
Sunday 2 September 2012

Things that may make a Wargamer whine part 4.......

....or maybe they should just man or woman up, I've changed it from crying as normal!

So anyway on to the whining/whinging, I am on my last shift of 6 x 12 hour days and I have had nothing to paint of my own, the lead box was dry for one of the first times ever, I had placed an order with a company on the 15th of last month to cover this eventually but I contacted them last Thursday and they said it had just been despatched but I truly had nothing to paint, I offered a friend (no not Ray as he's on holiday, it's been lovely!) and he cycled down to the site with 2 x 28mm WW2 undercoated tanks (that I had bought the bollox for his birthday last February, I should have just painted them then!) and I painted them (that was an hour killed), I then repainted 2 28mm sentinels form Games Workshop that I had stuck on a shelf and had been looking at them with malice for many years (and will be used for the sci-fi shenanigans) and then there was nothing....left!

I've lost a fortune on Facebook poker, made other members of staff cry, upset some landscapers, looked at some nude things, contemplated and dismissed 74 new periods, went on eBay a lot, more nude shenanigans, upset some delivery drivers, had an argument about the movie "Shoot em Up" again with a co-worker, read some rules, threw a lot of cans back over a wall, upset the Royal Mail etc.......

Even actually working didn't kill enough time, I have ordered something small from some other sources for next Wednesday when I'm back at work but what if they don't turn up....... and no I'm not painting your figures either!!!!!

I know some of you are thinking big deal but it's not funny to have nothing to paint and occupy a tiny mind!

Has this ever happened to you lot?

This is the Lurkers imaginary metal mountain box picture.....

28mm WW2 Churchill and Cromwell tanks, he'll do the decals himself......

A reject (John) has recently been to Australia and sent me some holiday snaps and this one really amused me.........
....but you say why Australia Lurker?

Well I've won another competition (been doing quite well lately, need to speak to Tamsin about something!) and the lovely Alan over at Dux Homunculorum has sent me this lovely 28mm Harald Hardrada figure (he's lovely)

Figure and postcard and he came in an impressively packed box with impressive postage (Alan probably was going "How fecking much"? in the post office) packaging and labels....

Proof if it was even required, Ray has said he's having the figure but I say over his dead fecking body.....

I'm bored and off to the GZG site to spend some eBay money....


  1. Chin up man! I think you need your foil back with you.

    Get some putty and balsa wood and build some scenery, you always need more of that.

  2. Having nothing to paint: it will never ever happen, this is pure fiction. Compulsive buyer, always need the latest new thing, accumulating piles of resin, lead and plastic...Kind of jealous though...

  3. Nothing to paint? It is an urban legend. Have you searched carefully all around?

  4. In response to your question "Has this ever happened to you?" the answer is...
    HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, you have to be joking!

  5. Nothing!!!! This can't be true. I don't think this will ever happen to me. Tanks look wonderful Fran.

  6. Just dump any existing figs in some dettol..leave overnight and then re-paint them :-D

  7. That Aussie street sign is a classic. Damn you really are bored. It's a sad day when not even actually working can pick you up. I've heard people complain about having too much to paint, but rarely about having nothing to paint.

  8. :-D I love this blog. Hope the postman rings soon...

  9. A couple of thoughts to keep you amused and your brain ticking over.
    Create another list of twenty questions for bloggers.... sit back and watch the virus spread.

    Try to find a war that no one makes figures AND rules for. You never know it might spark a new period we can all enjoy.

    Write a decent set of rules for a period you feel is either neglected or only has shyt rules at the moment.

    Create an elaborate practicle Joke to play on Ray (other victims are also availible).

    Blog about being bored and having nothing to paint and hope someone sends you some figures on the off chance.

    Make a model, or make terrain.

    Rebase an army. (not something I would enjoy but sometimes nessercary.

    Just a few ideas to pass the time. But now that you have dissmissed all those ideas you are on your own. Cheers Clint

    1. I wouldn't dismiss them all and I've set the Ray one in motion already!

    2. Another option is that you could design a "Normandy* Firefight" skirmish board for me.. just a thought.

      *Does not NEED to be Normandy, could be Lenningrad, Cassino, Turbuk, Arhnem or any other WW2 setting.

    3. I see a pattern developing Clint!

    4. Pattern not intended, just another exercie to fill the hours. You could start an open university course.... "War studdies" perhaps.

  10. Bored? Can't stand being bored with nothing to do. For more than a few hours anyway.

  11. Come to Australia mate. We can shoot kangaroos together.

  12. Fran you had better hurry to the doctors and get yourself checked out as you know what happens to the gamer who has painted all his figures.........flatline! or at the very least head to nearest games store and buy some miniatures to ensure your life does not end.

    I'm pretty sure I'll never paint all my figures so I should be guaranteed immortality!


