
Monday 10 September 2012

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 84: Total Recall 2012 (3 STARS).

"Not a bad movie but an unnecessary remake?"-Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review!

For a factory worker named Douglas Quaid, even though he's got a beautiful wife who he loves, the mind-trip sounds like the perfect vacation from his frustrating life - real memories of life as a super-spy might be just what he needs. But when the procedure goes horribly wrong, Quaid becomes a hunted man as he finds himself on the run from the police.

This movie follows the plot of the original but none of it's locations, Earth has literally died due to chemical warfare and only two locations exist, the UFB (United Federation of Britain) and the colony (Australia) and are linked by a subterranean passage.

All the characters are still there except that Sharon Stones and Michaels Ironsides characters from the original are melded into one in as Kate Beckinsale (she's a little over the top but still very good though), the action is very good, the CGI is quite amazing as you believe the remaining parts of the world are overcrowded and that technology has advanced, the synthetic police units are incredible (part of the plot line), you still have finding the resistance leader element , Colin Farrell is very good in the lead role but why not use all this for a different type of sci-fi movie because you know certain things are going to happen well before they do and they take away from the experience a little...

Now I've seen the original lately and it's quite dated but when it came out it was a good movie for it's time but this is a different beast with today's movie technology, it's a mixture of Minority Report, I,Robot, Blade Runner and even the new Star Wars movies and obviously the original (there's even a 3 breasts scene!) but worth the watch...


  1. well, the effects of the film were superb.

  2. Yeah the effects were great, but the plot was just a rehash, kind of pathetic really.

  3. I asked someone if I should watch the original when I saw that this movie was coming out. They said I should, and should avoid this one. So, I have to watch Total Recall eventually. The original.

  4. The original is so dated now I remember seeing the original and being amazed by the special effects that look almost comical now, but I do want to see this one, just gotta get the Mrs to agree!!

    1. Gotta make the Mrs. agree-Rousell, you're whipped!

  5. I'll watch it for Kate and the special effects, but that's about it.

  6. They probably didn't need to remake it Fran. But Colin is in it and he's so pretty nom nom nom.

  7. Only Britain and Australia survived! I like the setting (I am from Australia). Much better than "only America survive"!

  8. As others have said, I enjoyed the original when it came out but it is a bit dated now... Not sure I'd watch this... as you say, you kinda know whats going to happen...

  9. There are so many great SiFi stories begging to be made into film, it really makes you wonder why they would spend literally hundreds of millions on re-hashing what was (Arnie's dreadful acting aside) a classic. OK there is the CGI angle - but that could be applied to just about any old SF movie (and frequently has been) so there needs to be more than just messing up a good story. Won't be rushing to the theatre to see this one!

    1. Easy. It's safe... the original was a hit, so the remake probably would be a hit as well. Hollywood is very conscious about funding only what they think will be hits. And remakes are safer than new projects.

      Boring, I know.

  10. So did the three breasted woman make an appearance here?

  11. Don't know why I should watch a REMAKE of an Arnie movie :D
    The only great movies he ever made were Hercules in New York ("F'ine tcharrrriot, butt wherrre are se horrses?") and Terminator 2 ;)

    Thanks for informing though, as my friends might have dragged me in somehow :D

    Cheers, Mojo

  12. I remember thoroughly enjoying the original, due to its plot twists; especially Ms Stone's fight scene... so I do wonder whether that will ruin the remake for me.

    That aside, that Farrell fella has made some good movies and is always fun to watch!

  13. gotta see this and Judge Dredd too!

  14. I went with the wife to see this the other day, thought it was terrible. Originals much better.

  15. I'll watch it just because of the 3 boobies :D

    I will probably wait for a dvd release of this

  16. Nice write up Fran.. so probably one to watch if you can jsut watch without thinking about it all too much.

    and hey I was your 4 millionth visitor!! where is my prize?

  17. Never liked the Arnie version...close to the book but a bit "dr who stage sets" IMHO.
    3 T*t´s!? Sounds a bit, Paul the Alien.
    Now that´s a fun film...."Are you using some sort of neural language router?"... "Actually, I'm speaking English, you f**king idiot " :-D

  18. When I saw this was coming out, I went and bought the original and laughed at the special effects I once thought were so very awesome! Still, the plot is one of a kind, or was one of a kind until now. Hubby wants to see this because of Kate and I want to see it because of Colin. We both win - and hey, you can't help but laugh at three boobies!!

  19. I watched this movie a while ago. I liked better the thing they did with Australia as their colony instead of Mars. Visual effects were stunning and yeah, good plot. But I felt it was too cramped and the movie was too fast.
    Loved the movie though.

    Thank you for your comment Fran. Missed you all too. Gotto catch up with Franonia, the land with "F" in their flag :)

  20. I knew you'd like the ladies in it, Lurk :)

  21. Must admit, this film looks great, but will probably wait 'til the DVD comes out...

  22. I'm with you on this. It was a fun movie and I enjoyed it, but I went into it expecting that they would throw in something a little different. Something fresh. And... they just didn't. So for that, it was only okay, not great.

  23. I feel nothing but apathy towards this movie. I'll probably watch it when it airs on TV but I won't pay money to see it.

  24. I really enjoyed the original so I'll give this a go. Thanks for the review.


  25. Only Britain survived??? Pure fantasy then... :-)
    I enjoyed the original movie and was not decided what to do with this. After reading your review I will probably wait to the release in DVD (cinema prices here in Spain are now sky high after the September VAT rise from 4% to 21%! Now it is taxed like a luxury product)

  26. I haven't seen the new version. I have a soft spot in my heart for the original as it came out in my teens, a time where I was much more forgiving to plot lines if the action held up. Everything about this new version feels far more generic.

  27. The old version is the best, in my opinion, and this one can not offered nothing new but special effects and... Kate

  28. I had high hopes for this, I daresay that I will give it ago.

  29. You're busted Fran!Told you! :)
    Thx for the review mate!

  30. I really, really think I'm gonna pass on this one altogether.

  31. I don't think I will bother seeing it

  32. I enjoyed the original movie. Sharon Stone was stunning and whilst I love watching it whenever it's on the box, the movie hasnt dated well.

    The trailers have wet my appetite for the sheer urban sci-finess of it all and I am willing to give it a go.

