure looks for a good spot for friendly conflict. Go Franonia!

  40. I would like a kingdom too, please.

  41. It looks FAB! However, it kinda remind me of the area where Africa and Eurasia/the Russian and Middle Eastern countries connect.

  42. Nice.. loving that UK has a holiday on Monday.. means work for me will be quiet as all of you guys are out camping or what not.. can't wait to see how the maps come out though, and see the clashs of your empires start to sink in..

  43. Looking good, cannot wait to see more

  44. Great lookin map Fran, burn that other guys city down !! (shakes fist in air)

  45. Nice this will be quite a battle!

  46. Nice maps, looking forward to seeing more detail added.

  47. Viva El Presidentai!

    Now if you gonna have railways , you need an armoured train.. just make sure your gauge is different to the bad guys...

  48. my weekend was AWESOME. Saw the Avengers....TWICE! ha

  49. Checking out Lan as suggested