    1. I can see the light beckoning me closer....closer!

  13. You should make some terrain. Time consuming and can donor with any old materials!

  14. "need to speak to Tamsin" - errmmm, that sounds ominous

    *runs away and hides*

    Nothing unpainted? Seriously? That can't actually be true or you'll be living disproof of the old adage that wargamers die when they paint the last figure in their lead-pile :)

  15. I think you need to watch the walking dead from the very start that should nearly fill your shift up

  16. Ian from War and Peace Games reckons if you don't have at least 10 percent of your body weight in unpainted lead then you just aren't trying... Glad Harald arrived safely - hope you managed to prise him off the lid ok. The postage wasn't the thing that got me - it was treking up to the post office at lunchtime having left your address on my desk, then having to sprint back to work to get it and back to the PO again before they would let me seal the feckin box.

  17. Yupp!! I'd thought this could never happen in reality. Please check under any bed, or into any box, or open any closet. I bet you'll eventually find something unpainted... it's mathematically impossible that a wargamer hasn't anything left unpainted. Well, anyway there sure will be some neighbour who needs help painting its fence....

  18. Congratulations to the Harald Hardrada win !

    Will you paint the rest of the SAGA warband to?

    Best regards Michael

  19. So close to the empty boxes now... but never close enough!

  20. I think you missed me really!!!! You've had no-one to argue properly with! btw that Harold figure IS mine you dirtbag!!!

  21. Nothing to paint... No, nay, never happend to me (until now) and I hope it stays that way. Your tanks looking great.


  22. No it hasn't happened to me yet, but if it does I have a cyanide capsule that I'm prepared to bite down on.

    While you're looking at porn there should be one "little man" handy for you to paint. I'd go Napoleonic with him as the colors are so pretty!

  23. Replies
    1. For Christ's sakes man, I didn't say you'd be painting a 15mm figure (that would be Ray). You could do a post and title it "10 inch Napoleonic Figure" You could even have the SWMBO do the basing!!

      I'm going to hell for making dick jokes on a Sunday-pray for me!

  24. I very much agree with clint.

  25. well you can always go back to the nude things, it's good for the general health :)

  26. Being bored for more then an hour or two can be a pain, maybe you should paint your toes..LOL

  27. Aw.. I can relate actually. Get something soon! :/

  28. Oh dear Lord, you are in a bad place! I'm just looking at how far behind I am on my targets for the year and thinking how lucky you are... but then again!

  29. Hope you get some minis soon -- an idle painting table is the devil's workshop.

  30. I'm the opposite, loads of unpainted stuff and no time to finish anything...grrr

  31. A General without a paint-purpose is like a hungry lion with out a lame zebra.

  32. I only ever managed to paint half a dozen figures in my whole war-gaming career. It always astounds me how quickly you guys churn out amazing figures.

  33. I'm just trying to enjoy the last few days of my summer break. :(

  34. This is obviously a joke post, a wargamer without a lead mountain - I don't think so, as there's no such creature.

  35. I'm quite appalled, Angry. I can't believe you don't have backup hobby reserves. If I dropped dead today my lady wife would be able to finance a nice long trip to France to look for a new husband from all the crap I have in storage.

    (Hmm, must not give her any ideas...)

  36. If I live 300 years I don't think I'll run out of minis to paint.. not sure that's a good thing. Quite annoying when a store doesn't ship out in a timely manner- I had a problem like that recently with one of the 'big' web-based game stores- beyond frustrating how poor their service and communication is, so I can sort of relate.

  37. I have zero to paint I make little cardboard houses...for now

  38. I cant remember when I last had nothing to paint..., possibly when I was a teenager and hadnt quite got into this hobby 'properly'... even in past times when I had gone off gaming, there would always be something lurking in a cupboard somewhere half done from years ago... ;-)

    Very nice brit tanks too, and the Aussie sign is a classic :-)

  39. The thought of actually not having anything available to paint is inconceivable. I'm not sure its even possible in my case, there are literally boxes of miniatures tucked around the house. I'm sure I could paint a mini a day and not finish everything that I have.

  40. I have yet to run out, but I can see how you got there is quite believe at the rate you paint!
    I predict eBay surfing solves your issue.

  41. Wow, that's incredible. I have a few thousand to spare, although we don't seem to have much in common as far as scale and historical period are concerned. Can I send you some 15mm ACW or 28mm Samurai?

  42. Next time you gotta paint background stuff for a moderday setting you should paint a road sign like that!!

  43. T'aint natural Fran. It just t'aint natural!

  44. That's never going to happen to me....I simply can't paint that quickly! :)

  45. WW2 tanks, what's new for WW3 tanks

  46. I don't have time to be bored. I have way too many projects going on... but if I didn't, yep, there'd be lots of nudie sites. No wait, there's plenty of that anyway...

  47. For fucks sake man, when are you going to post again!!
