
Thursday 16 August 2012

What the fecking 15mm Sci-Fi now!

I'm not bragging or anything but when you have a lot of time on your hands (at work and for the little time left) you can paint a lot of figures and ranges and maybe head into a period that the Rejects fecking detest frown upon (especially Ray).

I've always loved sci-fi and what ifs? and after watching the flawed but beautiful Prometheus I have belly flopped dipped my toe into some sci-fi with colonists, colonial marines, aliens, neo-soviets, vehicles, ships and possibly a space ship interior etc.....

So this is just a small taste of some things to come........still painting 15mm moderns and just waiting for some Russians and Chechen to be released by a couple of companies!

But Ray the purist still gripes and some others may but it's the painting disease Bloodyshinyitis that has it's grip and won't let go!

Ray: WTF?
Lurker: What now?
Ray: Sci-Fi?
Lurker: Yes!
Ray: Good God, are you round the bend?
Lurker: Piss off Ironsides!
Ray: I'm telling the others?
Lurker: I don't care!
Ray: I'm coming over their to smack you in a minute!
Lurker: Bring it on!
....and this continued in the same vein for 30 minutes or so!

NEWS: Due to the other disease incredible boredom we're developing at our last months at work or Bloodyboringitis,  myself and Ray have set each other 20 questions to answer and will post tomorrow, now you don't have to copy but you can, it's not a virus it's just us......... but saying that Ray looks like dysentery!

15mm Power Loader from Khurasan and 15mm GZG colonist figure......

Dammit I forgot about a great give-away over at Ian's blog to celebrate his 100 followers, so go there now!


  1. Brillaint little minis, go go Sci-fi, plus don't listen to Ray he likes to paint mice!

  2. Holy crap, wish you'd make a podcast out of that conversation.

    The power loader looks great!

  3. They look great, nothing wrong with Sci fi

  4. There's nothing wrong with sci-fi, Fran. Ray is just talking out of his arse... again!

  5. Nice work, Fran. You do yellow well. And hurray for Scifi the General's way!

  6. Of Mice and Mechs what next !!??

  7. Give in to your inner geek! Ray is just jealous...

  8. They look great! Might have to see if my mate Craig at Critical Mass Games has any spare 15mm sci-fi lying around the office for you!

  9. This was awesome....I really am LOLing, and I don't throw that around for just anyone! scifi, really? You are officially my favorite!

  10. Yes I'm chuckling at this exchange too!

  11. POWER LOADER LOOKS AWESOME, well done Angry

  12. Fantastic looking piece of hardware.

  13. That's good for me!
    nice figure and I love the "engine" !!!
    (difficult to understand all this story between Ray and you, but it's like always: you have the guns ready to shot the other!)

  14. Yeah sci fi is great, go for it, forget what Ray says and get some ear plugs haha

  15. Nicely painted. And if you are so board I've got lots of figures I could send you to paint for me. :D

  16. The loader looks to good to resist so why not have one..all you need now is a mummy alien and the re-enactment of "leave her alone you BITCH!" scene is only a step away.
    Aint that a brilliant film!!?
    "How can they cut the power man..the´re animals"
    "You know Buerk, I don't know which species is worse.... you don't see them screwing each other over for a God Damn percentage!"

    1. Just finished painting the little devils and their bitch leader!

  17. There is nothing wrong with Hard Sci Fi, not wimp arse 40K fairies in space scifu, but real Mother Ripping, alien killing Sci Fi, Go Fran.

    I lie SciFi and GZG stuff to, I did some of the illustrations in GZG's StargruntII, plug over, and I like what you have done there.

    1. Never knew about the illustrations, which ones or are they signed as I have a copy somewhere!

  18. Welcome to the Dark side.... 15mm Sci Fi. You will not look back. Nice minis.

  19. Nowt wrong with a bit of Sci-fi, especially when it's this nicely painted

  20. Can't add much more to what everyone else has said - the loader looks "frantastic" (see what I did there? It's probably nothing original...).

    Sci-fi is the future (pun intended) - embrace it as you would the dark side!

