
Sunday 16 September 2012

Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review 85: Dredd 3D 2012 (5 STARS)

"Grim, bleak, depressing......brilliant!"- The Angry Lurker Honest Movie Review.

It's a 4 STAR movie but get's the extra star because I've been a fan of the comic legend for a lot of decades and it erases the disaster that was the 1995 movie!

The future America is an irradiated waste land. On its East Coast, running from Boston to Washington DC, lies Mega City One - a vast, violent metropolis where criminals rule the chaotic streets. The only force of order lies with the urban cops called "Judges" who possess the combined powers of judge, jury and instant executioner. Known and feared throughout the city, Dredd is the ultimate Judge, challenged with ridding the city of its latest scourge - a dangerous drug epidemic that has users of "Slo-Mo" experiencing reality at a fraction of its normal speed. During a routine day on the job, Dredd is assigned to train and evaluate Cassandra Anderson, a rookie with powerful psychic abilities thanks to a genetic mutation. A heinous crime calls them to a neighborhood where fellow Judges rarely dare to venture - a 200 story vertical slum controlled by prostitute turned drug lord Ma-Ma and her ruthless clan...

This is basically his expression all movie and the helmet remains on once put on....brilliant!

As I said I have been a fan of Judge Dredd for a long time, possibly the early 80's and I still have original 2000AD (such great stories and characters) comics back in Ireland, I had to see it in 3D because that's all there was and I was a little annoyed as I'm not a big fan of 3D but after a few minutes I didn't notice the glasses again, Karl Urban (Doom, Star Trek, LOTR, RED etc...) as Dredd is such a great actor and perfect for the dour dispenser of Mega City justice, the story is simple, the action is great and the role of Anderson is played well by Olivia Thirlby, the villain Ma-Ma is played by Lena Headey (Game of Thrones, 300 etc...) and is quite the bitch, the effects are well done, sometimes too well done (the human body trauma scenes are sometimes slow motion and eye watering), came out of the cinema with a grin on my face and that doesn't happen often!

My friend Vinnie was so happy I think he had a moment!!!!!!


  1. Great news! I can't wait to see this. The Stallone dredd was so bad great to hear this is true to the comic, you can't beat a bit of 2000AD!

  2. Nice one Fran, worth going to see I take it, mind you Lena Headey is worth a night out at the best of times.

  3. Like yourself, I was weaned on this... okay maybe a bit older, but anyway, I've been looking forwards to this. Hopefully I can catch it sans-3D, I really don't like that.

    Good review as always!

  4. I did really enjoy this so I did. As you say I was glad that Urban kept the helmet on, though at the same time I think it's a bit of a shame, cause obviously the reason that Stallone took it off was because they'd paid for Stallone, they're not going to show his face, indicating despite IMO being a better actor, he doesn't warrant the face time. Or the director in this one knows what he's doing and doesn't want Dredd taking his helmet off.

    Best review of it I saw, which oddly enough was a review in the Sun, were they slammed it and called it "Violent and nihilistic". To which I just sat and thought, surely that's Dredd anyways.

  5. I'm going tomorrow - cant wait as I'm a long time Dredd fan too.
    Great review, thanks...Creep!

  6. this is the real deal. have to watch it.

  7. Dredd, He is the Law and the Law states that all Dredd movies are good. Okay maybe not all, but it is good to see a comic book hero make it to the big screen and have the feel of walking out of the comic book. Great film and great reveiw there Fran


  8. 5 Stars, it must be good! A big 2000AD fan too, I was always going to enjoy it. Great review Sir.

  9. I started with Starlord but switched over to 2000AD when the two comics merged in 1978. Sadly I sold my comic collection years later, but I still have a soft spot for those stories. You've given me hope in the movie after I'd given up hope that we'd get a good one for the Dredd character.

  10. Good news! I've still got my box of 2000ADs in my brother's attic. Really looking forward to seeing this.

  11. This is Dredd as he should be. A total hardass who takes shit from no one! I thought this was the best film I've seen all year and it thoroughly warrants that five star rating.

