
Wednesday 1 August 2012

Beneath The Lily Banners War of the Grand Alliance Game Pictures...

....and brief report! The war was also known as The Nine Years War, The War of the League of Augsburg and the The War of the Palatine Succession I believe and ran from 1688-1697......

Some of the Rejects got together to play a game of the Nine Years War recently using a scenario that Ray had made up, Richard was the French while myself and Postie were a mixture of British, Danish and Huguenots forces.
We had a lot of British raw units but also British and Danish guard units, the French were a mixture of drilled and elite), we were allowed to set up to our own designs, also warned about the town being very important and that the road at the rear of our lines was important (which we seemed to ignore for some reason, I blame Postie as he was technically in charge).
We were unaware whether the river was fordable or not (as was the French player we found out) so we deployed for battle.....

The initial table as first seen to the Alliance forces with the French to be seen in the distance...

Our initial set up, Postie on the far right and myself on the left.......

My Dutch horse, blade class for once.....

My British horse supporting the line.....

This was as far as we could set up from the bridge.....

We sprinted forward to defend the bridge......

Richard starts his advance (this was hard as his main leader had been classed as a plodder and his second in command was classed as skillful!)......

We arrive and set our status to defend (+1 to firing was all we cared for).....

The plodding advance (having a plodding leader in charge and some awful dice rolls affected Richard badly at the time, you can end up not moving anything or very little).......

Then the French appeared in our rear...where we should have been waiting and watching!

As you see we were looking the wrong way!

But some plodding rolls for poor Richard and aggressive manoeuvring and swearing from myself we got things turned around at least to face them (Richard was hell bent on reaching the town)....

The French on the road, the walls and hedges while been lovely were a nightmare for getting off the road, his artillery couldn't cross at all.....

The plodding leader base...beautiful though!

A view from the French side......

Caught a lot of his cavalry in the flank....

....with the desired effect! (Cue maniacal laughter)

The main assault eventually arrives (the dice gods really had anally invaded him this day)....

Move it, quicker, faster my pretties....... 

The last of the French rear attack meets his end.....

The assault with attached French main leader by this stage (we think Richard wanted him dead as he could then switch to his skillful leader but it wasn't for the lack of trying on our part either but he survived).....

....but the unit didn't and the French conceded, this was influenced by the French unit on the left finding out the river couldn't be forded due to heavy rain in the mountains......

Winner, winner, chicken dinner and another win for the Roll of Fame, as you know when I last played these rules for the first time I didn't like him but they're not too bad a second time around especially deploying yourself at the start of the game.....and the win helped as well!

Ray has whined at me all morning that I have to LINK back to his initial batrep and for the sake of my diminishing sanity and world peace I have!
I'm the good one........


  1. Nice batrep, I wonder what they thought would happen as they tried to cross that bridge.

  2. Nice pics dirtbag! I'll make the next game harder for you.

  3. You know it's a good thing that Ray had you link back because we can all now see how much better your batrep was compared to his. And you won Angry, so there's that as well.

    Richard's figures were so well painted it's a shame he had such bad luck.

    1. Far better, you're right Anne, I got the photographer to leave and now have pics of Ray inside a light box with two lights, the gatehouse lights and praying to the Devil!

  4. Good report Fran.

    Liked the shot of the 'plodder' commander. Now wonder he's a plodder if he's pushing a feckin cannon round with him! ;-)

  5. Nice presentation, General. I enjoy viewing large armies squaring-off to battle each other for whatever. Also, thanks for the historical background info.

  6. It certainly looked a great game and some stunning miniatures on show. Everyone loves a winner! ;)

  7. Well I imagine winning probably helped with the rules. It seems even when they aren't real French they lose.

  8. Excellent pics Really super looking units

  9. Look like a great battle and lovely pictures that give a real feel for the game.

  10. Congratulations on the win.

  11. Great report, sorry you had deal with Ray's whinging...

  12. the bridge battle must make it much more interesting... nice job!

  13. Great report. Liked the story, and glad that you won! Even with the enemy popping up behind you!

  14. Great batrep Fran and congrats on the victory.

  15. Very well presented battle report, lovely table and minis. But what were you thinking? "The road is important"? Of course you were going to take a pummeling from behind. Ah well, you live and learn. Very devious scenario though Ray. Well done to you too.

    1. All all the more kudos to you and Postie for pulling off a win regardless of being out-maneuvered!

  16. Great AAR... hope you had lots of fun!

  17. Loved those red coated regiments near the bridge. Hope we see of them.

  18. Great report on the news of your victory! Great pics as well!

  19. Congrats on the win, poor whiny Ray haha

  20. A very interesting AAR, full of fun, as I can see.

  21. An epic battle! Hold the bridge!

  22. Great looking battle and nice write up.

  23. Excellent batrep Fran, well done! :)

  24. Grand batrep and looks to be an entertaining game

  25. very nice AAR :)

    Best regards Michael

  26. Good bat rep, the figures look really nice, especially the command base with artillery piece.

  27. ahh yes, the french, surrendering since the year 55 b.c

  28. Great looking that leader base!

  29. Good AAR. Really like the figures mate.

  30. Great report and photos Fran. Well done on the win too.

  31. So glad you won! I always knew you were a winner!

  32. Pretty neat!
    The best winner may win!

  33. Great AAR, Fran! The game looked gorgeous and I'm happy you got another win in. ;)

  34. Congrats on the win. Entertaining presentation.

  35. Congrats on the win! One step closer to world domination.