  21. Definitely envious of your productivity, keep it rolling, the Angry Lurker train don't stop...

  22. I don't think these comments are going the way Ray intended. I too say go for Sci Fi. I don't see what's wrong with it!

  23. 'Kin'ell Fran, couldn't you just buy a telly instead?

    At least there are no bloody elves . . . .

  24. Love it.. I think this is something more that I can sink my teeth into. More freedom to paint them up as I like them also. Nice work on them!

  25. Great work on the loader Fran, although I'm not sure about the basing - it might have looked better on steel decking or tarmac/gravel

  26. Most historical gamers plunge into fantasy... "What if Napoleon won?" being the archetypical quote. Even the armies they use owe more to the imaginations of the guys writing the army lists than they do to reality... I'd claim that Sci-Fi is an imagining of what could happen, rather than an imagining of what did happen, which is 'historical' wargaming.


  27. The figures look great and I understand the appeal of sci fi. Go for it.

  28. This will piss you off, but what the hell it won't be the first time I've done it. You're happier when you're working with Ray than you are when you're alone. Please don't hit me.

    Those are some cute little figures and nicely painted. Looking forward to you guys posts tomorrow.

    1. How could you Anne, Ray looked over my shoulder and is crowing like a fecking eijit!

  29. "Stay away from her, you *****." The colonist looks like a pimp. I guess every new colony needs one.

  30. The powerloader is awesome.

    I'm happy to try different genres but Ian in our group is a purist. Anything sci-fi or fantasy he just will not touch. Perhaps he's Ray's cousin?

  31. yay! Another convert and such a great start!

  32. Very cool Fran!! I find a lot of Sci-fi interesting except GW world which I burnt out on many moons ago.


  33. Great work Lurker! Don't worry, you're not the only one charging off in all directions :) why don't you go the whole hog and check out Defiance Games new Sci-fi 28mm Colonial Marines and bugs?

  34. Very nice power lifter, though I thought Si-Fi was for geeks. Of course you could be a geek I guess....


  35. Wow, to Ian. Very cool. And fun painting to you. I'm looking forward to reading your questions for each other. You two crack me up.

  36. I'm sorry, sci-fi sounds all kinds of awesome to me. I look forward to 'em!

  37. Great! SF minis! Really nice painter. The power leader remembers me a little bit on the movie Alien.

  38. Good for you! How could anyone look at the amazing Khurusan minis and *not* want to get into 15mm sci fi? they need their head examined if they don't ;)

    What you need to do is tie Ray to a chair, get some metal claw things to force his eye lids open, Clockwork Orange style and start flipping through Spacejacker's blog: Tiny Solitary Soldiers... soon he'll be happily talking sci fi at the milk bar. With his love of magic mice I'm surprised he's having this reaction to sci fi ;)

  39. I use to love to play with little figures like that, then I discovered computers. Seems silly to me now. but still, nice little figurines

  40. Don't take any of that elitist "only historical games are real games" crap!

    If the sculpts are good and the game good then go for it I say.

    Cracking paint jobs as well!

  41. Lovely jubbly Fran. And FEAR NOT!!! I'll be moving down your way in the next few months. If the Rejects reject you, you can always nab a sci-fi game or two against me :D

  42. Where's the alien????
    Nice work Fran, you have your way with female figures. :-)

  43. Thats a lovely bit of kit. nicely painted mate. I will do an Aliens theme game one day

  44. Love the loader, very 'Aliens'... wheres Sigourney? ;-)

  45. So does this include stuff from Warhammer 40k? Or is that a class of its own?

    1. A different version and scale but you could use the rules though!

  46. if we had exoskeletons like that I would have gone into construction

  47. Sci-Fi is just as valid as historical gaming. The point of spending so much time obsessing on little figures is to have fun. Besides Giant walking tanks have been very good to me over the years I worked with FASA. At least I did not hear some prat whining you are using the wrong shade of blue. Don't get me wrong, my current work is to bring old aircraft to life as accurately as possible. I just do not respect views there is only one true type of gaming.

  48. NICE. I think you should do a whole set of Alien minis. Or maybe just Ripley and Bishop, because they're the best. Do they even make those?