  12. I saw the 5 stars and that stopped me as I rarely see that rating from you. I for sure will see this, but not in 3D which gives my a headache. I like gritty Sci-fi so I'm looking forward to this as the last Dredd was well you know....crap!


  13. I might just have to break out of my habit of not going to the cinema and actually go and see this one. I think I started with Starlord and then carried on when it merged with 2000AD, although I may have picked up a bunch of 2000AD at a jumble sale at some point - I distinctly remember the Judges War with Judge Cal and Judge Fish.
    Speaking of Starlord, it would be good to see a Stronty Dog film, or even one with the robot mercs :)

    1. ABC Warriors or Johnny Alpha and Wulf Sternhammer, their deaths in the comic annoyed me greatly!

  14. Damn, and I have to wait until Friday for this!! Everyone says the movie rocks.

  15. For you to sound so happy and to give a 3D movie five stars means one of two things-this movies was as good as you say, or the SWMBO gave you a little something extra with your breakfast this morning!

    I hope it was both Fran!!

    1. She was still in bed when I got up for work Anne, smiling as she snuggled into the duvet and back to sleep!

  16. I'm looking forward seeing this!

  17. you intrigued my interest in it

  18. Looking forward to seeing this this upcoming weekend.

  19. and I am still having a moment amazing film

  20. That Stallone one was awful garbage, so good to hear this one is good, will be seeing it.

  21. Did they use the Anthrax song?

    No I thought not ;-)


    1. That song is playing inside my head everytime someone is talking about Judge Dredd. Can't wait to see this movie, even if it's 3D.

  22. I'm the biggest fan of Karl Urban in the world.

  23. Great to hear such a positive review Angry, like you, I'm a massive 2000AD fan and have been since my folks slipped up and started buying me the comics in the late 70's (I don't think they ever checked inside the cover, as I'm sure they wouldn't have thought it suitable for their 8yr old angel lol).

    Been worried this would be a pile of steaming dung since the Stallone train wreck. This will now go on the books as a must see at the Flix. Ta.

  24. JD and 2000AD fan generally too for many years, so looking forward to see the movie which looks to be more in flavour. Cheers for the review.

  25. Thank you for this interesting rewiev. Judge Dredd is one of my favourite comic character and I expect to see the movie soon.

  26. The one from the '90s looked so bad that I refused to watch it but this one looks promising, and after such a glowing recommendation, I'll have to check it out.

  27. I'm hoping that this movie will finally erase my memory of the 'shells' scene from Stallone's Dredd. Looking forward to it.

  28. ''I arrest you, I judge you, I condemn you and I execute the condemnation - BANG''!!
    Thanks for sharing Fran. :)

  29. I must see this movie since it garners 5 out of 4 stars! I only see a show about once every three years, so this seems like one of 'em. Thanks, Fran.

  30. I had no expectations for this film when I first heard about it, but wow, it's getting such amazingly positive reviews I'm actually looking forward to seeing this when it finally comes out here in the states!

  31. Thanks for review, this is one I'll be seeing. Like you, fond memories of 2000AD as a teenager...
    I actually quite enjoyed the Stallone version too!

  32. "I am da law!" And I will be checking this out. Thanks.

  33. AWESOME! I am, like many of you, an 80s fan of Dredd from way before the war with the Sovs. So looking foward to seeing this.

  34. Had no idea this was out. You gave it 5 stars? That's.. not too shabby

  35. I'll consider watching this movie. Though I only know one line from Judge Dredd in general, I AM THE LAW.

  36. Thanks for the review Angry. Im really looking forward to this - but I had a feeling it would be another steaming pile like Sly's version. Glad its not!!!

  37. It opens Friday, my birthday, but do you think the wife or kids are going to take me to see it, nooooooo. I will have to wait for it on DVD.

  38. I can't wait to see this movie. I wanted to see it before but based on your honest review, I really wanted to see it. I agree. the sly Stallone version was crap and made with a stupid plot and bad acting. This has to be better!
