
Tuesday 25 September 2012

Some more 15mm Sci-Fi Colonists and the book "Understanding Women" has been released!

Some more 15mm colonists from GZG and a picture of the new book called "Understanding Women".


  1. Nice one Fran! I've just ordered the book from Amazon!

  2. Nice figs. Looking great.

    Sadly, that is the abridged version. The full version is twice as long.

  3. LOL! Shipping costs were to much for me to get the book, so I'll just continue to bang my head against the wall.

  4. Is that the abbreviated version of the book?

  5. A diversity of colonist elated to be citizens of the long arm of the Franonian Empire. They are looking for the unemployment line.

  6. nice civilians :)
    Don't be caught reading the book by a woman though- that is hopefully covered in chapter 1: 'If you need to ask or have it explained then it doesn't count: you are still wrong and bad'.

  7. Is it available for the Kindle?

  8. hmmm i have no woman, therefore no need to read that book. ahh yes dat lonely life feel

  9. Nice civi's, you knw Anne will have something to say don't you?


  10. I bet that's just the abridged version.

  11. Pffft that book must be 100000000 pages long haha

  12. Excellent, something for the Aliens to eat, I am sure they must be getting hungry by now... oh BTW that book is still not big enuf!

  13. Nice little guys there but.. dammit I lol'd

  14. Those are some nice civvies Fran and I like the guy in the construction hat.

    It's just wonderful that a book has been written to help you blokes out. Now if only you could understand the language it was written in. Thankfully though, the book has a fold out couch built into it so you've got someplace to sleep when you piss us off!

  15. Same thing as buying a case of printer paper-all the pages are blank.

    Some things man was not meant to know.

  16. The shipping charges on that book...will be horrendous.
    Nice figures as always.

  17. I like the guy drinking out of the red bottle.

    And Fran, that's only volume one of a Understanding Women.

  18. Well, so much for my next blog! And it had so little to do with figurines... figures yes, but... damn!

  19. I think that's just the introduction....

  20. very nice figures. as for the book... why cant men just accept we are hopeless, even if that book included all the need to know information I would not be able to undersand it even if it was only 1 page long... so if this is the intro they should re-name it: what you'll be reading for the rest of your life

  21. Not a best seller. Typically when you get a new "Gadget" you open the box assemble the peices and play with it. Only when it does not work do you even think of looking for the manual. (reluctantly) You then look up the one thing in the manual you need and put the mannual away somewhere safe and then forget about it. So no need for a big understanding women book.

    Just think "Chocolate/flowers, shoes/handbags and Babies!" and the mens one is "Beer, foootball, and sex".


  22. Those are great, GZG have some of my favorites 15mm, wish they would do more civilians

  23. Liking the paint jobs, those civvies look ready to be rescued/cowering in fear.

    As to the book "understanding women", like all science fiction/fantasy novels these days I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't part of a trilogy or some massive new epic.

  24. I wander if they do a kindle version. the p&p will be hell! Nice figs by the way Fran

  25. Nice models, and a decent read on the book. Am waiting for the digital version.. though i suspect it to take a few trillian gigs to store ;)

  26. Fantastic figures - really lustre-ful painting Fran. They look terrific. As for the book - that's genius. I've ordered a copy!

  27. The figs look very good; and I bet the book looks like that just to scare non-determined people off. Have to wait to the translation though, ordering it from overseas would cost me a fortune :)

  28. Great fig's Fran. That is the condensed version! There are no forests in the world with enough trees to print the full version!

  29. When does volume II of 'Understanding Women' come out?

    As for the colonists, they look great, like they're ready for some parasitic aliens to burst form their chests!

  30. Oh we understand ' Nice painting Brother.

  31. And, the book is STILL wrong!

    Nice painting too!

  32. I'd have said that the book 'Understanding Women' would be a one pager saying 'Don't bother'.

  33. Great miniatures Fran, this new project is very exciting. As for the book I tried to download it to the kindle, but apparently our broadband is not sufficient and subsequently it crashed the system. The rest of the village has had to resort to smoke signals now! ;)

  34. there's also a book WHAT MEN THINK ABOUT BESIDES SEX, it has about thousand totally empty pages :PPP

  35. That's just chapter'll never get us because once you think you have us figured out, we change the rules.

  36. Excellent book gag!(LoL!)

    I'll wait for the paperback being as it's easier to read and all....

    Nice btw on the miniatures too.


  37. And the next day, the Women of the World (WOW), changed the rules again, making the new book obsolete.

  38. A very useful book, but it need a lot of supplements, I think.

    Really nice figures, too.

  39. Understanding women? It'll never catch on.

  40. Understanding women...what audience is it aimed at?
    Nice minis mate.

  41. hahaha, I got intrigued by the title of yours.
    Love the colonists they all look lovely Fran.

    Audio copy of that book is available? I would love to play that to my hubby all day long, all week long, all year long, long, long....

  42. I loved Dez's reply. Cant use reply button now.

    You are just awesome. Wonderful. Bravo. Love yeah.

  43. "Understanding women"... priceless picture!

  44. Really good paintjob!

    About the book, this is vol. 1, the other twenty are in printing...

  45. That book look like when US politicians DON'T like the opposition's Bill. They print it out triple spaced, one side of the paper, 1" margins with large font and try to scare the voters with "mass."

  46. Lovely painted figures Fran! Nice colours!

    That looks like a very usefull book. Big enough to hide behind when the missus is calling or searching for you! :-D
    I would like that my local bib orders this book. Do you have the number? I would like to see their faces when they bring it in. :-D

