
Thursday 11 October 2012

Early War 10mm WW1 Game and Pictures.

Last Sunday some of the Rejects gathered for a quiet game (no Ray!) of early war WW1 action (Mons I believe) featuring a German breakthrough and the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) defence of the area, the game was hosted by John with Lee and myself playing the British, Richard and Postie (good umpire, terrible figure mover) played the Germans, Lee was on the right flank and I the left (Lee covered his part of the battle on his blog).

The rules were John's own, I believe the figures are mostly Pendraken and most of the scenery is scratch built, it was a fast, good game but ended in a draw...I believe we were robbed!

Poor old Ray was much maligned during the game and none of it from me either......excellent!

Initial map and deployment.

I liked the regiment tags.......

The columns racing to the bridges and river crossings......

This is our artillery observer and scratch built!

Scratch built houses and gardens.......

The genial host John, seemingly my blog sometimes make John swear!!!!

2 of the three crossings, yet again scratch built!

This didn't go well for my cavalry to begin with.....

The Germans had a lot of cavalry and artillery and it was a bit rampant but ultimately foolish....

The fighting at the bridge, each stand represented about 200 figures and could take 4 hits before being destroyed.....

The British had better shooting but were heavily outnumbered as was the case at the time....13 on a D20 to the Germans usual 16 on a D20.

My cavalry still surviving but now dismounted and skirting the woods....

My observer observing the stalemate at the bridge, the Germans were in trouble with the losses inflicted but the game was called and a draw offered up which we agreed to in the spirit of wargaming! 

One of my units that was based outside my home town of Dublin and founded in 1881 and disbanded in 1922.

A draw is a win in my book!


  1. Shame I missed the game, I will make it to one of John's one day. Nice work on the planes John!!

  2. I like all this scratchbuilt terrain and for 10mm figures that's really impressive. You finally got to be free of that git Ray for a game!! The icing on the cake of your leave Fran.

  3. Love the look of the game and the figures. Sounds like everyone had a great time.

  4. Nice to see a ww1 game not focused on the trenches.

  5. Looks like you had a lot of fun!

  6. A very nice WW1 table, with a beautiful plane!

  7. An excellent looking game, with a lot of nice scratch built models. I really like the observer plane and the river crossings!

  8. Great report and good table there. Good to see the Dublin Fusiliers out and going at them Bosch

  9. Well the scenery and troops look good. It's a shame it was just a draw though. You need to kill more Germans next time!

  10. Nice AAR Fran, and great scratchbuilding by John :)

  11. Nice post and some great looking terrain Fran.

  12. Scratch built - does that mean thrown together really fast? Not bad then!

  13. Any result in football that gives you points is a win in my book. A draw gives 1 point, so it's a win! At least, that's the argument I used to console myself during my 15 game-streak without an actual win.

  14. I always love to see figures of horses!

  15. That is really well built terrian, looks like a fun time was had, swearing and all haha

  16. I just want to know, who rolled the one?

  17. So what affect did the aerial observer actually have? Its not like there were radios in those planes.

  18. Looks like a great, grand scale game. Best, Dean

  19. Looks like a fun time, my General. 10mm is soooo small for my eyes to see, yet up close the painting is fabulous. I looked for the bi-plane's pilot, but I guess he has bent over andwas trying to find his cigar! BTW: the plane is a really great home-built job!!

  20. In my opinion, there just isn't enough attention paid to WW1. Good stuff!

  21. Fantastic! My origins as a wargamer can be traced to 15 mm WWI, and though I have done next to nothing with it in years, it always holds a soft spot with me, and I love seeing games like this. Glad you all had a great time.

  22. i really like the airplanes
